Dna 40 / Lemo Build Problems

I have recently purchased a DNA 40 device and feel like I have lost all my build knowledge!! I am using awg 28 wire if I do 10 wraps on a 2.5mm drill bit I get a reading of around .13 on any of my devices if I replicate the build on the Lemo it comes out .27 or above. What is going on can someone share any light on this?

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Lemo - Drilled Out Air Holes (with Pics)

So....my lemo was my #1 RTA, until I got the subtank mini and delta 2 (although I haven't tried the delta 2 yet, but have heard very good things about it). I have been sad, because I have put my lemo to the side, because my newer RTAs have more airflow. I would vape my lemo most of the time between 25-30 watts, and could get it up to about 38 watts without a dry/burnt hit. Anything over 40 would give me a dry/burnt hit, which is still impressive. (with my old wicking method)

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So here are the pics, with the sizes, if anyone wants to do this. It took me about 15 minutes:

4 External air holes (pic 1) - 3/32 drill bit

Vertical stem shaft air hole (pic 2) - 1/8 drill bit

Vertical stem 4 air holes (pic 3) - 3/32 drill bit

Pancake wicking method.


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Thank you very much


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Attention Lemo 2 Users...

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Can someone give me your input or help me devise a better question to ask.

Many thanks.

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Kanthal Wire 35mg Nic Salts
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