I'm Just Wondering What The Average Vaper Thinks Of This?


We're all vapers here, and we all have a stake in these matters.
So it seems a relevant topic to discuss.

For those that don't generally click on videos (like me) please give this one a go.

It's not that long...
And there are naked women and hunky men.

Okay, not really.

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Dollar-a-day Group

We now have a support group for budget-minded vapers. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/groups/vaping-dollar-day.html It was created just this morning! Join, and tell us about your economies, why you are budget-minded, and anything else. When the pressure to spend gets too much to bear, we will remind you why three Provaris are two too many.  

Gonna Make A Video Review! :d

So I'm thinking tomorrow I'm going to do my first video review for a box mod

After posting my long AF review about the Sigelei 30watt mini the other day I realized I could have said so much more in half the time it took me to type it. So going to go ahead and try it out. So my question is to all my fellow vapers, for those of you that watch review videos, what are you're least favorite/most favorite part of the videos? What info do you look forward too most when watching a review? Give me input so I can focus on curtain thinags and leave the annoying crap out
When I post it I'll be looking for constructive criticism from everyone  

New Ca Ads Coming Out Against Vaping

This is in the media general news section, thought I would link it here http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...nch-new-attack-against-vaping-march-23-a.html  

Ecf Is Preparing To Move To New Forum Software

I'm in the process of taking steps (starting with all my PM's) to make this new change be as painless as possible for me.


Per Rolygate posted on 04/09:

Next week we are moving from our old faithful forum software, vBulletin, to a newer application called XenForo.

The changeover day will be late in the week and most likely on or before Saturday 18th. We'll post a Notice just before it happens.

You can expect pretty much everything to be different, so there will be lots of fun

This has been in the planning for over a year now, and is finally going live. It isn't easy moving a giant forum to a new application, so it's taken some time to do.
Click to expand...


Thank You Ecf For The Best 2 Years Of My Life!

2 Years ago, I tried my first cigalike and promptly ordered a Halo Triton Kit, and have been cigarette and smoke free since.

I just wanted to thank ECF for help keeping me focused, interested and distracted with the rapidly changing technology to remain smoke free. Special recognition to the 2 sub-forums that helped me the most: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...ussion/519685-natural-tobaccos-part-deux.html and Halo . That's where I started and I am forever grateful for the help, encouragement and PIF'ing that occurred after I lost my job a month after I began vaping. It was a bad time to having just quit smoking, but because of ECF, vaping, and the folks at those 2 threads, I remain a vaper and never looked back.  

Focalecig Chat...part 2

Focalecig -Best E-Cigarettes - Worldwide Free Shipping

Focalecig.com is a chinese ecig vendor which also has a USA warehouse.

Focalecig - USA Warehouse

A guide and info to shopping from focalecig -
http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blogs/nikkita6/6124-focalecig-com-member-guide-shopping.html Props to Nikkita6 for the guide.

This thread is to discuss and share products from focalecig ​

O Ring Lube

Yea yea E Juice I know

But... still ...

Nothing petrolium based as that can kill ya ----- ok so no chapstick

but how about burts bees wax isn't that all natural and ----ok to lube my O Rings with ??


Cigalikes Are Garbage

Any veteran vaper will tell you this truth.
We have all probably tried them at first. I know I did. I can tell you a universal and undeniable truth about them.
They are garbage.
They are nothing more than a most introductory lesson into vaping. I know of no vaper in my circle of friends that started with a cigalike and continue to use them. They have many flaws and 1 in particular comes to mind.
In the cartomizer, the unit that holds the 'liquid', no one has any idea what is in there. Sure, the package might tell you but how do you know? These cigalikes were the only product used in a study in 2008 to determine what was in the liquid. The results were disturbing but not surprising. They found formaldehyde, cyanide and other toxic chemicals usually found in cigarette smoke. So, yes, they really are cigalikes. But at the same time, painted the entire industry with a broad brush so now everyone thinks that vaping is just as deadly, if not more so, than smoking analog cigarettes which is nothing but one gigantic lie. Any vaper will tell you that.
Why were these chemicals found in a vaporizer? Because most cigalikes are, and have been, produced by Big Tobacco. They don't want to lose customers or money. They want every former smoker to be just as addicted to their cigalikes as they were to their cigarettes. There are several videos on YouTube of interviews with BT representatives that say this very thing.
Don't buy the garbage because it's cheap. Go to your local vape shop and talk to someone who was in your shoes.  

Do You Plan To Quit Someday?

Hello fellow vapers.
Here is a topic I was thinking of lately and I wanted to ask your opinion/plans.

Generally speaking, e-cigs were invented in order to help smokers switch from smoking regular cigs to something much less harmful and eventually help people quit this (one of the worst) habit of smoking / adding nicotine to your system.

Ideal plan was to give a smoker something similar (as a process) with enough nicotine to satisfy his needs but without all that sh@t that cigs contain.
After some time this ex-smoker was suppose to start lowering amounts of nicotine in his e-juice up until he is OK with 0 mg. nic vaping.
And eventually quit vaping as well, eliminating the habit.

In reality, I'd say about 80% of ex-smokers who became vapers don't even plan to quit vaping, they have their preferred nic. level and they keep on vaping it year after year being happy about it.

So what's your opinion on that? Do you also plan to keep on vaping or you might quit it in the future?  

Happy 5th Anniversary, Tibs!

Congratulations and Happy Fifth Anniversary, My Dearest Tibs!

What an accomplishment! Enjoy your big day and take a stroll down memory lane.

I can't believe that it's been five years since we met in the Burning Cartomizers thread... Seems like yesterday. Remember the first non-burning cartomizer that Lorikay discovered? I bought a box of them from Drew...

Yup. Greencig. It was hairy, though.

And then came the happy years of PVT and celebrating ECF veterans. That was fun!

And the co-ops you ran to help fellow ECF members get vaping gear for less money--so much hard work! Was this your first co-op?


And look at you now--Evolv's DNA 40 mods and fancy nickel wire builds.

You've come a long way, baby!
Thank you for your friendship! Luv ya, gal!