Checkout My: E-cigarette Signature Banner Generator

I wanted to do something for the community and created a very simple signature banner creator that details days (months, years) since you've stopped smoking, alongside some other details, such as savings in dollars as well as number of cigarettes you've avoided. Website also calculates some other details which may interest you

If you want to create your own forum banner, visit my site: E-Liquid Nicotine Consumption/Absorption Calculator

If you want to see an example of the banner it generates, look down below at my signature.
It's not perfect, but I think for many of us it may serve as a nice reminder that aside from saving money, we've decided to quit smoking and do something for our health.  

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E-liquid Nicotine Calculator For Android

Hey folks, I've recently created a website E-Liquid Nicotine Consumption/Absorption Calculator to calculate equivalent of how many analog 'regular' cigarettes (in terms of nicotine) we're inhaling when vaping on e-juice.

I've got some really nice feedback from you, so I've decided to give it a shot and also create a mobile version of the website. For now, it's only available for Android.

Android app is called 'E-Liquid Nicotine Calculator' and it calculates above details, as well as it allows you to estimates monthly savings of switching from regular analog cigarettes to vaping.

Please let me know what you think or how I can make it better.

You can download it from Google Play:
E-Liquid Nicotine Calculator - Android Apps on Google Play
(as long as you have an Android device it should work)

Some Screenshots:

My Wife And I Sittin' Around...

and talking about not smoking. She pointed out that the 25th of this month I will have been smoke free for 6 months. This equates to 5,610 smokes not smoked Pretty proud of that.

On a different note, can any one tell me how to add a counting banner at the bottom of my posts? Thinking I should have one too!!  

Hello Again...

I thought I'd drop in and say hi. I joined about 9 years ago, quit smoking around 6-7 years ago (?), and eventually just fell out of touch.

I'm still vaping, and I'm glad to see it's getting easier all the time. I don't really have a favorite of anything other than tanks (Nautilus). I just mix a single flavor I found (Heisenberg) and base, and buy a cheap replacement mod whenever I lose one. Life is simple and good.

I've spent like $100 dollars this year, so I'm still ahead in terms of money.

For the old folks: For context, I was active here back when Provaris were a really hot item.

So anyways, for those struggling to stay off the cigs, keep at it. It gets better! I don't miss it (although I do like the smell as long as it's outside).


PS. Pandemic sucks. If there are any fans of text games, check out the link in my signature.  

2015 Big Ecf Survey - Taken It?

This year's survey is up! I took it the day I got their email about it, have you taken it yet? Link is in the yellow banner up top or They have prizes, don't be shy.  

Vapordna Feedback

@vaper1960 I read your post about the above vendor and wanted to reply. I haven't had issues with promos, sales, discounts on their site and I have received a prompt refund for a DOA mod they sent me. However, I take issue with their shipping fee price hike due to carrier signature fees in certain states. They explain that the carrier charges a fee for signature and they have included that fee in the shipping cost. My small and lightweight order cost me $12.99 where it would usually be around $6.99.

I emailed them explaining that I receive many age-related products in the mail and not once has the carrier required my signature. The BlueCheck which is state/federal compliant takes care of that during the check out process. They apologized for the inconvenience.

I don't know when I'll receive my package but I'll be sure to report back if I'm required to sign for it. Somehow I highly doubt it. If anyone else has had to submit their signature to receive their vape related products from a US vendor I sure would like to know. Thank you.  

I Really Want To Quit Smoking, Been Vaping Since 2014

i quit smoking for about 3 months back in the carto tank days.

then they stopped making cartomizers. then all my juice vendors went out.

I've been struggling to find a replacement since. I've easily spent too much money on vaping. I"m getting tired of trying.

are these new pods similar to carto tanks?
I'm so lost.

I have lost interest in the clouds. I just want to stop my 30 year long smoking addiction. I miss my carto tanks. they worked for me. I'm frustrated. I'm tired. I'm lost.  

Help Looking For The Right E-cig

Because of some changes to my income and the snap program in my state, i have decided it's finally time to stop smoking, or at least stop cigarettes. I have an EVOD with a nice glass tank (aspire,) my issue is that i have nasal polyps and they stop my sense of smell. So i have never been able taste the liquid, no matter what mixture i use. Because of that i have always preferred the cigarettes. I like the e cig and all but if given the choice, because of the lack of flavor i would always grab a cigarette before the ecig.

So now i cant afford to keep smoking so i have trying to figure out why i prefer them so much, and one of the biggest ones as far as i can tell is the weight. With a cigarette you can hold it between your fingers and still use your hands, With the e-cig, it's heavy i have to puff and put it down before i can really do anything.

Now because of my taste issues and experimenting, i have 10 bottles of liquid just sitting here that i have pretty much never opened. If i could finish off that stuff it would save me about 120 dollars a month. For me (and i assume a lot of other people) That's a hell of a lot of money.

So what i am trying to figure out is, is there a really light weight e cig out there? Maybe a style that mimics the Blue or other cartridge e-cigs but still allows for refilling? Almost all of my liquid has citrus in it so it would need be glass but it seems like that would still be better then what i have now.

Also cost is an issue. It would have be on the cheaper side of things if possible.


9 Days Down, Forever To Go (& Bf Steals My Vape)

I've tried to quit smoking using vape stuff many times over the last two years or so. I've made it two weeks twice and otherwise have not made it long enough to remember. I had a dream last night that I was vaping. When I woke up I got excited about that (that I wasn't smoking in the dream). I went back to bed and woke up this morning in the middle of a dream that I was smoking. Ahk!

I know that I cannot ever have another puff if I want this to work. There is a thread about how gross smoking tastes after vaping. It's true that for me, smoking is sort of gross and leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, but clearly I like it no matter how disgusting it is.

Around February, my boyfriend said he wanted to quit smoking in the spring. We quit on the same day (last Monday). He uses nicotine gum and I have my vaping. He enjoys taking a puff off my equipment. But a "puff" has turned into about as much as I use it. Last Saturday he said he only had one piece of nicotine gum because he vaped most of the time. I'm trying not to be annoyed, but it kind of irritates me a little. Mostly because I chain-vape and don't want him to take it from me. A few days ago, I noticed he kept adjusting the voltage and handing it back to me without changing it back to where I had it! I made sure he stopped doing that.

Last night he asked me what stuff I buy (the battery, clearomizers and liquid- sorry, I don't know the correct terminology for everything). He was reading up on vaping. I am hoping he's considering buying his own stuff.

I'm thrilled that he quit smoking and want to be supportive of him regardless of how he does it but I sort of want to say, "get your own!"  

Whoaaaaaaaaaa Some Stuff Changed Around Here!

It's been a while!

I left for a while,,,,,,,I think it's been a year or more,,,,,,I took a break because,,,

1) I thought it was getting too political around here (my opinion) and I wanted a break from it.

2) I got a job (which I LOVE) and it takes a lot of my time,,,,,,,

3) I stopped vaping. Yep, me,,,,,,,,who vaped 20 ml a day at one point,,,,Nope, I didn't go back to smoking,,,,,I didn't plan it,,,,it just,,,,,happened. Mostly due to the job, I think,,,,,,I just vaped less and less and less until I wasn't vaping at all,,,,,,,,

then WHAMMO,,,,,,,,the urge for cigarettes hit,,,,,like 9 months after I stopped vaping and almost 3 years after quitting smoking, and it hit like a ton of bricks. It kind of surprised me to be honest. Well, there was no freaking WAY after THREE YEARS that I was going to start smoking (I did that THREE TIMES in the past and it was ALWAYS a disaster),,,,,,so I picked up my provari, charged those batteries, made myself some No Nic juicy peach, and started vaping again.

Thank GOD for my e-cig, because there is NO DOUBT in my mind I'd be smoking again if I hadn't kept it.

Some thoughts,,,,,,,,

1) whoaaaaaaaaaa what the heck happened to this forum???

2) Provari has a VERSION 3??????????

3) Where the heck do I reset my password????????? I forgot mine, I had to have it reset, and I'd like to change it to something I'll remember.

4) It's nice to see everyone  

May 18 2021 Was 10 Years Without A Cig

I keep posting the same old thing, every year. Adjust to suit!

It has been 10 years recently, since my last cigarette. I haven't been posting in recent months/years, I have been keeping up on the treadmill of life. For the last couple of years, I have been pasting this exact same thing on my anniversary. I think it still works.

Thanks to ECF for being here, to the mods for keeping it sane, CASAA for working so that we can have a future, and all of you for helping each other and yourselves!

Like most of you, I spent too large a percentage of my life killing myself slowly, and eventually spending a lot of money to do so. In my particular case, I still loved smoking, but grew disgruntled over the health realities, Big Tobacco, and the taxation of cigs. I have quit many times, in many ways, but never for more than a few months. During those few months, I was never pleasant to be around.

It's easy to make excuses to keep smoking, I made them all.

I am *not* an expert, and nobody asked me, but since I am waxing eloquent I will make suggestions about how it worked for me. YMMV

1. To quit smoking, you really only need two things. A device that works for you (charging, form factor, blahblah) and juice that you like. Three things. The desire to quit.

2. Don't feel obligated to stop smoking immediately. I was an accidental quitter. Initially I wanted to smoke some and vape some. I could save some money, and not have to stand outside in the rain. It's OK to smoke while you are learning what works for you. You can do that for the rest of your life, if you want to.

2b. Keep an idea of where you are on supplies. You need backups of everything (home, work, car). After I decided to actually quit smoking, two weeks in I had two battery deaths in two days. I only had two batteries. After 12 hours of crazy, I had to smoke.

3. Learn your device well, before you start collecting more and more! It can be convenient to wind up with a couple of different styles that work for different life situations. If you buy one every week, you will spend a lot of money and could still be deep down unhappy that "it's not working like I thought it would". Many of us as smokers can be a wee bit OCD anyway. Don't let collecting get in the way of Not Smoking (tm)

4. Don't buy a gallon of the first juice that you like. It will take a month or more before your damaged sense of taste/smell start regenerating. What you loved initially you may hate in a month. Buy lots of small samplers, to discover what you like.

5. Yes, you will save money, lots of it. See #3 and #4 above.

6. At the end of the day, all these devices are just batteries and heaters. How long they last, charging, the form factor, the ability to adjust them during use are all just variations on a theme. Some of the cig-a-likes have a lifetime of 30 charge cycles. Some larger ones can be charged 500 times. Find the balance that works for you. What *does* matter, is the actual vaping end of it. Explore attys, cartos, tanks, RBA. Try them all, this is what determines the taste and vapor production.

7. Support your local vape shop. I know you can get this stuff from China for cheap. Your local brick and mortar shop is spending a lot of money for rent and employees, and the ability to sample juice is not possible on AliBaba. They are also providing a valuable service in being a first exposure to vaping for many. Go in and hang out. If nothing else, buy some drip tips, juice, attys or doo-dads. Check out the new PVs.

8. With few exceptions, the kiosk at the mall is not a good deal, nor a good idea. Free trials online or from radio ads are always a ripoff. You will spend a lot more on much inferior equipment and then have a hard time getting it off of your credit card.

9. Don't be arrogant about vaping in public. They don't know that you are not smoking from 10 feet away. My area has illegalized vaping. With low VG juice, I can discreetly vape after a meal. It beats standing outside in the rain.

10. Don't get in flamewars on ECF about your favorite device. Yes, there are idiots here, don't be one. If it works for you, that is the best one for you.

11. Once you get comfortable with vaping, consider DIY. Juice is what costs the most in the long run. Start small, measure with precision, keep detailed notes, be safe. You know what you like better than any description on a web page.

12. Join CASAA, and do things.

13. ECF is great for support. Don't be afraid to bare your soul to kindred spirits here in a hard time, you can find a lot of strength.

#14 for 2017. Consider a banner. I forgot about mine here. For several years, I kept one going on my phone. It was a good motivator for me. I would await milestones. When I had a hard time quitting, my banner helped me. "Only two more days until <whatever exciting increment is coming up>".

#15 for 2017. Reward yourself with the money you save. I am not wealthy, but after a few months of not smoking, I realized I was not as broke before payday. Buy something fun. Take your significant other out. Buy those tires you have been needing. If you are not inclined to buy 'things', invest in something risky. Or in something conservative.

#16 for 2019. Now? I find myself mixing juice with zero flavor, a few mg/ml of nic. It's mostly ritual now. But I like it!

#17 for 2021. I missed posting last year, Covid-Crazy. My devices have all died. My beat-to-sheeit Vaporshark 40 has finally quit functioning completely a few weeks after my 10th anniversary. It has been disassembled *many* times, cleaned the switches/contact points with rubbing alcohol, that always brought it back. I never got into the high-wattage 'cloud machine' aspect. The Vaporshark/DNA/Evolv devices run at about 12-20 watts was fine. I'm 66, just retired, don't think I will replace the vaping devices. I find I miss vaping, I don't miss smoking. Attached is the old 'About' screen of my Vaporshark. It lights up, but the + button for wattage had died (and I've re-soldered the connections). At least it was 'Genuine' and not a fake..