Who Wants A Kangertech Dripper?

All right guys... seems the subtanks are pretty popular and Kanger has been listening to quite a few suggestions people have made regarding modifications to their tanks and mods. Does anyone see a dripper in kanger's future? I'd buy one. I'd probably buy three if it came in black (hint, hint).  

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Kanger Subox?

Kanger SUBOX Mini White Starter kit Pre-order now, Please do not mix t – KangerTech

This black and white one is so sweet I GOTTA get one... you guys see this?

Im gonna need Kanger to stop stepping up thier game like this I wasnt ready...if this turns out to actually be as great a mod as it seems from the specs this is gonna be as big as the Subtank.

Only thing I donty know about is that black and white looks like paint on the subtank, I dunno if that'll stay on for long. It might look bad quick.  

Thinking Of Grabbing An Atlantis (v1) On Fri.

So after a little over 2 months of sub-ohming with Kanger exclusively (mini and nano), I think I'm gonna get a first version Aspire on Friday. Not because I'm tired of Kanger, quite the opposite actually I'm really satisfied. But, I don't wanna get into the real high wattage cloud contests necessarily, I want to keep good flavor and it seems like the 2 biggest tanks in the sub ohm market are the Kanger subtanks and the Aspire Atlantis. So I found one used for 20 bucks, I figured I'd give it a try. What kind of differences between it and the Kangers should I expect? I know some people think they have better flavor. They use different ohm level coils as well right? What kind of wattage do you run one at?  

Name Of Dripper

I was given this dripper top from my friend and have been searching the internet for the exact name of it but i can seem to find it anywhere, all I know is it's a trident.
Can anyone help me?

Will A Kanger Evod Tank Last Forever?

I've been using disposable clearomizers since I started vaping, with an 808 kit, and that's been working fine for me, but I came across a super cheap deal recently for a Kanger Evod starter kit, so I bought one. I paid about $14, so it was a no brainer.

The tanks have these disposable coils, but the tanks seem like that they can be re-used forever, as long as they don't crack or fall on the ground and break, is that correct?

I saw that they sell a glass tank for it also, so I think that I'm going to pick one of those up, and I'll be able to vape on any juice that I please, without the fear of the tank cracking, and I'm assuming that that tank will last for a very long time.

So far I'm pretty happy with the Kanger Evod, and I like the vape from it.  

Joytech Ego One To Kanger Sub Box Mini Worth It?..

Hello all!
My question is this. I have upgraded every step of the way. Started with a cigalike, moved to a kanger evod, to a vision spinner 2 with dual coils, and now I am at the joy tech ego one.
I really love the ego one and thought that would be it for me. Done.( Lol.
I have said this for each one of the above steps.)
I see so many people with box mods now. I don't mean to be offensive but, I simply am not crazy about the way they look. I have been certain… That I will not move up to that. Especially with size being such a big issue for me.
But ..
I see this new Kanger sub box mini as it looks really neat. I love the look, but even more.. the size.
So going from My ego one… to a box mod. ..
Yes.. I am aware that I will be able to do variable voltage. Different tank, etc.
I don't sub ohm. Don't like it. Tried the .5 coil on the Joytech and its not for me.
So would I really get a much better experience with my favorite juices with the kanger sub box mini than from my Joytech ego one?..
Many thx  

Curious About Box Mods

Just got back from my local vape shop, i still ask questions 6 months into vaping. Not too mention they have various gear you can try out. So was curious what various box mods vape like compared to my Vamo 5 Nautilus/ Alantis sub ohm CF sub setups. Also got a ZNA 50 watt APV mod which i don't use much as it does drain the batteries really fast. I tend to use the ZNA 50 when my CF is on charge. I been vaping a lot on my Nautilus Vamo 5 set up a lot recently due to it being a lot kinder on my juice. Sub ohm vaping does love drinking juice like anything.

So my visit to the vape shop as made me curious about box mods in general as there some nice small compact ones out there. Was looking at box mods that can go up to 80 watts.

If and when i take the plunge as i'm just rolling it around in my mind at the moment. I'm not keen on the dripper's tanks so i would most be thinking about a box mod that i could attach a sub ohm tank on and one you could charge on it's own.

Any recommendations anyone ?

PS i love the new look of the forums! a major improvement.  

Personal Progress And Ramblings Pt.2

Continued from he
Personal progress and ramblings

First off, I have no complaints. Happy as ever

I'm using the dripper at 2mg 95% of the time. There is 4-5ml consumption daily. One 18650 charge lasts nearly the entire day. Unfortunately I'm not able to go any lower on the nic or I get REALLY pissy at work. 1mg = pissy and 2mg = potentially rational. Weird, isn't it?

All I can do at the moment is vouch for what I'm vaping and possibly it will help someone.

The blue box is a diy dna40 with a fatdaddy connector . The dripper is a Veritas with a dual series coil (28g/2mm/14 wraps total) and Japanese cotton. Runs at 23W/400deg.
The black box is a lipo vaporshark version with a dna40 and fatdaddy connector installed. No problems but I would not suggest this particular route for anything but a backup. Runs at 7.7W/420deg. The kayfun has (32g/2.5mm/6 wraps)

All of the juices are DIY. I put in a blog entry with how I'm doing this.

All of it has worked flawlessly in the recent months. This is what I'm really happy about.....I've actually left the wick in the dripper for six weeks. I never thought things would be this easy. All it needs is fresh charges and juice otherwise. After six weeks the cotton gets thin inside the coils and the coils themselves get buildup. I probably could have let it go for another two weeks just fine. Hard to beat the veritas for a carry dripper. Sure, there is some occasional "sweating" but no wet spots on the pocket.

The goal still remains...how to get to 0mg without loosing my job?  

How Often Should I Clean Kanger Coils + Hamburgers?

So how often should I clean my kanger coils? A simple question, but googling it has brought me close to nothing... what are your guys's suggestions (Using the good ol' t3s) Also, I lied about the hamburgers....  

Just Bought Kanger Subtank Nano

Is it normal when u go for a puff the vape is warm? My other cheaper tanks didn't do that....I am vaping banana and it feels warm with the Kanger.  

What Do You Use?

What do you guys use for testing new flavors? I've always used Borg cartos but I have a hard time finding them now for some reason. The two devices I use most are the Kanger sub/ohm and the Kanger ProTank 2. Thanks!