Does Any Of The Ala's, Acs's, Aha's, Ama's Etc Support Vaping?

A while ago, I remember that one or two of those 3 letter organisations funded by Big Pharma changed their minds about vaping.

Just wondering is there any health organization out there publicly supporting vaping?  

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Pharma Vaporizer And The Billionaires

Pharma Vaporizer Brings Big Billionaire Names

Gates and Bloomberg
"Donating money to anti-vaping efforts while simultaneously investing in a pharmaceutical grade smoking cessation “vaporizer” that is completely in its own category – Pharma – could appear suspicious. Hale won’t need PMTA approval, because it will not be a tobacco product, but will require FDA approval as a drug."

As e-cigarettes come under fire, Hava Health readies a vape pen to help people quit smoking

By contrast, Hava Health is pitching a smoking cessation tool. “We have a patented design,” says Israel. “What we do is we separate nicotine from the other compounds. We reduce the nicotine as we leave the other oils the same. Over time we reduce the nicotine and increase the clean oils and we get them to zero percent.”

Reduce nicotine percentage downward. Umm, I think we've been doing that already with open system vaping. I bet it won't be as cheap as my diy.


Oral Health Impacts Of Vaping

I had asked a while ago on here about the oral health impacts of vaping as I was concerned with how the dehydration caused by vaping would impact my gums. I never did get any solid answers and when visiting my dentist the other day I asked and they sent me the article linked below later that day. It turns out its the nicotine we need to worry about based on this article, i'm sure the dehydration isn't great either.

The take away from this article for me isn't that we should all stop vaping because its bad for our gums. Just that we should be aware of what vaping can do (especially excessive vaping) and take the proper steps to ensure it doesn't become a problem. If you aren't brushing your teeth as often as you should, and you aren't flossing while vaping excessively all day long there is a good chance you could run into issues with Periodontal Disease.

Oral Health Impacts of Vaping | Hawaii Family Dental Centers  

Politico Opinion Piece On Vaping Hysteria

Opinion | The Ridiculous Campaign Against Vaping

Never before has a boon to public health been met with such hysteria and ingratitude.

Vaping is almost all upside in comparison with traditional smoking, a wanton destroyer of health and lives, and yet the nation is in the grips of a panic about e-cigarettes.  

Have Your Vaping Habits And Consumption Have Changed Over The Years?

Well, over the time all changes, even the beloved habits and hobbies, so is vaping, I do remember when I did started, a bit confused, a bit scared and with some doubts, then enjoyed a lot RDA’s, rolls, making coils and all those new things that changed out the habit… for example to switch the cigarettes pack and light on your pocket for a vape mod and maybe a juice bottle too,

so at the beginning I did used some sub-ohm tanks, then moved to RBA’s…. oh boy, the RDA’s, the coiling art and wicking, what a times on some stores, talking, vaping having great times!
Then, the need of more liquid, the hassle of dripping and there were no squonks available… so, decided to try RTA’s, oh what a wonderful land, tank capacity and dripper alike sensation, draw, flavor and vapor production..

Then… maybe a bit late, started using more mtl rta and pods, the vaping sensation changed a lot, I was maybe using 120ml per week on RTA’s and seldom a RDA, the liquid consumption reduced that much that I maybe use 10ml per day, 25max on a hard stressful day, the salt nic consumption raised when started using salts on TC mode with a RTA mtl and single battery mod,

How have your vaping habits and hobby changed, has It been affected by new devices and new trends?


Bloomberg's $160 Million Anti Vaping Donation & His Pharma Vaporizer

I have not seen this on the Forum before - did I miss it ?

From Vapun Magazine 9/24/2019
Pharma Vaporizer Brings Big BILLIONAIRE Names

some quotes from the article...
Hava Health is about to launch Hale – what Tech Crunch referred to as “the first vaporizer designed for smoking cessation"

Hale claims to be different because it will be the first device that uses “4 Pharmaceutical grade ingredients” for “two different oil formulations.”

Hava Health has some big-named backers that include: Village Global, Backstage Capital, Hardware Massive and other angel investors on their website.

One name that stands out listed as part of The Network on Village Global website is none other than Mike Bloomberg. The same Bloomberg who donated $160 million to anti-vaping efforts in New York, as reported by New York Times.

Another is Bill Gates. Both Bloomberg and Gates have donated heavily to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK) and the CDC Foundation. CTFK has been notoriously anti-vape–they were one of the parties that successfully sued the FDA, claiming officials did not have the authority to extend regulatory deadlines for the vapor industry. The CDC Foundation has been previously investigated for allegedly allowing private donations to influence CDC policies, as reported by Roll Call and The Times of India.

So...yea, there is a definite personal interest for Bloomberg to kill vaping - he is INVESTED in a pharma device !!


As e-cigarettes come under fire, Hava Health readies a vape pen to help people quit smoking – TechCrunch

Hava - Quit Nicotine

Holy cow - Evil abounds...PURE EVIL !!  

1st Tv Ad On Phony War On Vaping, Lawyers Advertizing Call Them To Sue Vaping

Last night I seen the 1st TV commercial where a Lawyer is saying. If Vaping has caused you health problems call us. This is ridiculous, the people dying and getting sick from Vaping is caused from the Drugs they add to the juice.

I am so upset that the NEWS MEDIA is running this every day and they fail to add that in a resent poll of these deaths, illnesis, etc. 75% of the people admit they add THC to the juice and 25% admitting THC is all they vape with.

If the GOV. was getting tax revenue from all Vaping products you would have no GOV WAR ON VAPING. Its all about the FEDS loosing tax dollars and Tobacco companies loss of sales.  

Petition The World Health Organization To Stop Lying About Vaping!

In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in order to promote policies to member countries with the aim of reducing tobacco use. Representatives of member countries meet every two years to discuss improvements and implementation of the FCTC. This meeting is known as the Conference of Parties (COP), and the ninth such meeting, COP 9, will occur between November 9-13, 2021.

The WHO is recommending extreme measures like high taxation, flavor bans, and outright prohibition as their preferred actions to curb the adoption of these safer nicotine products. To put a finer point on it, the WHO’s influence is being disproportionately leveled at low- and middle-income countries (LIMCs) which are home to more than 80% of the world’s population of people who smoke.



Propylene Glycol-the New Villain Of The Day-

Posted again due to my mouth-breather mistake (I just call it PG)-

I just saw a shill doc on a shill news station slamming vaping with bogus claims that went unquestioned by the IQ deprived talking head. The "doc" was naming propylene glycol as though it were a health hazard, probably because the name scares people.

I'm telling everyone I know that this hit on vaping is exactly that- an orchestrated Hit. This PG thing's going to come up sooner or later. I'm wondering if any here have more info on what PG is and if there's ANY health hazard to it. I want to have all the facts I can ready.


I Am Moving Towards Ecig

I have had problem like breaking the rule of vaping indoor,need to lurk around here to start vaping outdoor with support.Anyway I enjoy vaping more then smoking.Vaping or smoking helps lift my depression.I was on cigarette for 6 month at a late age before transiting to ecig  

7th Person Has Died From Vaping

California man dies in 7th vaping-related illness as CDC steps up e-cig probe - CNN

The latest California victim had been sick for several weeks after he suffered a "severe pulmonary injury associated with vaping," Dr. Karen Haught, the Tulare County public health officer, said in a news release.​

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‘It is time to stop vaping’: California man dies in 7th vaping-related illness 7th death linked to vaping reported A 7th person has died in the U.S. from a vaping-related lung illness