Well It Finally Happened.......

Someone that I know in real life actually said they heard that e-cigs are more dangerous than analogs.

Here is what happened... Last night I was at a potluck with friends. I dual use so I was by the bonfire smoking a analog. The one woman came and stood by me. Although she quit many many years ago she aid she still likes the smell of a cigarette.
I said that I could switch to my e-cig if the real one was to tempting for her. At which time she replied that she had read/heard that they were worse for you than real cigs.

She was not nasty or rude about it. She just said it matter of fact like. I told her that is not true at all and that is just propaganda.
She then asked why anyone would say that if it was not true? I then explained that e-cigs cut into the profit of BT and pharm co's.
Once I said that it was like a lightbulb went off in her head.

Hopefully we now have one less person believing the lies.  

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I Might Have To Quit Vaping After 5 Years

I have been vaping regularly as a smoking alternative (got me off 6yrs of cigs) for about 5 years. 3mg nic all the way with rda's, full kanthal fused claptons, CBP cotton, and usually 70/30 vg/pg juice.
Recently I had my gallbladder removed (26yr male..bs) and I've developed allergies for the first time in my life (also some serious bs). Ever since, vaping has been a burden to say the least. Something I once loved SO much now has me seriously contemplating quitting all together.
Every time I vape I feel incredibly sick. It makes my symptoms noticeably worse especially at night. It's like a solid minute or less after I put my vape down my dry cough gets way worse and more frequent, I get slightly nauseous, head and chest hurts, and just a over all weak/ill/flue like/just smoked a pack of cigs and some 70's ditch weed feeling.
This is really not fair because like I said I LOVE to vape, as most of us do. I used to be able to sub ohm chain vape pretty much any juice and never had a single problem. but finding juice I can tolerate is near impossible now and I can't keep wasting money on juice I can't use. Even juice I can tolerate isn't necessarily good and the way it makes me feel just isn't worth it anymore *cries quietly*..
I've gone from dual FC coils to a single FC, turned wattage way down (that's obviously not the issue) and even considered going 0mg but it's coming down to not being able to inhale at all..your boy got the Clinton curse over night and I'm so sad man.
Never thought it would happen like this. If I ever did quit I always thought it would be in my control but it's looking like that wont be the case at all. This might soon be the end for me boys and girls. Wish me luck. And if you pass me on the street, blow a cloud to my back please, as the smell and sight might break my already black and blue heart...or make me sick evidently
*quiet crying intensifies* lol :/

Disclaimer:: this is not to say vaping makes you sick in anyway because that's so not true. This is my own personal experience. That makes no sense to me whatsoever honestly..vaping saved my life and the lives of many many other smokers. This is not intended to put vaping in any sort of bad light at all.
I'm just curious if anyone knows what's going on, can relate in any way, or has any suggestions.  

Some Guy Told Me.

I was out at the bar over the weekend, and went out to the smoking area to vape. I use and istick and nautilus mini, so there were no clouds at all. A couple of people were asking about e-cigs and if they work or not, no problem, I like to talk. Then the one guy starts telling me how he refuses to use them because they cause long term cardio and brain issues... what? I asked where he had heard this, of course he didn't know, he just knew they were bad, and more harmful than cigs. Crazy people, just thought I would share.  

Vaping Question

Hello ecf, i recently bought a sigelei 150w and an atlantis v2 subtank (amazing btw). I was outside vaping and a very kind gentlemen came up to me and asked me some questions about vaping. He told me he wants to quit cigs. We were both waiting for the bus so i thought yeah i dont mind. He starts asking me pretty common questions; is vaping safe, do i actually save money, etc. He then asked me a question i havent heard before. He asked me if its worse than cigarettes or if i get more nicotine because of the amount of vapor i was blowing out. (.3 at 85watts pretty big clouds) I've never heard this question before and was wondering if anyone has, or if they know the answer. TIA  

How Does Vaping Actually Change The Taste Of Analogs?

Seen it mentioned over and over here that after vaping for a variable period
of time analogs start tasting 'nasty' to many (most?) people. Happened with
my father in law after about two months. Has not yet happened with a coworker
who vapes and still smokes. Think he has vaped over a year total and at
least four months with a proper rig.

So, exactly how can vaping while quitting change the taste of cigarettes when
cold turkey or the patch do not? At least they did not in the past, wife and
I quit and started back at least four times each before we finally
succeeded. Final time was almost six years ago so we were well before the
fire retardant / carpet glue was added.

Anyone quit and restart via vaping both before and after fire retardant was
added? Was the nasty taste absent back then or less pronounced?

Curious to hear from from anyone who has quit and restarted with different
methods and how the taste differs. Have read that Chantix and similar also
can cause a nasty taste. Is it the same as from vaping or different?

Never seen or found a thread devoted to this so though I would start one.  

Vape-related Deaths Are Scaring People Back Into Smoking Cigs

Vape-Related Deaths Are Scaring People Back into Smoking Cigs

Mark, a Massachusetts man who has worked at a vape shop for two years and requested anonymity for fear of losing business, said he had heard from many customers in recent days that they were making the transition—getting rid of nicotine-based e-cigarettes because of what they've been seeing in the media.

Although any shift was in the earliest of stages, it was still a remarkable concern for tobacco-control experts like Michael Siegel, a professor of community health sciences at Boston University, who views getting smokers off traditional cigarettes to be the primary public-health matter. Even now.

"There are two big fears here," Siegel said. "That former smokers are going to return to smoking cigarettes, because they'll think, Why not just have the real thing? And also that smokers who might have otherwise wanted to try e-cigarettes won't any longer."
Click to expand...

What hast thou wrought?  

How Does Vaping Affect Your Breath Compared To Analogs?

I think that it's safe to say that many smokers of analog cigs have bad breath, for obvious reasons.

But what about from vaping?

I've only been doing this for around a month, and it's kind of hard for me to notice my own breath, but I obviously don't smell like an ashtray anymore.

Does a vaper's breath smell like the flavor that they're vaping all day, or would you say that vaping has little or no affect on a person's breath?

I realize that something like this varies from person to person, but I'm just asking in a general sort of way, for the average person.

Does vaping menthol give you better breath, like if somebody ate a lifesavers or a tic tac?  

I Just Read This News

The FDA has a decision on e cigs.they are supposed to be banning all flavored pods.
They are not going to be banning top tank e cigs because kids don't like them.

I hope this is true.friday we should know more. Happy New year.  

Anyone Down To 0% Nicotine?

Hi All! Sorry if this is long. This place is a lifesaver. I was a 30 year PAD smoker. Tried all the recommendations to quit. Resigned to smoking forever. I heard of vaping in 2013 and found this site. The day my Ego arrived in the mail on April 15, 2013, I put down the cigs and haven’t had a puff since that day. (I still smoke in my dreams every night.) I started out at 18 mg, and went up to 24 for a while. I vaped way higher nicotine than my cigs had, and much more often. I even took my Ego pen to bed and put it under my pillow to use through the night. No matter how much Nicotine I inhaled, I still went through the same withdrawals that I did when quitting cold turkey, or the gum, or the patch, or setting a timer between smokes. It was obvious I wasn’t withdrawing from nicotine. It’s from whatever chemicals are in the cigarettes.

Over the last 7 years, I’ve gone down from 18mg, to 12, to 6, and now 3. Not by choice. I was happy at 18. I started getting lightheaded, so stepped down the nicotine in levels. Not because I wanted less nicotine, but because my body couldn’t handle it. I’m now at 3mg, and starting to getting lightheaded from it. Next step is 0mg. I’ve no problem going to no nicotine, but after so long, I can’t imagine not having the inhale/exhale/hand to mouth repetition.

Has anyone gotten to 0mg and still vapes, or have you broken the habit?  

The American Media Did A "stellar" Job Demonizing Vaping - Congrats!

I always wanted to make this thread. Here I go, 'cuz I've had it up to "here"..........

I'm a member of a lot of different forums that aren't vaping (or even smoking) related. And let me tell you, people freakin' HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE vapers.

It's seems like out in the real world it's not nearly as bad because people aren't anonymous. But on the non-vaping internet, it's totally different. Smokers and non-smokers alike believe and parrot all the stupid lies the media has spread over the years...all of them. They did a great job at brainwashing (as they always do).

On occasion, when it fits, I'll either mention that I'm a vaper or, if someone brings up being a smoker and having to/wanting to quit, I'll throw a suggestion their way to consider switching to vaping and hooooly COW you would think that I mentioned the most terrible thing a person could ever mention, ever!

People will attack with all the usual lies...
That 'll kill ya! What're you stupid?! Those batteries blow up ALL.THE.TIME! Are you crazy?! Didn't you hear about all those people dying from vaping! (referring to "EVALI" and black market cartridges....LAST YEAR).
That's just as bad as smoking, probably worse! You better quit NOW!
Didn't you hear? That stuff has antifreeze in it, stupid! ...on and on and on. And it's no use arguing, their minds are set and it's all "facts" because why would the media lie? Right? And after all, it looks like smoke, so it's gotta be at least just as bad, right?

Meanwhile here at ECF we're vapin' away, some of 10+ years, most of us probably at least 5 years, without issues at all. Many of us even with stories of how vaping either saved our lives or improved them greatly (with some doctors even agreeing ins some cases).

But you can't tell them that. NO SIREE! THEY KNOW the truth! You're just an idiot who knows nothing and inhales poison! They heard it on the news, the talk shows, social media, blah, blah, blah. That makes them experts!

They would probably be a lot more open to me talking about and suggesting illicit drug use than [GASP] vaping nicotine

It's a real shame and I just don't see this changing because it's not just misinformation, it really is brainwashing.

So I gotta hand it to ya, American Media,
you did a GREAT..JOB! Congratulations!
You earned every dollar you made from it, I'm sure, you losers.

Well, that's the end of my rant.

Thank you, and have a happy 2021


Do You Plan To Quit Someday?

Hello fellow vapers.
Here is a topic I was thinking of lately and I wanted to ask your opinion/plans.

Generally speaking, e-cigs were invented in order to help smokers switch from smoking regular cigs to something much less harmful and eventually help people quit this (one of the worst) habit of smoking / adding nicotine to your system.

Ideal plan was to give a smoker something similar (as a process) with enough nicotine to satisfy his needs but without all that sh@t that cigs contain.
After some time this ex-smoker was suppose to start lowering amounts of nicotine in his e-juice up until he is OK with 0 mg. nic vaping.
And eventually quit vaping as well, eliminating the habit.

In reality, I'd say about 80% of ex-smokers who became vapers don't even plan to quit vaping, they have their preferred nic. level and they keep on vaping it year after year being happy about it.

So what's your opinion on that? Do you also plan to keep on vaping or you might quit it in the future?