I Gave In...

Dang i am lazy...and ill tell you why. i got frustrated building today, so i when to my little vape shop (50 feet away) and got myself a kanger subtank... and guess what, i freaking love it. i have only dripped like 15 times today on my Kennedy, but im using a tank now, and i don't care, probably because i hate pulling over in my car just to drip, but now im being lazier then poop, i haven't even got out of my lawn chair to go grab some juice...maybe its temporary, but right now im in total heaven.

Chasing the clouds, until i fall back onto the ash of earth... maybe its the dry cotton  

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I Made It A Year !!!!

So today I would like to thank the following people who not only started me on this journey, but who have supported me through what I feel was 1 of the best things that could have happened to me:
1. Gary Greener - You gave me my 1st set up for free an egoCtwist battery & Kanger Pro tank
2. Dylan Hill - You have been in my corner from Day 1- through up grades & bringing me to the BEST B&M to get juices & knowledge & for Building me Coils bc to be honest I'm just to lazy to build them lol
3. Maja Flava Vape Den 44 East Scott Street Riverside NJ - You guys have been AMAZING!!! Between all the time you've spent with me explaining vaping, mods, juices, coils, coil building, support, & Even more I can't Thank You Enough!! The vape community & people I've now become friends with from your store is incredible & with out you I wouldn't have been able to stay off the cigarettes.
4. ECF Forum - Thanks for having this forum!! The support, knowledge, & experience of the forum is so much more then I could have imagined.



I Can't Stop!

This is bad, and what's worse is I know it's bad but I can't seem to stop. I keep buying mods and tanks and juice and accessories. I've been vaping for almost a year now and for the most part I was happy with my setup (once i got past the cheap ego battery setup I had). I was rockin an MVP 2.0 and a nautilus tank. Loved every second of it. But recently the MVP threads got messed up so no tank would connect to it. So I decided to upgrade my setup and get a Sigelei 150w. Now THIS thing is amazing.

You would think since I was happy with my setup that would be enough. NOPE! I ordered an RDA (Mad Hatter) to go with the sigelei because the nautilus just wasn't fully utilizing the mod. I ordered wire, wick, ohm meter, the whole kit and kaboodle. But I also ordered an MVP 3.0 Pro for the times the sigelei batteries were dead or I just needed a smaller device. Got the MVP in today and it's amazing. I definitely love Innokin products.

That's it though, right? NOPE! I haven't even recieved my RDA yet and I was browsing the interwebs looking at forums and reviews and came across the Kanger Subtank Mini. Looks awesome. So I ordered it. But not by itself, oh no no no, I saw a kit with a Kanger Subox Mini and Subtank Mini starter kit. So I ordered it. Oh god will the impulse buying ever stop!?

Let's not get into my juice collection. I have more bottles than I know what to do with. Originally it was a handful of bottles that could sit on my desk, now I've had to rearrange my dresser so the multitude of bottles can sit up there. I have so many flavors that I love that I keep switching them around and it's driving me crazy. And everytime I see one of you post about your new favorite all day vape flavor I look into it, think it sounds amazing, and end up buying more.

Aww screw it, I love vaping. I'm sure i'll buy something else real soon. Speaking of which...I could use a new drip tip to go with my new tanks. Gotta go.

(thanks for reading my rant)  

Subtank Mini Drip Tips

really random and specific question here. i recently got a kanger subtank mini. love it. around various vape shops and what not i see a lot of people with the subtonic mini but with a 3rd party drip tip. most of the times the tips are really short. idk why i just think it looks really cool but i don't know where to look for such drip tips. anyone have any pics or recommendations they could share?  

Okay So

I have my istick 50...have been using the subtank mini with rba n coils close to bout 1 ohm,good enuf,but get several burnt tasting hits,so local vape guy hooked me up with an dripper ..coil is .3 (need a wider bore tip now tho)nd I don't know what is wrong here but I'm using a 12mg juice nd not rly getting any vapor nd am coughing.I'm still getting the peach flavor he primed the cotton with n not my sugar cookies ..I'm not sure yet the 12 is too strong nd I don't want tht to happen cuz as of now all I have is 12s with 6more I've ordered on the way.Definitely not getting burnt taste but idk.do I need a higher wattage mod? I don't care for clouds but I'm getting real small ones right now which just doesn't seem right. .3ohm 50w(being the max) 12 mrgoodvape moon sugar juice...feeling lost here...not at the shop now nd he's very informative but I feel like I'm missing something,he built the coils n set the drip up for me nd it's all fine,idk maybe for a drip I need over 50w n less than 12mg....I have a 6mg of the same juice just in case as well tho too so...absolutely new to dripping but not sure if it's my device needing to b higher capable or what...which is why I put this in general vaping n not rebuildable anything forum cuz I'm generally looking for ideas on juice mg the bore of my tip,power of device,so it's multiple things on my mind...ideas plz  

Bug Bits Abound ( In The Cotton )

ok ... so there was a thread that showed insect droppings in some cotton someone got with a RBA ... but I can't seem to find it.

So I thought I'd have a look at the cotton sample in my Kanger Subtank Mini & .. sure enough ... bug bits & little black "dots" (bug poop I assume). Okay ... fine ... I've not used it & will not use it. I have enough cotton (bacon) to keep me going for years, and I'm happily puffing away on the .50ohm OCC premade coil supplied by ........

........and then it dawned on me that it was supplied by the same folks that put a wad of bug-gunk-ridden cotton in the box with my ST mini ... Kanger.

So ... the question is if anyone has taken apart the OCC coils & found little black specks in the cotton, or other foreign "pieces" ?? I'm wondering if the cotton Kanger uses for the OCC coils is the same cotton they give you in the box to wick the RBA deck with.  

Seven Years Today!

November 20th, 2013, I walked into a vape shop and left with a Vision Spinner 1300, a Protank 2 and a bottle of 24mg juice, and haven't touched a cigarette since! Seven years today!  

I Think I Did A Good Thing.

So, I was traveling for work today, and I had to stop at a gas station to grab a drink and use the restroom. As I was checking out, I overheard one of the other customers asking the clerk if he had any vapes. The clerk told the customer they only had the Vuze e-cigs. The customer was bummed out because he had forgotten his setup on the counter of a vape shop in Sacramento, which he was sure was gone by now, saying "Those things aren't cheap," and I told them I know all about it, lol. He was waiting for some food he ordered to be ready, so I went ahead and made my purchases and went outside to take a vape break. When he came out, he lit up a cigarette, having succumb to the urge and the not having a vape. We got to talking, and he told me that he was a veteran, having been discharged after his Humvee was blown up by an IED, leaving him with a TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury. He has a hard time remembering things, and that was part of the reason he left his vape behind. He told me he was using a mechanical (I deduced that after he told me it was a metal tube with a button on the bottom) with a cheap clearo that had a very tight draw. He didn't really know much about vaping, he just knew that it had help him go a month without smoking. I showed him my setup - a Smok Xpro M80 Plus with an Artic tank using the .2 ohm coil, filled with Vape Wild's King Cake at 65/35 VG/PG 3mg nic - and he was pretty impressed. I let him try it out, and he was just blown away by it. He really enjoyed how well it hit, how much he could taste it, and how much vapor it produced, saying he could really feel the nicotine, even at 3mg. He told me a guy at the vape shop he goes to gave him a box mod, and he showed it to me, a simple unregulated box mod - an 18650 Hammond box with a missing back, no MOSFET, no nothing. I told him he should get a couple batteries and find a back to go on his box, even told him I would be on the lookout for one. I also gave him one of my drippers, a TOBH Atty clone, and told him about coil building, and how drippers work. I also gave him a couple bottles of Vape Wild's Dragon Juice 3mg, 65/35. The last nice thing I did was to tell him about this place, telling him that everyone here is more than happy to help answer any questions he might have, and to give him some advice. Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys a little about my moment of Vape It Forward tonight. Hopefully he ends up showing up here someday. Support the troops, guys and girls, they need it.  

I'm Back!!!

Hey guys and gals!! I've been a member here for a long time but I ended up going back to analogs for a while but now I'm back and very glad to see how the vaping community has grown so much.

When I left, RDAs were just getting popular but most rebuildable fans used genesis attys and hybrids. The community was no where near where it is today!

My brother just gave me a Sigelei 100w and a couple panasonic 18650's to get me off analogs and I dusted off my Opus D (DNA20). Also, just got a Kanger Subtank Nano in the mail.

I'm amazed, actually. When I went back to analogs the newest tank out was the protank 2 (I think). I'm glad to see how far we, as a community, have come.

I'm ordering supplies to start a custom Mod build so keep an eye out in the modders forum!!

Vape on!

Provi-nauti Took A Fall At Work

It was only about 5 feet to a hardwood floor, but when I looked down and saw two pieces lying there it caused a bit of panic.
I'm building a staircase in a new house and I leaned a little too far over from the landing with the rig in my shirt pocket. I really need to find a good holster for this thing.

After finishing what I was doing I scrambled down to assess the damage: the tank section of the nautilus had separated from the knurled ring just below the AFC ring. It's a friction fit set-up, and after cleaning the juice and sawdust from the parts I was able to tap everything back together with my hammer. I pushed the button on the Provi and nothing happened. Pushed the button a couple more times and I was back to vaping again with no leaks.

The owner witnessed the whole episode, and there wasn't even a dent in the finished oak flooring. He laughed as I cleaned up a couple of juice spots where it hit and watched me put it back together with a hammer.
I'm not usually this lucky.

Big shout-out to the makers of both products.  

My Juice Leaked

Thought I might share a funny story.

If I have to leave my office building, I will grab a little bottle of liquid and place it in my pocket just for safe measure. This set of events happened today. My meeting took a break and I went into the men's room and decided this would be good place to do a quick fill of my subtank mini. Just as I finished filling it, my phone rings. I finish my call and everyone is returning to the meeting so I grab my stuff off the counter, just put it in my pockets and go back in to the conference room. At the end of the meeting I stood to leave when a woman noticed a stain on my gray suit pants. Note: when gray gets wet it becomes dark gray. Now I don't always remember that others don't vape so I simply said "Oh, I guess my juice leaked" and left. I got a call about an hour after I returned to my office when the gentleman that invited me to the meeting asked "Did you tell some woman that your juiced your pants!?" I said "yes, it was a little embarrassing but nothing to worry about". Turns out this woman rushed out of the room and grabbed a phone to call 20 people and tell them. I took calls for 2 hours with people asking me if I was "ok" and wondering what kind of juice I am leaking. The moral of the story is, make sure you put the cap on your bottle tight.