Any Vapors With Ulcerative Colitis In This Group?

Hey all, I am a UC sufferer with a jpouch, previous smoker and was just curious if anyone else in this group has UC and if vaping has caused them any side effects or positive effects?  

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Who Is Our Longest Term Vaper? Relates To Long Term Effects

I am very curious. There is a LOT of talk about not knowing the long term effects of vaping. It has only really been around for a little more than 10 years.

Who here has been vaping the longest? I have been vaping for about 8 years. I have seen no bad side effects or health problems. It has dramatically improved my breathing, endurance, and just generally feeling much better.

Do we have anyone that is in the 10+ year category? 10+ years won't make the doctors happy but I think that is long enough to start picking away at the "don't know long term effect" garbage.  

Where Are All These Links To Reports On Negative Side Effects That The Low-information Public Is Talking About Tonight?

I'm looking at all the news reports just running and jumping with joy about the study that came out about teen vaping use today. I believe this was a catalyst that is going to get the general, non-informed "I'll do whatever you say and where do I check the voting ballot again??" public, right behind strict regulations and/or banning. My, how powerful manipulation is with what was once the minority, but what I'm afraid is now the majority in this country.

What is getting me is that almost ALL the commenters are stating that these are bad, very very bad and just look at "all the reports that are coming out about negative side effects." Where are they seeing reports about scientific study results regarding negative side effects and a link to cancer? Or is this just another case of "those people" that want to tell us all how to live imagining all these studies (one even quoted they cause cancer according to recent studies) in their little pea-sized non-independent thinking brains? I am just amazed at how the mind works with some people. How they can just "want something to be" and so, in their little minds, they have fabricated all these studies showing negative side effects and direct causes to cancer. Really?

I'm sorry if I sound ticked off. I'm just so sick and tired of watching a vast majority of Americans lose their ability to think for themselves and that are so content to be LAZY and just believe whatever it is they hear from the media. You know, you just can't fight stupid.  

The Scarlet V

With all the bad press regarding vaping i've found myself really self-conscience about vaping in public lately. been vaping for 6 years solid and i haven't felt like this since i was a smoker. where once i was enjoying the freedom of blowing billowing blue-white clouds while waltzing down the avenue, now i feel like i'm the harlot in the midnight choir wearing a scarlet letter.

to top it off is my frustration of the talking heads in the media not telling the full truth about those who are falling ill or dying from vaping due to vaping things other than just nicotine. it seems easier for them to just lump everyone in a general vaping category without specifying the underlying cause.

i get that parents have been in a tizzy over their kids treating vaping like it's candy time at the O.K. Corral, but deal with that issue specifically. it's socially irresponsible to go after all vapors, many of whom might be tempted to pick up smoking again because, at least right now, it seems like it might become a more socially acceptable stigma than vaping ... imagine that ... despite the fact that smoking is many times more dangerous. of course there's always good 'ol Chantix ... if you don't mind the possible psychopathic side-effects.

anyway i don't know what the point of this is. i'm just frustrated and needed to vent.  

Feeling Lazy And Buzzed


So I have been trying to switch to vaping and have had bad luck with side effects. Ear pains, chest pains and other. I tried a bunch of different juices and they all give me side effects. Until now it's been 3 days I have been off cigarettes and using Stigs I bought at a gas station. Kills the craving for a e ci . I love the taste.

First 2 days I had a bad case of acid reflex and heart burn , but when I switched from mango to mint it went away.

I'm feeling great, I feel my lunge are already better, but for some reason I feel lazy as f***...I feel buzzed, like I took narcotics. Is this normal ? Will it go away?

I try to drink a lot of water and juices and they help a bit.
I'm not in physical pain or anything, just I feel weird and slow. I dont want to stand and I wanna sit all the time.

Any clues ? I'm hoping it will to away. .

When I used free base nicotine and a mod I didnt have this feeling. I actually felt more energized like I took a stimulant. But free base and mods give me ear pains. ..  

Serious Question Here

Ok, let me make this brief as possible. I'm guessing my wife (non smoker or vapor') seems to have developed a sensitivity to my vaping. She seems to have nasal congestion a lot when I'm home. I'm not a cloud chaser, so I don't fill the room and tend to blow my vape away from her.

Has anyone else experienced effects of "Second Hand Vapor"?  

Dollar-a-day Group

We now have a support group for budget-minded vapers. It was created just this morning! Join, and tell us about your economies, why you are budget-minded, and anything else. When the pressure to spend gets too much to bear, we will remind you why three Provaris are two too many.  

How Many Vapers Do You Know?

I started vaping after seeing a hardcore heavy shag smoker 50+ years old (a colleague of mine) successfully made the switch to vaping. After witnessing it for a couple of months and asking him questions about it, i figured to give it a shot.

A while back ago i met with a old friend of mine and was happily surprised that she also started vaping.

So for me, i know 2 people who vape. I have seen 2 other people on the street vaping, but i suspect they were tourists.
This is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

At the moment i'm the only one in my friends group who doesn't walk with a lighter in my pocket. Now it's a battery. To me it feels like i'm at a beginning of something, nobody is doing it and actually claiming that i'm mad..

What about you guys/girls? How normalized is it over there?  

I'm Now Convinced That Vaping Is Weakening My Immune System

I wasn't completely convinced about the safety of e-cigs in the first place, but now I'm pretty sure it's having negative effects on my health.

I'm not in the best physical shape, but health wise I've been pretty resistant to sickness for most of my life. Other than the common cold, or an occasional strep throat (from smoking) in recent years I never get sick. I've rarely seen the doctor, and have never had to take off work due to sickness.

I switched to vaping on June 7th of last year, so it's been about a year. I was able to stay off the stinkies, but to do it I would have to vape at a very high rate. I also found myself more addicted to vaping than I ever was with cigarettes. I mean before I was smoking one every couple of hours, but I didn't smoke at home, so I was only smoking about half a pack a day and closer to a full pack on the weekends. When I switched to e-cigs I was pretty much vaping all day, every day.

Anyways, when I first switched I had the common side effects. I felt like I was getting more acne, and got a canker sore on the inside of my mouth where the vapor used to enter. That went away after a week or two. I posted about it on here originally, and people would just say "oh, it's just your body ridding itself of toxins from smoking."

About 4 months into it, I got my first eye stye. I avoided going to the doctor, and it eventually caused my eye to almost swell shut. It went away after about a week after I was put on antibiotics and drops. A month later, through contamination, I got another stye. Same process and it was gone.

Around that time I also noticed that when I had weekends of heavy vaping out of boredom, I would develop bumps, almost like cold sores on and around my lip area.

So I posted again, and people said oh, you need to clean your drip tips better. So I started doing that pretty much every day. I will admit I think it's gotten a little better, but I do still get acne and occasional bumps around the mouth area.

I actually went to a consultation to get Laser eye surgery done so I wouldn't have to touch my eye as much with contact lenses, but the person refused to do it because of a pimple/cold sore I had from heavy vaping the weekend before. She said I'd have to go on meds for a month, so I said screw it.

About 3 months ago, my cheek started swelling up under my lip and close to my jaw. It started off feeling like a regular pimple, but eventually that side of my face started turning numb. I went to the doctor again, and told me my cheek was infected and put me on antibiotics yet again. After about another week it looked like a regular pimple on my face.

Fast forward to last week and I notice I've got what looks like a pimple on my gums, a little bit under my teeth. It was yellow just like a pimple on your face, but on my lower gum line. I've gargled with mouth wash and gave it time, but it hasn't gone away. At this point, I was pretty tired of going to the urgent care doctor, and just wanted to wait it out, but I can't because......

I developed another stye on my eye last night. That's the 3rd time since November. Going to be my 4th doctor visit since November after not going to one for almost 15 years. The stye isn't huge yet, but I know what one feels like by now and it's definitely swelling up again.

I googled "vaping weakens immune systems" and it looks like studies have actually shown that vaping does actually weaken it. I never had these types of issues when I was a smoker. Articles say that e-cig vapor weakens the body against bacteria, which I feel is causing all these infections all of a sudden.

So yes, I do like breathing better, smelling better, and the vaping is keeping my heart rate elevated, so people constantly have been telling me I'm losing weight even though I don't really exercise that much, but I've come to a vaping crossroads here.

Let this be yet another reason for those vapers that somehow feel entitled to vape inside public places that some of these chemicals are toxic and have side effects. If even 1 person in the world can be affected by second hand vapor, it should be banned from doing inside despite the inconvenience to people.

I'm headed to the doctor yet again today to get some more antibiotics. Don't try to tell me this is a PG/VG allergy again, because allergies don't cause repeated infections to different parts of the body.

Maybe I can keep vaping, but I'm going to have to turn into like a germaphobe or something. I already started trying to wash my hands even more regularly than before. I bought disinfectant wipes for my isticks, remote controls, and keyboard/mouse that I clean from time to time. Dunno if I can do much else.

Thanks for reading. Just wanted to share my experience, and maybe put a stop to these people that are absolutely convinced that vaping is completely safe somehow. I know most of the community isn't ignorant enough to make such statements without long term studies to back it, but I've read some of the threads about people openly vaping in supermarkets, disregarding the health of others, and feeling that they are somehow entitled to do it, that just annoy the crap outta me.

Maybe I'm an isolated case, but there are people like me out there.  

We Vape Consumer Group T Shirt Competition

Hi Vapers,

As some of you know I have started a consumer campaign group called We Vape to spread the word about the importance of vaping in the UK. I am a Vaper and Snus user myself and the aim is to make sure vapers get heard during the upcoming consultation on vaping. It would be great to have your support and i've designed a T Shirt and had them printed. So I am going to give away some to 10 lucky people that sign up to We Vape on the get involved page on the website, which I am not allowed to link to but if you search google for you will find it.

Signing up is really important so I can keep people informed about what is happening and how they can help out by responding to consultations and contacting their MP. It will also give me more impact with the media with more members so I can get our voice heard.

Here is the T shirt:


Going To The Dc Rally?

First is anyone else going to Rally on The 9th November in DC? We are staying at the below hotel Friday and Saturday night, was going to drive but due to work it's easier to fly.

Below from the United Vapers Alliance Website, I have also seen some great rates on the Southwest website for flights and Hotels.

United Vapors Alliance reservation site! Only 25 Rooms have been blocked.

A block of rooms has been reserved for November 8, 2019 – November 10, 2019. This reservation time period ends Monday, end of business day, October 28, 2019.

Booking a reservation from our site is simple. To begin the process, click on “Book a Room” below to receive your group’s preferred rate. Discount parking of $17.50 is available per vehicle per night.

See you at the Hilton Crystal City at Washington Reagan National Airport in November! We hope you enjoy your stay and your group’s event!
$99 a night plus 1/2 off parking ($17.50 per day).