Years Later I Finally Find The Closest Vape To A Cigarette.

I've been vaping in subohm territory on bigger (non cigalikes) mods for the past year or so, on 0.3-0.7 coils regularly with VV/VW mods only with a range of 30-40watts. I started looking for mech mods recently and picked some up, then picked me up some VTC4's. After trying to figure out builds and such, I discovered Nichrome 80 (I exclusively used Kanthal A1). Come to find out Nichrome 80 is more malleable, and doesnt last as long as Kanthal, I was deterred but looked more into it. The rampup time on Nichrome seems to be much quicker, and the Nichrome 80 gives less resistance per ft compared to Kanthal A1 (same gauge). Recently I've been vaping 0.17-0.3ohm coils and Its the closest thing to a quick drag form a lit cigarette ive ever vaped.

0.17ohms on a mech w/ sony vtc4

I believe I will be purchasing a sigelei 100w soon, so I wont have to 'build for the mod'. 100W vaping is pretty nice not having to take 3+sec long drags, with 0 rampup time. So yeah, I get why the sigelei mods are popular now. I didnt really bash on em I just never understood them, but now I do . Short, Quick, Drags. Very satisfying.  

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Nichrome Melting In Triple Series Use

So I built a twisted build out of nichrome 60 wire and tried it on a triple series 18650 mechanical box and it melted the coils why won't nichrome work with any series boxes 8.4 volt melted 12.6 volt melted but I can build a .06 nichrome build and run it on my mech tube mod and it handles it I can build .15 and run it at 150 watts on my Sigelei and it handles it but bump up the voltage and it melts don't get it. I ran a .30 nichrome build at 260 watts on a SMY 260 and had no failure of the coil so I'm puzzled why a series mech box desemates the coils?  

Do Ss Coils Require More Power Than Kanthal Coils?

I never used anything but Kanthal and Nichrome wire to build my coils.

All things being 100% equal (wire gauge, coil type, coil diameter, ohms, etc) do SS coils require more power to run to get the same vapor as the exact same coil/resistance made from Kanthal or Nichrome wire?  

Higher Wattages (50+ Watts) Useless On Voopoo Drag X Plus?

I've been using only twin-18650 mods for some time, and before the shipping ban came into effect, I bought a backup of my most-used mod (a Geekvape Aegis X), but since the 100W single 21700 / 18650 Voopoo Drag X Plus was only $35, I also picked up one of them as another backup.

I vape exclusively on RDA's, typically with a 3mm dual coil twisted build with 24 or 26 gauge Kanthal or nichrome-80. 5 or 6 wraps with 24 gauge, 6-8 wraps with 26 gauge. I typically vape these between 90 and 110 watts.

I did not expect to get a 'true' 90-100 watts out of the Drag X, so I set a target of around 60 watts. I mounted a 3mm dual coil twisted 28 gauge build with 6 wraps, which on my Aegis X vapes great at 60 watts, and very good at 50 watts. It measures at 0.45 ohms.

But on the Drag at 60 watts, it only vapes at what feels like 30 watts on my Aegis. Setting it higher makes no difference either, it seems to 'top out' at ~30 watts regardless of the setting. 60 watts @ 0.45 ohms is only around 11 amps, so I doubt I'm hitting an amperage limit.

I am using 18650 batteries (VTC5A), and it is about time to replace them, as I am only getting around 70% the battery life as I did when new. I will be picking up some 21700 batteries at the same time, which hopefully help with things on the Voopoo.

Does anybody have any good experiences with ~60 watt builds on a Drag X Plus?  

Feeling Pleased With Myself Tonite

I've been messing with my mech mod, got it working ok. No danger. I also found some of my last 22ga kanthal and made me a pair of my all time favorite coils. 7 wraps on 3mm. Just plain Jane, round wire coils that for me, have performed famously every time I make them. I also got myself a new toy, voopoo drag 2 platinum. Same chip as the original drag I think and since I gave that one away last year, I'd forgotten how responsive that chip is. Quite nice. And I still have the switcher. So now, all at once it seems, i have 3 working mods and feeling pleased with myself. Playing mix and match too, put my dead rabbit on the tsunami mech and using the tsunami rda on the switcher. That's the one I just put the 22ga kanthal on and yeppers its kickin'. Just gotta work the new cotton taste out of it. Maybe I'll pop an ant down in there for old times sake. Or not. The memory is still fresh. And another thing, just a couple months away will mark 3 yrs in my vaping journey. I want to thank all my friends on the forum here who have helped me along the way, answered questions, and generally put up with me all this time now. And I truly believe I'd rather vape an ant as to smoke a cigarette. Not that i actually will again, the ant was kinda gross really when I think about it. But all in all, yep. Vape on.  

Subohming Vs Low Wattage, Got Me Thinking. What Would You Reccomend To A Newbie?

I remember when I started vaping 3 years ago, the transition was hard and I had many relapses. I started with stick style batteries which were far and different than smoking a cigarette. It was like sucking through a straw for 7+ seconds, with little vapor and throat hit/satisfaction at the end. It worked for a while then I relapsed back to cigarettes. I tried Ego-Batteries with 1.0-1.5ohm cartos/tanks, it came close but so many dry hits, and it still wasnt much like a cigarette so I relapsed again, then towards the end of last year, I picked up a vaporshark and started vaping <1.0ohm coils in tanks/RDA's and it got me hooked, it was very much like smoking a cigarette. 2-4second drags, throat hit, and nicotine delivery.

which comes to my second question, I know there is this whole thing of 'cloud chasers' and 'tootle puffers', but what kept you on vaping and didnt make you relapse? For the cloud chasers, was it the visual aspect? The hobby of vaping, the want to get more and bigger visuals out of clouds, or more throat hit and similarity to smoking with clouds just as a side effect? And for the tootle puffers, did you just get used to taking longer drags compared to smoking, have you tried subohming at high wattage and just found longer less direct throathit was more satisfying to you when compared to smoking?

it makes me wonder how people come to their desired vaping setups, if they came by them by trying to find something similar to smoking, or just fell into something completely new that they enjoy even more.

when I think of how I ended up at subohming on mechs, from starting on egos/30-40w devices. I believe it has to do with me chasing that way i used to smoke, 2-4second drags on newports. For those of you that subohm or low watt vape, what type of cigarettes did you use to smoke before you switched? this could be helpful information for people reccomending setups to those who want to make the switch to vaping.  

Glad I Started When I Did

I joined ECF back in August of 2017. I was sixty-five years old and had been smoking 25-30 cigarettes a day for 40+ years. I began vaping at the same time win the hope I could at least cut down. I dual used for months, continually cutting back on cigarettes. I smoked my last cigarette on May 11, 2018 - I am coming up on my three year anniversary. When I began, I vaped 24mg nicotine. Now I alternate between 3mg and zero nic.

Given how incredibly positive vaping has been for me, I am in shock at recent events. I was down to two working mods. I have ordered four mods, some tanks and a bunch of coils. I am still able to buy some eliquids where I live - but many of my favorites from Halo have been discontinued. I still have some outstanding hardware orders that I hope get delivered.

The treatment of vaping in the media has been a one sided disgrace, and propaganda works. Over the years when I have mentioned to people that I quit by vaping, they respond, ‘so you quit smoking by picking up a habit that is even more dangerous’.

I am set for at least a year. Fortunately I have kicked my addiction to nicotine - I recently vaped zero nic for a month. If I was just starting out, it would truly be panic time, and I would go back to cigarettes for sure. I suspect that many will do just that. Happy I started when I did.  

Apv/mech Mod Heat

over the past month or so i have gradually moved into RDAs as opposed to RTAs/Cartos. most of my builds typically come out anywhere between .24-.45 ohm, dual coils. i bounce back and forth between my SMPL mech mod and my ipv mini II.

on the ipv mini II i'll take anywhere between 4-8 pulls between 30-50 watts when i get a "too hot!" message on the display. this has happened to me about 8-10 times already over the past two weeks or so. has anyone else with this device, or one similar, have this happen before?

on the SMPL mech mod i notice the top of the mod and the atty getting hot pretty darn quick when i have something like a .34/.37 ohm build on it. once it gets hot like that i just stop because obviously i don't want it to blow up in my face.

i only use 24-28gKA1 as of right since its all i have. i'm waiting on a shipment of some n80 though, hear some good things about that wire.

being 100% honest i am looking for the bigger clouds with good flavor. i did some searching around on here and found some decent stuff that is helping me figure everything out.

anyone got any ideas on the routes i should take to avoid this over heating and being able to get good dense clouds?

edit: i use sony vtc4's and vappower 2500mah 35amp batteries which i bought from vapehappy.  

Attention Lemo 2 Users...

Just a little warning to all who have purchased the Lemo 2- Do not use the wire included in the box.
I was a little worried when i was using the stock coil and noticed it had been turning a green color after a few days of use, not sure if this is the case with all Lemo 2's, but if you notice your wire is turning greenish, just throw it out and replace it. I don't believe this is kanthal, it could possibly be nichrome, but it's properties are not matching up with those of kanthal. My worries were confirmed when I decided to put a parallel 5 wrap coil on my rda with that wire because of my lack of other 24 gauge... Well today when I took out my cotton and dry burned the coil a little to rid it of excess juice, the coil actually deformed and somewhat melted on my rda . I don't know what kind of metal this is, but I'm positive it is not kanthal, this has never happened to me with kanthal, and this wire seems to be of a lower resistance than kanthal. Anyway, just wanted to let ya'll know to be careful with that wire, or just throw it out altogether. Otherwise, the Lemo 2 is a fantastic tank  

How Do You Tell When Your Batteries Need Swapped For S Fresh One?

I've been vaping for almost a year; mainly regulated VW mods. Recently I discovered my affinity for Mech Mods and, in the interest of battery safety, I am having a tough time telling when I should swap out my batteries. I've heard that it's not a good thing to over-discharge them, but how can you tell if/when that might be happening? I tend to err on the paranoid side and swap them out every couple of hours or so. Any tips about this? Is it just kind of a "feel" thing learned with experience?



Battery Revival


So, I always used to use mech mods from about 6 months to a year and a half into vaping. For the last 6 months I've been on regulated (iStick 30W and 50W).

When I switched to regulated I retired my mech mods and 18650 batteries to the closet. I made sure they were all around 50% charged because I heard from someone on here that was the best condition to leave them.

Well recently I've had this curiosity to try them again, only for at home use, mainly for the novelty of it.

So, my question is, what will I have to do to revive these batteries? Are they safe to just throw back on the charger and use when fully charged? Or are they not safe to use?

Batteries: 4 Sony VTC 4's (all were acquired about a month before I stopped using mechs), 2 XTAR (Sony) VTC 4's (about a year old now) , 2 MXJO 2500mah (20A LG's) (about a year old now).

Let me know! Thank you!

Vape Happy,
Cullin Kin