Anyone Try Vaping At A Concert?

So DMB was in raleigh recently and I got tix at the last minute. Didn't really have time to prepare my vape setup, or think about it. So I just filled my ADV setup (kanger subtank and black K-Box) with higher nic juices. Higher nic because this is the first concert I've been to as a Vaper and I tend to want to smoke when I drink. But I digress, I really didn't know what to expect from the staff or the other attendees.
Well, I arrived at the show right as Dave was taking the stage. There were still a good number of people lined up to get in. I hopped in line and pulled everything outta my pockets. Walked up to security afraid I was going to be turned away with the device. Nope. Guy looked at me, all the stuff in my hands and my pockets. "You're good man". I was kinda surprised he didn't look my mod over at all.
I was in and vaping away. People were kinda staring at me but all was good. I did not see one other Vaper for like two hours in. There was a stand with a bunch of scantily clad girls letting people try juice in a conventional ecig. I stood by there and blew clouds for a lil bit. I didn't catch the name of the juice co. But it looked like a BT stand you normally see giving away cigs.
The first and only real mod I saw was this guy standing right outside of the VIP seats tugging on a copper vanilla mod with tugboat rda. Asked him what he was vaping on but it was so loud I couldn't hear a thing. Just cool to see another Vaper!
At one point a cop followed me around but trailed off after a little bit. Probably cuz he didn't smell burned buds. If I were putting that much smoke off from a different type of vaporizer, or an apple, I would smell strongly of the devils lettuce. Instead He would have smelled something Limey citrus. Had the gimlet by trinity vapor lounge and bloodbath by MBV mixed.
I was not hassled in any way during my trip to walnut creek amphitheater here in Raleightown. I was asked for a lighter and a cigarette, each of which I had for backup in case my mod wasn't accepted. And gladly gave them away I tried to explain what I was using instead of a cig. I called it a vaporizer and she looked at me like I was on drugs. Tried to ease her mind by calling it an advanced ecig. She liked that idea better and just shrugged. Never heard of a mod or APV. Kind fascinated by the device but super uninterested in learning what is was.
It is funny the stigma on vaping devices and concerts. Most if the night I felt as though everyone was watching me vape and assuming it was the wacky tobacky
Has anyone had a similar experience at a concert? Was it Worse or were there many vapers?  

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Getting Harassed For Vaping...

just feeling harrased for vaping in public. I have no choice but to vape in public since im basicly staying at a hospital right now in cali with .y husband. He has some health issues and we were flown down here. Anyways Im a very polite vaper or I try to be. I go where no one else is and o done blow it at people. Im not trying to force anything on anyone but people give me dirty looks and say "theres no smoking" say that in ur most annoying voice btw lol. Its funny sometimes people cough cus they dont see its vapor. So its kinda funny people are subconsciously choking on smoke thats not there. Best smelling smoke ive ever smelled! Anyway let me know if any of you have experienced this. Thanks for letting me vent a little.  

Someone Called The Cops Because Of My Obnoxious Clouds

So I thought I'd share this....

Everyday on my lunch break (really a breakfast break since my shift starts at 5am and break around 10am) I enjoy a nice bowl of oatmeal and an apple. After eating I like to go out to my truck to have a vape while checking emails, FB, IG, forums, ect.
I had a particularly proper build running today and was giving the chevy a nice fogging. windows were up because it was a little chilly and after about 5-10 minutes I honestly couldnt see the steering wheel while sitting in the driver seat

I hopped out and went back to work for about an hour or so. While I was taking my morning inventory I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard a stern voice anounce my full name... a police officer to my suprise!
"Do you mind if I have a talk with you outside sir?" he asked.
"Not a problem officer," I replied a bit worried as I thought perhaps someone had hit my car in the parking lot or maybe someone I knew had gotten hurt or in trouble... Not the case however.
"Is that your truck sir?" he questioned, pointing to my truck with what looked to be a cumulonimbus still lingering on the the interior.
"Yes it is"
"You got anything in there?"
Puzzled I replied "Anything as in...?"
He raised his eyebrow and gave me a stern look. "Anything I should know about?"
I understood. "Oh you mean, like...?"
He stopped me. "well sir we had gotten a phone call earlier from a woman saying that someone might have been sitting in there smoking ....."
I loled as I handed him my work setup. (an IPV3 and the Hobo v2.1)
"Its a personal vaporizer sir." I stated still laughing quite uncontrollably.
"And what kind is this? What do you put in here?" still implying that it was drug related and possibly a '.... vaporizer'
"Its a box mod, Its for nicotine." I pulled my juice from my pocket and held it up for him to see.
He was so confused. Baffled really. Just then a second officer walked up looking even more stern.
"you know we have a k9 here. You're sure you dont have anything you;re not supposed to? you weren't smoking any .....?"
"Not at all sir. Like I have just explained and showed you, it's a vaporizer. I use it for nicotine. Haven't smoked a cigarette in a year..."
"Oh like a vape pen!?" exclaimed the second officer.
"Yes like a vape pen..."
They apologized for the mistake and walked away.
And Im just standing there, in 2015, wondering why they know what a ..... vaporizer is but not an actual PV?

Has anyone had any similar experiences with law enforcement and vaping?  

I Am Soooo Excited....that I Just Can't Hide It...

I am enjoying vaping soooooooooooooooo much..

I know most of people here are veterans and won't be Soo excited ofc anymore

But first attempt on vaping was in 2014 and for many reasons didn't go well and I was back to cigs...ew

Anyways... now it's being 4.5 months vaping
I started with a drop in coils atomizer and now I use rebuildable also and make my my own e juice ofc and blah blah.blah....

Vaping is soooooo good.....never going back to cigs eeeeeever....actually cigs seem sooo bad now and I hat a hit to remind me what a nasty thing I was smoking all those years....ew

The benefits of vaping are more that u think and u only realise when u start it...

Besides health benefits...that ok some may say vaping is now sooo risk free but I don't care even if was same bad as cigs...even tho I am sure it's not

My sense of taste and smell is much better now....

I can adjust my nicontine levels and lower it and now I have less cravings...(I was crazy smoker)

My hands or facial hair don't smell and they don't get a yellow colour from cig smoke that I had to pull off my skin to remove ...(I was always with a cig on my hand)

Clothes don't smell and I don't feel bad to hug my niece now

My car don't smell kitchen don't smell cigs...(I used to smoke to kitchen)

My mouth hygiene and gums is better now confirmed by dentist also...already only 4.5months vaping!!!

I sleep better and wake up better no cough or hard breathing...

In my case I used to skip brushing my teeth sometimes cause in my opinion it would ruin my smoking experience but with vaping I tend to want to brush my teeth after every meal if I can cause I enjoy vaping taste more

I still drink coffee but water is a great match with vaping for me cause it reset the flavour in mouth so I drink less coffees and beverages...
with cigs I was always drinking loooot of coffee or some kind of beverage usually unhealthy cause it used to match with horrible taste of burned paper and tobacco lol

If I needed my nicotine I used to roll a cig and then I was smoking it all ofc...even tho I wanted just a few puffs...with vaping I can take my puff aaaanytime I want as much as I want...

The cost is less even tho some may spend a looooooooooot money hhahaha but if u are a casual vaper is cheaper ....but even if was the same or more still worth it....

P.s I know I don't say anything people here don't already know but just happy excited about vaping and sharing it  

It's These Kind Of People That Are Going To Ruin It For All Of Us...

Tonight I took my Mom grocery shopping, and as we were walking down the cereal aisle of Meijer (large chain supermarket in michigan, a little more upscale that walmart) this guy, probably late 20's early 30's comes around the corner with his girlfriend/wife, holding a box mod of some sort in one hand and a bottle of juice in the other, then proceeds to take a huge hit and blow a huge cloud, fogging out part of the aisle for a few seconds. There were a couple other shoppers in the area and I didn't see their reaction, but I was a little disgusted- not at the vapor, which smelled like vanilla or something as we walked through it, but that he didn't even try to hide it. I mentioned to my Mom a few minutes later that "those" kind of people are going to ruin it for everybody. Not an appropriate place for blowing clouds- not that there are any rules against it, but still, have some courtesy for others. Not everyone likes walking through clouds while shopping. I didn't object, however I had left mine at home after taking a few hits, and was fine until we got back- about an hour and a half. If I had gone by myself, I would have vaped in the car, but left it above the sun visor in the locked car while I shopped. No need to take it inside, even though mine isn't capable of producing thick clouds. The whole time we were in the store he carried it around in plain sight, even when he wasn't hitting it. Just an observation. No, there is no secondhand smoke, no horrid smell, and no messy ash, but it looks like smoke. That's all it takes for some people to complain.  

The Invisible Vaping Community

With so many debates about public vaping raging here, I started to wonder how many people around us are stealthy vapers?

People who vape at home and in their cars, but not out in public.
People that vape with a stealthy setup indoors - around the corner, in the rest room.
People that go outside and vape with the smokers.
People that use small devices with less vapor.

It was common to see posts here about people never having seen another vaper out and about only a short time ago. Now that vaping is much more mainstream and available, I wonder how many people around us are stealth vapers, getting their nic fix right under our noses? Thousands of ego and evod setups are being sold every day, yet very rarely do I see another vaper, unless I'm in a vape shop.

My guess is that stealthy vapers make up more than 75% of all vapers. They just go unnoticed. They might be standing right next to you.

The Invisible Majority?  

Funny Cigar & Ecig Story

I haven't had a cigar for a year and a half, but due to not being diligent in watching an auto re-enroll in my favorite cigar club I was still paying 250.00 a year for the club. Since I still had fond memories of the place, and a lot of business acquaintances still there I thought I would stop by and maybe indulge in a nice stick (they have a lovely walk-in humidor there). It had been so long I didn't really know what to expect, except I had a lot of really good times there and was looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and having a really good cigar.

I got there about 5:30 and there was the typical blue haze and the aroma of premium cigars, leather chairs, and premium liquors, just like I remembered. Trouble is, I really didn't appreciate the smell of cigars like I did in years past. In fact, it was a bit nauseous. But a few of the old crew (business associates and friends) were there and it was great to see them again. I took a look inside the humidor to pick out a nice stogie but TBH just wasn't enthused with the smell of the sticks the way I used to be. I decided I really didn't want one and returned to the lounge and pulled out my iStick 50 and Atlantis and sat down with some friends. In the middle of a conversation about local business trends I was interrupted by the hostess and told vaping wasn't allowed there. Seriously?? I paid a lot of money for the privilege of sitting in a nice leather seat and smoking whatever I felt like. I told her that I intended, as a member, to smoke (I didn't use the word vape because I figured that would have confused the poor girl) what I liked in a club I had paid my yearly dues for. So she quickly left and I got back to my friends that had lots of questions about my iStick.

About 10 minutes later the young lady had returned and handed me a check for 250.00 saying the owner had refunded my membership fees and suggested I find a suitable club for vaping. WoW! So ok, I left and set a meet with my friends there at a local restaurant and we had a nice dinner and talked vaping stuff, after which I took them to a local shop so they could buy similar rigs to my vaping rig.

This happened about a month ago and of the 5 friends I met with for dinner and took to the vape shop afterwards, 4 have stopped smoking cigars and now vape only and love it. But none of them got a refund check for their yearly dues to the cigar club like I did. So at this point, I'm feeling like the lucky one.

Strange times to be a vaper I guess... even the smokers hate us.  

Back Again

I have been on and off for a few years, mostly off because hubby says the smell of some of my favorite juices is annoying. Well a short stay of me in the hospital changed his mind and he does not seem to mind the vaping as much out of me.

I feel like I looked down for a second and when I looked back up there is all kind of new stuff out there, the aspire esp, eleaf, etc. I switched from the store bought auto to the ego style battery (I always go passthrough) and had gotten up to Kanger t2 and protank for various types of juice. I am a basic person, I might be interested in getting into some of those higher powered mods later (the vapor production looks insane) but I basically want to just throw the tank on a battery and go. I like replacing the atomizers and am not sure I would want to build my own and such. Of the new stuff that has come out since the protank hit (was it a year or so ago?) what would you recommend to a basic vaper? I noticed ALL the ego batteries were out of stock at gotvapes so that got me thinking maybe the ego style battery may be on its way out. I was browsing some other equipment and I was looking at the Kanger IPOW 2 but like I said, I would rather not fiddle and I do want something that is a passthrough as well.

I do realize there is a lot of variability, and the reason the more customization and adjustable stuff has come out is because everyone has different tastes, but I really would like to hear what everyone thinks for getting back into vaping.  

Non-smokers Starting Vaping - Disturbing To Me

I've been away from ECF for awhile but due to the influx of new devices, I recently returned (and got a bunch of new vape gear, but that's another story ).

Was just browsing the New Members forum and I am very disturbed by the amount of posts being made by people who have never smoked asking for advice on how to "blow clouds", "get into vaping" or even "get a better buzz" from vaping.

Of course, the vast majority of replies in these threads are from knowledgeable and helpful ECF'ers telling these poor, ignorant folks that it's probably a bad idea to start vaping 36mg juice in a sub-ohm device if you've never smoked...and that is great!

I just can't help to think that all these young (I'm assuming) non-smokers taking up vaping and "blowing clouds" can't be good for our cause and I find it quite disturbing.

FULL DISCLOSU I currently vape on an SX Mini / Goliath @ .4 ohms and can blow some pretty good clouds, but that's not what it's all about for's about staying off the ciggies.  

The American Media Did A "stellar" Job Demonizing Vaping - Congrats!

I always wanted to make this thread. Here I go, 'cuz I've had it up to "here"..........

I'm a member of a lot of different forums that aren't vaping (or even smoking) related. And let me tell you, people freakin' HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE vapers.

It's seems like out in the real world it's not nearly as bad because people aren't anonymous. But on the non-vaping internet, it's totally different. Smokers and non-smokers alike believe and parrot all the stupid lies the media has spread over the years...all of them. They did a great job at brainwashing (as they always do).

On occasion, when it fits, I'll either mention that I'm a vaper or, if someone brings up being a smoker and having to/wanting to quit, I'll throw a suggestion their way to consider switching to vaping and hooooly COW you would think that I mentioned the most terrible thing a person could ever mention, ever!

People will attack with all the usual lies...
That 'll kill ya! What're you stupid?! Those batteries blow up ALL.THE.TIME! Are you crazy?! Didn't you hear about all those people dying from vaping! (referring to "EVALI" and black market cartridges....LAST YEAR).
That's just as bad as smoking, probably worse! You better quit NOW!
Didn't you hear? That stuff has antifreeze in it, stupid! ...on and on and on. And it's no use arguing, their minds are set and it's all "facts" because why would the media lie? Right? And after all, it looks like smoke, so it's gotta be at least just as bad, right?

Meanwhile here at ECF we're vapin' away, some of 10+ years, most of us probably at least 5 years, without issues at all. Many of us even with stories of how vaping either saved our lives or improved them greatly (with some doctors even agreeing ins some cases).

But you can't tell them that. NO SIREE! THEY KNOW the truth! You're just an idiot who knows nothing and inhales poison! They heard it on the news, the talk shows, social media, blah, blah, blah. That makes them experts!

They would probably be a lot more open to me talking about and suggesting illicit drug use than [GASP] vaping nicotine

It's a real shame and I just don't see this changing because it's not just misinformation, it really is brainwashing.

So I gotta hand it to ya, American Media,
you did a GREAT..JOB! Congratulations!
You earned every dollar you made from it, I'm sure, you losers.

Well, that's the end of my rant.

Thank you, and have a happy 2021


Menthol Addiction Seems To Be Gone!

I smoked menthol cigarettes for 45+ years. Never cared for the taste or smell of cigarette tobacco, but I liked my menthol. When I tried Blu ecigs, the tobacco didn't taste like tobacco, it just tasted "meh". The menthol flavor was more meh with a mentholesque hint, and they were a freaking hassle. When I finally realized this weird vaporizer shop across the street from the hospital and next to the ambulance company actually sold E-cigarettes, not those things you steam up a room with Vick's Vapo-Rub, I went in and told them about my experience with Blu's and asked if they had anything better. I walked out with an eGo starter kit, some fruit flavors, and some menthol and mint juice to mix with them. Success! Got my menthol/nicotine fix and was able to put down the combustibles! For a year and a half I've been doing the same thing only DYI: Fruit and menthol and/or mint. Just had to have that menthol feel or it didn't do the trick for me.

Last week I got a bunch of new flavors from MFS. I mixed up some desert coffee and a key lime pie concoction, no menthol or mint, and it was GOOD!

Now if only somebody would tell this stupid spell checker there is no "u" in flavor!