Could The Way You Wick Change Flavor?

I just re wicked my coils and now the flavor seems muted. I used more cotton this time but not sure if it's that or the cotton itself. I usually dry burn and re wick about 2 to 3 times before replacing the coils and this would be the first time I've re wicked these coils. I use Japanese cotton I ordered from fasttech. Has anyone had issues with their cotton? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.  

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Tips On Wicking / Re-wicking

It's about that time that I have started to re-wick the OCC coils in the subtank. Looking for some performance tips. I'm currently using Muji japanese cotton which is working well and this is what I have noticed...

too little cotton, the atom will leak and burn easily
too much cotton; no issues burning at all but the flavor is muted.

I've re-wicked 5-6 times this week to experiment. With the Muji sheets, I cut about 5-6mm strip, remove 1/2 the thickness, then after threading through the coil, I will cut about 4mm from the end and stuff it back in the OCC head.

What are your tips and preferred materials?  

Bug Bits Abound ( In The Cotton )

ok ... so there was a thread that showed insect droppings in some cotton someone got with a RBA ... but I can't seem to find it.

So I thought I'd have a look at the cotton sample in my Kanger Subtank Mini & .. sure enough ... bug bits & little black "dots" (bug poop I assume). Okay ... fine ... I've not used it & will not use it. I have enough cotton (bacon) to keep me going for years, and I'm happily puffing away on the .50ohm OCC premade coil supplied by ........

........and then it dawned on me that it was supplied by the same folks that put a wad of bug-gunk-ridden cotton in the box with my ST mini ... Kanger.

So ... the question is if anyone has taken apart the OCC coils & found little black specks in the cotton, or other foreign "pieces" ?? I'm wondering if the cotton Kanger uses for the OCC coils is the same cotton they give you in the box to wick the RBA deck with.  

Cotton Wicks Making Me Sick?

I have been using an evod for two years now. Yeah, I know, minor leagues, but it gets the job done just fine for me.

For the first 18 months I was constantly buying new coils. I work from home so I can basically vape all I want and I vape A LOT. I use Swagger as my ADV and it will destroy a coil in just a couple days. It was becoming difficult to even find coils to buy and it was getting expensive, so I did some research on rebuilding my own coils. At first I tried to build them with silica wick, but I could never get them to work right. Using 1mm silica wick wrapping around a stick pin the wraps would always be too big and there was lots of leak/gurgling. So I went the cotton route and would wrap around a 1/32 drill bit and then slide the cotton through the coil. Works great, perfect ohms, great flavor. I've been doing this for the past six months. In the first 18 months of vaping I never got sick once. Since I've been using the cotton wicks I've been SEVERELY sick twice (probably a respiratory infection but never went to the Doc), and now I feel like I'm getting sick AGAIN.

I've noticed that I can see little flecks of what looks like cotton building up on the mouthpiece, and I'm assuming, going into my lungs. I think this is what is making me sick--the buildup over time. Anyone else had issues with this? I think I may have reached the end of my rope with vaping and now maybe I'll do what my original intention was (quitting altogether after vaping for a short period of time).

Anyone have any tips on rebuilding coils with silica? I've watched a million Youtube videos and replicate the process perfectly, but the wraps end up being twice the size they should be and I've been unable to slide silica wicks into the coil like I do with cotton because even at 1mm it's too big to fit through the hole. Thanks for any help.  

Changing Coil Vs. Changing Cotton

I can't find the post, but someone recently posted a helpful YouTube video on how to change cotton in a Kanger Subtank coil. I had no idea it was so easy, and I'm going to try it on my old coils. I've saved the video for future reference. My question is: how do you know when you need to change the cotton vs. when you need to change the entire coil? I don't think I'm up to doing my own coils yet. Is changing cotton just a way to prolong their life a little longer, and do you get to a point when you have to redo the whole shebang? Also, does any cotton from a vape store work, or do you need a specific kind depending on what kind of coil you have?  

Old Coils = Bad Taste?

Does old coils have any negative affects?

I typically burn off the gunk on the coils and put it through a good rinse then change my wick every few days. This was especially true when I'm using standard kanthal on the Protank.

I recently switched to a Solomon 3 using claptons. I find that there is very little gunk on the coils, I still burn off what I can before replacing the wick. I usually change the coil every week and one wick in between. On this one however, I'm 2 weeks on on the same coil and had only replace my wick once using the same liquids that I normally use on the Protank.

What I notice is the vape isn't as smooth as if I were to put in a fresh coil. I think I just answered my own question but what do you guys have to say about it?  

Silica Wick?

I'm posting because I just encountered some silica wick on ebay while looking for pre-built coils and different kinds of pre-built wire.
I've only used cotton so far- gonna get some rayon eventually but I think I'll order some from USA, people here in UK buy the rayon in bulk from US and resell it by meter for ridiculous price. And whatever material Smok supplies with their RBA heads for TFV12 tank (I must say this material was pretty good, used it both in smok tfv12 rta and berserker mini rta, wicked well, tasted fine and lasted slightly longer than my normal muji cotton. It's gone now so I can't post a picture.).

Anyway- I tried to research here about silica wick but the latest posts were from 2013. Same on youtube- bunch of old videos. Found a thread with a few posts on reddit from like 3 years ago with some folks saying they still use silica wick, claiming the taste is cleaner, you can't physically burn it, you can dry burn it, lasts longer etc.
Why is it not popular anymore, why has it disappeared? Is it worth giving a shot? What are the disadvantages, as clearly there were some advantages I found, but there must have been a reason for folks to abandon this material (other than the one mention below)?

Wicking the coil itself is not a big concern for me, I've read about trouble to get it through a coil and I think I know how to deal with it.


Rewicking Kanger Coils

So a juice im using is gunking up coils quick. I hate dry burning (it leaves a bad taste no matter how careful I am) and I've read you can re wick it with 1mm wick.

I heard ekowool is good, will that work? if so, what kind do I get hollow,cotton core or silica core?
And would I have to boil/clean the wick before I use it?


Always A Burnt Taste

Hey all.

So I've been vaping since January. I started out on a kanger ego and an aspire k1. Since then I've gone through aspire cf batteries, and finally made my way to my current set up. An mvp 3.0 or istick50w with my subtank mini.

At first using the stock occ coils with the subtank, I decided to buy some wire and cotton and here I am. Been building my own coils using the RBA section and loving it. I wick it properly and never get a dry hit, going anywhere from 18-25 watts, which is my preferred settings.

Now, it's only my preferred settings because I can't seem to go any higher. On either device. I get dry hits like crazy despite pancake wicking which I've specifically done to prevent said dry hits. I always have heard that it can possibly taste better the hotter it gets. And I don't mind a hot vape. But it won't let me try!

I'm well saturated, well wicked, and my juice can be anywhere form 50/50 to 70/30pg. I can do quick pulls on fully open, and slower toots on the middle setting on the subtank. I just can't go any higher than 25watts and I don't know why!

And that's not for just the coils I built. It's for the stock occ .5 ohm coil as well. And like I said all my cotton is beyond well saturated. Any help?  

How To Get Better Flavor Out Of My Rda?

I just picked up a Dark Horse Clone by Tobeco yesterday. I washed all the machine oil out, set it all up using kanthal and organic cotton, and it vapes great. The only problem is I literally get zero flavor AT ALL using it. Could it be that I am using to little cotton? I used to put a crap ton into my IGO-W (drilled airholes for more airflow). The same juices that used to taste so wonderful taste like nothing at all.

I am using dual 7-wrap micro coils with 26g Kanthal reading at 0.41ohms. Just wondering if there is anything I can do to get more flavor out of this bad boy. I have experimented with using different airflow amounts all to no avail. Any feedback is much appreciated!


Subtank Sizzle....

I just got some japanese cotton pads and I have been building my rba section in subtank for a little while with organic cotton balls and have noticed that after I take a puff off of it I get this sizzling after I let go of the button I've read it could be to much cotton but I tried a very little amount of cotton and still get sizzling.. I'm using twisted 30 awg. Reading at .4 any idea?