Arghhh.. The Smell Of Smokers... Rant.

At my job, some times i have to spend time in close proximity, with people who still smoke analogs. And the analog smoke that they carry on them is plain offensive.

I just want to run in the apposite direction, so the smell (smoke BO) doesnt get on me.

Wish i could tell them to take anti radioactive bath before they interact with the rest of the none smokers in public.

I cant believe thats how i used to smell for so many years. If i knew this 10 years ago, i would have quit smoking 10 years ago.

The smell is is just efin toxic!!

end rant.  

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Smoke Detector Went Off?

While I've been vaping, the smoke detector has gone off about four times. This has never happened before. I'm not sure if it's just the chemicals, or because of the battery. Because I've been getting this light smell of something, maybe the battery? It's kinda pugent. Maybe that's the cause because it's defective? Like the smell sets off the alarms?  

Smelling Smoke After Years Of Vaping (follow Up From 2016 Post)

I posted this in 2016 in this thread: Starting to smell smoke after years of vaping?

Some of the replies freaked me out and the phantom smoke smell went away eventually though I don't know exactly how. I received some questions from other people so I thought I should follow up on what happened in my situation.

About three years ago I ended up going to the doctor because I couldn't sleep and was referred to a sleep specialist and found out I had sleep apnea. I had a week on their sleep monitor and was told I stopped breathing hundreds (or thousands? can't remember, but a lot!) of times a night and could suffocate and die at any time. Then they wanted me to buy a cpap machine and be hooked up to this thing for the rest of my life, like a pod in The Matrix, and pay for all these supplies regularly. After a week on the cpap machine I was almost suffocated by the machine multiple times and I woke up gasping for air, either because I knocked the mask loose in my sleep or because they said they had to adjust settings over the internet.

I knew the cpap wasn't going to work for me so I took it all back and never went back to the doctor (I was "only" out the $1000 or so for all the testing and what not). From reading about sleep apnea and my own logic, it made sense if I was overweight that my nasal passages and throat could be enlarged also and could be causing my breathing problems. I totally changed my diet and never ate fast food or processed food again and had to cut back to 1500-1700 calories a day to lose about 2-6 lbs of weight a week. I lost almost half of my body weight over the course of 1.5 years and my sleep apnea went away. Over that period I also switched up my vaping hardware and juice so I don't know when the phantom smoke smell disappeared, but it did, and luckily I didn't have brain cancer or anything else some people suggested.

I know weight isn't the only thing that causes sleep apnea, but in my case it did. Now I actually get REM sleep and when I get to bed on time, I'm fully rested. From what the doctors told me, before all this I was being woken constantly trying to breath. I was tired 24 hours a day no matter how much "sleep" I got and would fall asleep just sitting down for a few minutes anywhere. Sometimes I had to pull off the road for a 10 minute nap or risk falling asleep while driving. Driving long distances was misery. Now when I think back I can only describe those years as a walking dream. That's what it felt like being deprived of sleep for years.

It's hard to believe that obstructed breathing wouldn't have contributed to the sense of smell, but it was either that or just switching up my vaping. I believe the weight had something to do with it.  

Question For The Ex Long Term Smoker's

I've been trying to get my dad to quit smoking for two years now. He wanted to quit using an e-cig. However, he just can't seem to stick with it. He has been smoking for 30+ years. He smokes almost two packs a day.

I think the problem really is that he hasn't -tried-. As soon as he wants a real smoke, he lights one up. He only uses his e-cig is places he can't smoke.

He says he wants something that taste like tobacco. I've tried buying him numerous tobacco e-liquids. The closest was one from Ahlusion, but he still says it isn't like tobacco. He keeps saying he'll quit, but then he doesn't.

He has an ego with a mini protank, he seems fine with that. He isn't very amused by my mech mods and RTAs. lol.

I'm just lost as to what to do. A lot of people say to just stop telling him to do so and let him do it on his own. It is hard to just sit and watch him smoke though, esp when my mom had lung cancer just over a year ago (luckily, she did quit smoking with an e-cig and went into remission after radiation treatment). When I switched, I had only just started to smoke again (I smoked 3 years, quit, then started smoking again for about 4 months, then to an e-cig). I didn't like tobacco flavors when I started and almost immediately went to fruit flavors. He's tried those too, doesn't have much interest in them.

So my question to you ex long term smokers, what helped you make the switch? I feel like I just can't relate to smoking 30 something years.  

Time To Go On Offense

Got approached by security guard today at work who directed me to the smoking area. Company just moved to a new office complex. I've always went out walking to vape in non-traffic areas. At this new place, security guard must of been alerted or something, must of followed me waiting for me to take a vape. Another fellow vapor in the smoking area said he was scolded too.

This is getting out of hand, not sure I can do the smoking area, smell of cigarettes just gets to me now. Thinking about trying the side walk, thinking side walk should be public right a way, should be safe there or not.

Seems like we need some offensive. Defense is getting us no where, regulations getting enacted without question. The standard is vaping allowed only in designated smoking areas.

I mean is this stuff bad for you or not!! And, if not, if they have no proof that second hand vapor is harmful to the general public, then what right do they have to make me inhale second hand cigarette smoke.

Heck, they should be thanking me for not polluting the corner of the parking garage they call the smoking area with butts and smoke.

End of rant.  

How Do I Get The Urge For A Smoke To Go Away.....

It’s been a day and half with out cigarettes, and I have quit multiple times before using sub ohm setups and a salt nic device. I have multiple of both. This time though... all I can think about is having one cigarette... how do I get this urge to go away? To not want to have one.. I’ve been vaping my a** off but i’m starting to smell them and they smell like s*** I’ll say that. Everyone around me smokes so it’s just kind of hard to this time I guess... my whole family smokes, my parents, my friends , I have a couple that vape but I don’t see them that much. Idk, just wanted to see what made it easy for everyone to finally quit. Thanks!  

I Am Soooo Excited....that I Just Can't Hide It...

I am enjoying vaping soooooooooooooooo much..

I know most of people here are veterans and won't be Soo excited ofc anymore

But first attempt on vaping was in 2014 and for many reasons didn't go well and I was back to cigs...ew

Anyways... now it's being 4.5 months vaping
I started with a drop in coils atomizer and now I use rebuildable also and make my my own e juice ofc and blah blah.blah....

Vaping is soooooo good.....never going back to cigs eeeeeever....actually cigs seem sooo bad now and I hat a hit to remind me what a nasty thing I was smoking all those years....ew

The benefits of vaping are more that u think and u only realise when u start it...

Besides health benefits...that ok some may say vaping is now sooo risk free but I don't care even if was same bad as cigs...even tho I am sure it's not

My sense of taste and smell is much better now....

I can adjust my nicontine levels and lower it and now I have less cravings...(I was crazy smoker)

My hands or facial hair don't smell and they don't get a yellow colour from cig smoke that I had to pull off my skin to remove ...(I was always with a cig on my hand)

Clothes don't smell and I don't feel bad to hug my niece now

My car don't smell kitchen don't smell cigs...(I used to smoke to kitchen)

My mouth hygiene and gums is better now confirmed by dentist also...already only 4.5months vaping!!!

I sleep better and wake up better no cough or hard breathing...

In my case I used to skip brushing my teeth sometimes cause in my opinion it would ruin my smoking experience but with vaping I tend to want to brush my teeth after every meal if I can cause I enjoy vaping taste more

I still drink coffee but water is a great match with vaping for me cause it reset the flavour in mouth so I drink less coffees and beverages...
with cigs I was always drinking loooot of coffee or some kind of beverage usually unhealthy cause it used to match with horrible taste of burned paper and tobacco lol

If I needed my nicotine I used to roll a cig and then I was smoking it all ofc...even tho I wanted just a few puffs...with vaping I can take my puff aaaanytime I want as much as I want...

The cost is less even tho some may spend a looooooooooot money hhahaha but if u are a casual vaper is cheaper ....but even if was the same or more still worth it....

P.s I know I don't say anything people here don't already know but just happy excited about vaping and sharing it  

Question For All Those "only Vape Where I Can Smoke" People.

So this is a hypothetical Question... And I by no means wanna start a flame war.... or anything like that.

I just have a hypothetical for you guys who I have seen claiming they only Vape where they could smoke people. ( I am not taking sides here, as I usually only vape where I can smoke, but make some exceptions that I wont get in to here, as, Again, Not posting to cause trouble.)

I know a lot of users are Western world people but, there are some users that are international as well, such as me.

Lets say you really want a Vape, and your in, (Most common) An international Airport or something on your ridiculously long daytime layover, Or you ended up in the airport really early... or.. we could also say your in an amusement park or something.
Your options.
Vape in places where you cant smoke, such as inside the airport, or in a random place in the amusement park...(Maybe by stealth vaping)
Or go in to the often crowded 1x3 meter (If that), poorly ventalated Smokers room where all the others are smoking, and endure the noxious smell of various types of cigarettes stick to you, as you breath in air that is more toxic than car exhaust.

Not all people have the same conditions. a lot of places have rules that you are not allowed to smoke outside.
Do you still only vape where you can smoke, Thereby nullifying some of the health benefits of Vaping? Or does health play a more important role than the rules and perception.

Again, I am not trying to play a side here, or start a flaming war (Ill probably just ask the thread be deleted if it turns to that)
I am just wondering if your mind would be changed if you lived in a different situation and why?  

How Does Vaping Affect Your Breath Compared To Analogs?

I think that it's safe to say that many smokers of analog cigs have bad breath, for obvious reasons.

But what about from vaping?

I've only been doing this for around a month, and it's kind of hard for me to notice my own breath, but I obviously don't smell like an ashtray anymore.

Does a vaper's breath smell like the flavor that they're vaping all day, or would you say that vaping has little or no affect on a person's breath?

I realize that something like this varies from person to person, but I'm just asking in a general sort of way, for the average person.

Does vaping menthol give you better breath, like if somebody ate a lifesavers or a tic tac?  

Is An E-cig An E-cig Because...

Because it has a coil? Because it has a tank that contains VG or PG? Because the user expels vapor that looks like smoke ? Because it has a battery? Because the tank holds liquid that contains nicotine? What if the tank does not contain nicotine? Is it still an E-Cig?

These are my burning questions for tonight while watching Modern Marvels on H2 (History Channel 2)

That and I really need to know what exactly constitutes an E-cig. I've been tobacco free, smoke free for almost two years. Vaping exclusively. I'm close to zero nicotine now. Will I still be an E-cig user when I go to zero? Obviously yes, but why ?

I really dig vaping a million times more then I dug smoking. I hated smoking. Just did it for 40 years 'cause I couldn't get off the stinkies til I discovered E-cig (24 mg/ml when I first quit smoking) almost two years ago. Still can't believe I've been smoke free for so long.

Hope you weigh in on the subject of "What constitutes an E-Cig ?"  

Done With Tobacco For Sure!

Today I decided to smoke just out of curiousity, (haven't touched a ciggy since the end of march) I thought it sounded like a good idea. Went in the bathroom and stood under the exhaust fan (in the shower lol) and lit one up. Blegh! Took about 3 puffs and threw it in the toilet. Never again. Tasted horrid, no nicotine buzz, and even after showering snd changing clothes I swear I could still smell it. I quickly took a hit from my Istick 30/Subtank nano, and still tasted like crap. Brushed my teeth and could still taste nasty smoke all day long. I don't know for sure if I'll continue to vape long term, but will definitely never smoke again, even the few I smoked before (a few a week). I don't know how smokers that haven't yet discovered vaping do it.