Here In Taiwan The News Is Too Biased And Keeps Misinforming The Public.

News here said, E-Cigarrette is TEN (10) times more danerous/Hazardous than smoking traditional Cigarrette !

My translation is: It is SAFER to smoke a Traditional cigarrette "Analogs" than E-Cigs/Vaping.

But the Smoking ban here is almost everywhere.. even in you OWN PRIVATE Car.. you'll get fined.

Even in your own porch when the smokes drifts to you neighbor... if they compalined to the police you'll get fined.

while the news in europe/England Vaping is LEGAL and SAFER than Analogs... I would love to show them (Taiwanese) the u-tubes and the news abroad...

BUT IT'S their fault ! THEY CAN'T understand English... Just' pathetic...

So my wife is still complaining and asking me to quit vaping too.

I Said, I already swift to a SAFER Alternative already and that is Vaping... This one I'm taking with me to the Grave.

They understand chinese, so THEY ONLY TRUST Chinese... SQUARE people.  

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Are You Happy About Your Transition From Traditional Smoking To Vaping? And Why?

I am happy,

1. I Still CAN enjoy the throat hits... but with the SAFER alternative.
2. I CAN still smoke (as my wife put it... and said I'm still smoking and she does not like it... still) I use cuban cigar flavor... but with safer alternative...
3. saves money. (I own ONLY 2 set ups) [VIvi Nova 3.5ml + Vamo6 and Aspire Nautilus 5ml + Cloupor 30W. I'm not planning to go Sub-Ohming and rebuildables... just a casual Vaper.
4. Not into too much clouds... just plain simple smoke (vapor) satisfies me.
5. No second hand smoke so my family ignores my Vaping even in doors while playing the computer.
6. back to one rinse and repeat.  

Vapers Are Fed Up

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This post was sparked by watching a video from Grimm Green just now. The first person I've ever seen to finally say that vaping is 95% safer than smoking. And quit with all the Bull Shi it, listening to anyone who tells you otherwise.

It's a shame that only vapers know it's safer. Everyone else can't be bothered to do the research. They just listen to all the mainstream BS! "Yea, vaping is just as bad, people are dying cause of vaping." "Yea, they're banning vape mail because it's the same thing as tobacco."  

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We Need Nation-wide Protests Against The Flavor Ban!!!

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It is not my fault that kids are vaping flavors and nicotine intended for adults.
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Parents need to own up to monitoring their own kids! These teens would be smoking cigarettes if they weren't vaping- just as they were doing before vaping came along. Teen smoking numbers are down because of vaping. It is this teenage generation's alternative to cigarettes. This should be part of our national conjecture on the topic!!!

We (legitimate adult users of vaping supplies) need to stand up for ourselves!!! There are millions of us.

Let us be heard!

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More Media Madness!

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Vaping trade association executive defends e-cigarettes  

What Is The 5% Bad In Vaping If It's 95% Safer Than Smoking?

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Creating Good Fake News

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Quit Vaping For 2 Month, Made A Less Happier Person

I "successfully" quit vaping for 2 month. It actually wasn't that bad, I was able to fill the void with music/gum/walks. Right now I have 0 physical temptation to vape.

But there has been many stressful situations and I feel without the vape it made everything harder. To me, it's not that I had to have it, but it was something enjoyed. And taking it away made life a little less fun. It's like saying you can never eat candy or drink coffee again.

The only reason I quit was for the health benefits. I heard vaping can cause COPD but then I also hear it's a lot less harmful than smoking. But here's the thing that really demotivates one from quitting vaping:

We are not sure how harmful is it (if at all)

There are many other things bad for us in life, like air pollution, asbestos, etc. Is it worth giving up something that you enjoy for a marginal health benefit? I vape at a low wattage so I don't think I'm getting lots of formaldehydes.
I'm really thinking about going back to vaping. I think I'll vape a few more years and if news comes out by then that vaping is truly really bad, then I'll quit...

I don't know... it's not like we are going to live forever even if we don't vape/smoke/do anything unhealthy...  

How To Cut Down On Vaping?

I love vaping and its much safer than real cigs also sometimes I actually think its not bad for me at all. Problem is I vape way way too much. I dont want to quit but just want to cut down by around half the amount I vape. I swear I vape constantly and I think this is the main issue a lot of vapers have when it comes to vaping. Might as well get a oxygen like mask and just vape through that 24/7. What's a good way to cut down on vaping? I don't think it even has anything to do with nicotine but rather there isn't much indication for when you should put the ecig down. With a cig once you smoke it thats the indication you're done and dont need for like another hour. Could also be some sort of OCD towards vaping.