Potential Data Security Breach-my Freedom Smokes

I recently received this letter:

Dropbox - My Freedom Smokes Security Breach.jpg

Just thought It might be of some value to others on this site.  

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Sourcemore And Pay Pal


I’ve done much research on Vapesourcing, both here in the forum, and on the web. I’ve found some gear at great prices, but afraid to pull the trigger, even if they do have a USA warehouse.

Nervous about using Pay Pal as well, because of the security breach they had recently.

Any thoughts?  

Problem On Still Smoking While Vaping

Hi all, Ive been vaping on and off for 1 and half now it seems depending on my job ive had a problem of staying off the smokes. Pretty much its when I work outside the vape just doesnt do it while when im working indoors vaping is fine even when I have to go outside to do so. Anyone else had this problem and any advice of staying off the smokes?  

How Do I Get The Urge For A Smoke To Go Away.....

It’s been a day and half with out cigarettes, and I have quit multiple times before using sub ohm setups and a salt nic device. I have multiple of both. This time though... all I can think about is having one cigarette... how do I get this urge to go away? To not want to have one.. I’ve been vaping my a** off but i’m starting to smell them and they smell like s*** I’ll say that. Everyone around me smokes so it’s just kind of hard to this time I guess... my whole family smokes, my parents, my friends , I have a couple that vape but I don’t see them that much. Idk, just wanted to see what made it easy for everyone to finally quit. Thanks!  

Already I Can't Deal With High Nicotine.

Tomorrow I will be entering my fourth smoke-free week. I started out with 12mg Green Smokes which at the time seemed mild even though I had been of 1 PAD light tobacco smoker for many many years. Since then I have moved to mvps and tanks using mainly 6mg liquid, bought or made. Last night I found a box of the 12mg Green Smokes lying around and on a whim thought I would try one. I very nearly choked!! The 12mg hit my throat like an atom bomb and I was hacking for half an hour straight.

It's amazing isn't it. I rarely inhale while vaping - don't feel the need to. And yet I am satisfied and I feel I am pretty much getting over my nicotine addiction without even trying. I shall probably go on being addicted to the vaping because it is a pleasurable activity in itself but I can see myself going nicotine free in the not too distant future.

So my advice to anyone just starting on this journey - get yourself some good equipment and some nice liquid. You'll forget all about analogues in no time.  

Is This The Worst Letter Ever?

Well, as the title says, is it?

I thought it was so bad, I was compelled to write exactly why. They've all gone mad.

Here's the letter and here's the article.  

Warning | Do Not Use Cvapor[edited]

This company may be legit, but their site has huge security issues. When you login, the site is not using ssl. Also, the site automatically sends you a welcome email with your password in clear text. If you're not familiar with internet security, this means that your personal date is being transmitted unencrypted. It's equivalent to someone standing on a busy street corner holding up a large neon sign with all your personal information for everyone driving by to see.

SSL checker, https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html
Sending Passwords in Email, Passwords In Email -- Not Secure!
Secure Transactions, http://www.learnthenet.com/learn-about/secure-transactions/
How to know if an online transaction is secure, http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/know-online-transaction-secure#1TC=windows-7  

The Scarlet V

With all the bad press regarding vaping i've found myself really self-conscience about vaping in public lately. been vaping for 6 years solid and i haven't felt like this since i was a smoker. where once i was enjoying the freedom of blowing billowing blue-white clouds while waltzing down the avenue, now i feel like i'm the harlot in the midnight choir wearing a scarlet letter.

to top it off is my frustration of the talking heads in the media not telling the full truth about those who are falling ill or dying from vaping due to vaping things other than just nicotine. it seems easier for them to just lump everyone in a general vaping category without specifying the underlying cause.

i get that parents have been in a tizzy over their kids treating vaping like it's candy time at the O.K. Corral, but deal with that issue specifically. it's socially irresponsible to go after all vapors, many of whom might be tempted to pick up smoking again because, at least right now, it seems like it might become a more socially acceptable stigma than vaping ... imagine that ... despite the fact that smoking is many times more dangerous. of course there's always good 'ol Chantix ... if you don't mind the possible psychopathic side-effects.

anyway i don't know what the point of this is. i'm just frustrated and needed to vent.  

Taking A New Vaper To A B&m Tmrw

hey guys.
i had a friend ask me to take her to a vape shop tomorrow to her set up with something thrifty. at first i thought of suggesting the istick but after seeing the issues on reddit and multiple vape forums i can't in good conscience recommend it to her. the b&m i'm taking her to has most of the trendy devices, but i am a vape dinosaur and i'm behind current trends.
she is a nonsmoker and is looking for something to tinker with. it's not like she needs something super fancy to keep her off smokes, but something reliable and easy would be best.
what would you guys suggest checking out, both device and atomizer? i'm pretty sure i don't want to take her down the high wattage low ohm road.


My Wife And I Sittin' Around...

and talking about not smoking. She pointed out that the 25th of this month I will have been smoke free for 6 months. This equates to 5,610 smokes not smoked Pretty proud of that.

On a different note, can any one tell me how to add a counting banner at the bottom of my posts? Thinking I should have one too!!  

Analogs Are Revolting Now

Figured this experience is worth sharing. On Sunday I slept way too late and left for work in a hurry, leaving my e-cig at home. Considered fetching myself a disposable from the gas station but I wouldn't have been able to stop there and clock in time. So I caved to my urge for nicotine and bummed a cigarette off someone while on break.

At the time it satisfied me. I didn't enjoy it a bit but it quelled my nic sickness. Although what I found horrible is the fact that even having one, I still could smell it under my nose. I washed my face and took a shower later that day and it was still there, the smell was horrible.

Always thought without the chance for e-cigs I'd go straight back to the smokes but now I don't even think I could ever stand to have one again.