Some Of The More Influential Vaping Org Should Publish Simple Pamphlet To Be Handed Out By B&m And Other Vaping Outlet.

it seems like lot of information regarding how to use mod safely is not available to general public. i keep hearing people blowing up their mod and getting hurt. i'm sure pamphlet with safe use of mod and other information won't completely prevent accidents, but it should cut down on the problems.

when i started thinking about vaping, it was almost impossible to find simple information to use the mod. nothing really out there unless you start digging into forums and other resources to get the idea of what need to be done.

lot of general public who are interested in vaping won't try to dig into what will need to be done. they will buy stuff, put them together in some sort of fashion and will be disappointed or blow themselves up.

why not make some simple tri-fold pamphlet and have the B&M and online outlet to send out with every order? with big warning "READ THIS FIRST OR YOU MIGHT LOSE FINGER OR TWO OR AN EYE OR TWO".  

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Where Are All These Links To Reports On Negative Side Effects That The Low-information Public Is Talking About Tonight?

I'm looking at all the news reports just running and jumping with joy about the study that came out about teen vaping use today. I believe this was a catalyst that is going to get the general, non-informed "I'll do whatever you say and where do I check the voting ballot again??" public, right behind strict regulations and/or banning. My, how powerful manipulation is with what was once the minority, but what I'm afraid is now the majority in this country.

What is getting me is that almost ALL the commenters are stating that these are bad, very very bad and just look at "all the reports that are coming out about negative side effects." Where are they seeing reports about scientific study results regarding negative side effects and a link to cancer? Or is this just another case of "those people" that want to tell us all how to live imagining all these studies (one even quoted they cause cancer according to recent studies) in their little pea-sized non-independent thinking brains? I am just amazed at how the mind works with some people. How they can just "want something to be" and so, in their little minds, they have fabricated all these studies showing negative side effects and direct causes to cancer. Really?

I'm sorry if I sound ticked off. I'm just so sick and tired of watching a vast majority of Americans lose their ability to think for themselves and that are so content to be LAZY and just believe whatever it is they hear from the media. You know, you just can't fight stupid.  

Vaping Outside Of Walmart

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Non-smokers Starting Vaping - Disturbing To Me

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Was just browsing the New Members forum and I am very disturbed by the amount of posts being made by people who have never smoked asking for advice on how to "blow clouds", "get into vaping" or even "get a better buzz" from vaping.

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FULL DISCLOSU I currently vape on an SX Mini / Goliath @ .4 ohms and can blow some pretty good clouds, but that's not what it's all about for's about staying off the ciggies.  

Vaping Documentary Anyone...

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The contaminated products that are circulating on the black market are what's killing people.

Something of this magnitude needs to be put out in the media otherwise I'm afraid that this industry will die out and a lot of shops will go out of business. It's time to take action, the media has demonized vaping. It's come to a point where most folks can't vape in public in peace.

What are your thoughts on how to combat this issue? It's terrible what has happened to everyone that has been sickened or died as a result of vaping bad products. The CDC and FDA can't seem to get a handle on what's really the culprit and the media isn't giving us any details.

I feel perfectly fine as I've been vaping for almost 10 years now and I feel great in fact never better since I quit smoking cigarettes. Now I'm a bit paranoid and wonder if I should just give up vaping. This whole this is getting to me and I can't even vape around my family in peace now.  

A 'vaping Picture' Rant

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My Parents Don't Like Me Vaping

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Getting Harassed For Vaping...

just feeling harrased for vaping in public. I have no choice but to vape in public since im basicly staying at a hospital right now in cali with .y husband. He has some health issues and we were flown down here. Anyways Im a very polite vaper or I try to be. I go where no one else is and o done blow it at people. Im not trying to force anything on anyone but people give me dirty looks and say "theres no smoking" say that in ur most annoying voice btw lol. Its funny sometimes people cough cus they dont see its vapor. So its kinda funny people are subconsciously choking on smoke thats not there. Best smelling smoke ive ever smelled! Anyway let me know if any of you have experienced this. Thanks for letting me vent a little.  

Illinois (chicago) Residents Public Meeting - Call To Action - Casaa

IL – Public Meeting 09.23.19 – Mental Health Committee to Discuss a Response to “The Vaping Crisis” - CASAA

The Illinois General Assembly’s Mental Health Committee will hold a hearing on the subject of “Addressing the Vaping Crisis” on

Monday, September 23, 2019
2:00 PM
Michael A. Bilandic Building

C-600, 6th Floor

160 N LaSalle St

Chicago, IL 60601


The likely outcome of this meeting might be a recommendation that flavors other than tobacco be banned.

While this is a public meeting, many of the speakers are being selected in advance. If there is time left over, speaking will be limited to 2 – 3 minutes. Please be respectful and have your remarks prepared.

A witness slip is required whether you plan to speak or not, please submit a witness slip, here .

If you plan to speak, the witness slip is the only “sign up sheet” available.

Fill out the form with your contact information; under section III, select “Addressing the Vaping Crisis” from the drop down menu and click the “Opponent” radio dial; and specify written or oral testimony (Section IV).

Click Here to Send a Witness Slip
If you would like to have written testimony delivered to the committee, please send it to

Even if you do not plan to speak, your presence is important as it demonstrates the large numbers of people affected by this issue.

In addition to participating in this meeting, Illinois residents who vape and are not “sick from vaping” are being asked to fill out this survey from the IL Dept. of Public Health (IDPH). THIS SURVEY IS FOR ILLINOIS RESIDENTS ONLY! Do not encourage people outside of Illinois to participate by misrepresenting where they live.

Click Here to Take the IDPH Anonymous Survey

I will be there - hope to tell my story.
Illinois - ONLY - residents - if you haven't yet Please take the survey.
Can't make it or don't want to speak? Please send a witness slip.
Let's pack this place!  

Please Explain To Me: Those Who Died, What Were They Vaping?

I apologize in advance if this is a question that has been discussed a lot, but the problem is that what I’ve read doesn’t seem to make sense: We know from experience that vaping PG/VG based juices are safe to vape, so I don’t wanna talk about that. However, when I read (in articles as well as here in the forum) that they have been vaping THC , I have to say that this kind of stuff has been consumed in vaporized form for quite a while now, probably since before people started vaping PG/VG. So it doesn’t make sense to me that all of sudden, vaping THC is killing people.
Do we have an explanation for these cases that actually makes sense?  

I Want To Write A Book

Vaping is a hot-button issue that has been appearing in the news with alarming frequency, especially over the past couple of months. The problem is that it is all coming from the perspective of big tobacco, rabid anti-smoking advocacy groups and the like. Nowhere am I seeing or hearing the voices of the people who are actually at the heart of this controversy - vapers themselves.

Let's face it. The vast majority of us are ex-smokers who are very used to being silenced, vilified and marginalized. When the topic was about cigarettes, it was very difficult to come up with a response because cigarettes ARE just as bad as everyone says they are. That's really not the case with vaping, but it is still hard to find that missing voice.

I want to tell the story of vaping from the perspective of vapers themselves. I want to talk to the people who were the very first to develop this idea: creating vape mods from batteries, wire and altoid tins, to the front porchers: people who are sitting in their rocking chairs enjoying bubblegum candied cherry vape, to the brand spanking newbie who has just arrived and is trying to make sense of this acronym filled universe, the DIYrs who make it all themselves and finally, to the industry leaders who design and develop everything from the devices we use to the flavors we love, how they got started, what being in the business means to them and what losing their business would mean for them.

I thought about doing this a few years ago, but I think that there is no better time to do this than right now. A book like this could help to turn the tide of public opinion. I want to give vapers back the voice that they lost as smokers. We have terrified industry giants into full on seek and destroy mode and we need to fight back. This book will be marketed to the general public and I want it to be eye-opening, thought provoking and revealing.

Are you interested? If you are hit me up. If I generate enough interest, I will set up a kick starter campaign so I can fund this project. I am looking for people to interview for this project and any vaper qualifies! Designers, developers and business owners, most welome!

Let me know what you think.