Does Tobacco Combustion Produce Vapor Too?

Obviously enough there's no smoke in tobacco vapor (heat not burn) but is the opposite also true? Is there vapor in tobacco smoke as well?

The reason I ask is because my body seems to react negatively to vaping e-juice so I'm hoping tobacco vapor doesn't feel the same because if smoking already has vapor in it then there should be no reason for me to react negatively to tobacco vapor anymore than tobacco smoke.  

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Revo By Pm

Has anybody seen these yet. Its kind of like a cigalike except it has actual tobacco in it and you need to light the end. A friend stopped over with a pack so I tried it and was pretty suprised at the amount of smoke/vapor. After I was done i busted it open and all the tobacco was still there except a bit off colour. Pretty interesting even thouh I could not figure out how it worked. Suposidly PM realeased them in the 90s, but they didnt sell. Of course they re release it now that vaping has gained in popularity

Dont really know what to think of them on 1 hand it was pretty satisfying on the other your still heating big tobacco.  

Maximize Vapor Per Second...

I'm tired of hitting the 10sec cut off time and still craving more vapor (per hit).

(Rather than just taking another hit) I want to maximize the amount of vapor per second per hit to achieve this.

I have my lemo tank opened up all the way which allows for maximum airflow.

Is it true that more wraps (on my coil build) would create more vapor since it's more surface area of saturated wick?

That coupled with more wattage would burn it hotter, also creating more vapor.

And using a gauge like 24 would help keep the ohms down, which in turn would allow for faster coil heat up time/temp to produce vapor quicker to maximize vapor per second?

Please let me know if these steps will yield more vapor per second or just send me on a different direction / adjust my ideas to allow me to obtain my desire.

Thanks ECF!  

Question For The Ex Long Term Smoker's

I've been trying to get my dad to quit smoking for two years now. He wanted to quit using an e-cig. However, he just can't seem to stick with it. He has been smoking for 30+ years. He smokes almost two packs a day.

I think the problem really is that he hasn't -tried-. As soon as he wants a real smoke, he lights one up. He only uses his e-cig is places he can't smoke.

He says he wants something that taste like tobacco. I've tried buying him numerous tobacco e-liquids. The closest was one from Ahlusion, but he still says it isn't like tobacco. He keeps saying he'll quit, but then he doesn't.

He has an ego with a mini protank, he seems fine with that. He isn't very amused by my mech mods and RTAs. lol.

I'm just lost as to what to do. A lot of people say to just stop telling him to do so and let him do it on his own. It is hard to just sit and watch him smoke though, esp when my mom had lung cancer just over a year ago (luckily, she did quit smoking with an e-cig and went into remission after radiation treatment). When I switched, I had only just started to smoke again (I smoked 3 years, quit, then started smoking again for about 4 months, then to an e-cig). I didn't like tobacco flavors when I started and almost immediately went to fruit flavors. He's tried those too, doesn't have much interest in them.

So my question to you ex long term smokers, what helped you make the switch? I feel like I just can't relate to smoking 30 something years.  

Best Device For Vaporizing Loose Tobacco (htps)

So I've been reading this 4 year old thread about vaporizing tobacco by this member GivingUp and I'm really impressed with the idea. Like so many people I've tried to ditch smoking in favor of vaping. I tried to get myself to like it by experimenting with all kinds of set-ups, but it doesn't like me, so when I came across heat-not-burn, I thought this just might be it.

Obviously, dry herb vaporizers are overpriced so it behooves one to do plenty of research before making any purchase and any input is much appreciated as I really can't wait to quit smoking. I'm looking to vape loose Dokha tobacco, which is a very dry and fine-shredded tobacco. It's extremely potent nicotine wise so used in very small amounts (kind of like concentrates in dry herb vaporizers so that's one problem solved function wise). The tobacco is so fresh it's still green and has no additives of any sort.

What's the best device that would theoretically extract the most from this tobacco?

Also I'd appreciate it if members could share their experiences if they'd switched from smoking tobacco to vaporizing it and how it affected their experience and, most importantly, their health.  

Inhalation Methods

I recently discovered a new way to vape. Well it's the same way I used to smoke cigarettes; keeping the hit in my mouth while only inhaling a small amount off of that. I think it's the way most people smoke cigars or tobacco too. My question for you all is... what is your preferred inhalation method? Do you like to take full hits that fill your lungs and deeply inhale the vapor. Or do you prefer to hold most of it in your mouth, take a shallow breath to get some off of the top.  

The Things You Are Most Grateful For Being Tobacco Free

Hey everyone! I've been casually vaping off and on for two years now, but I finally took the plunge and started vaping exclusively. I am almost 4 days tobacco free! It's the longest I've been without tobacco in 7 years!!! It's been a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Something that keeps me going is to think about the horrible realities of being a tobacco user.

What are the things about tobacco you are glad to have behind you? The smell? The taste? The money? What did you hate most about smoking?

I could really use the little reminders throughout the day.  

Something To Remove Vapor From My Office


I have a small office in my house in which I enjoy vaping a lot. But I need the vapor to dissipate more quickly than it does! If I open my office door and leave it open for less than a minute, the vapor comes out and sets off our smoke alarm which is attached to a service that dispatches fire response! Thankfully, I've been able to run downstairs to, hit the code and talk to the alarm company to stop the trucks from coming, but as one might imagine, this is not fun. And it's anxiety-provoking for me. Additionally, the vapor filling and remaining in the room is... unattractive for Skype meetings.

I would love a desktop exhaust of some kind that can dissipate the vapor at least a bit if I smoke into it. But here's the thing, it needs to not be a window exhaust. It's too cold in the winter to have that running in the window and in the summer, I have an A/C unit in the window. Smokeless ashtrays are meant to collect smoke off a burning cigarette and by my research do not pull exhaled smoke.

Any thoughts?  

Is An E-cig An E-cig Because...

Because it has a coil? Because it has a tank that contains VG or PG? Because the user expels vapor that looks like smoke ? Because it has a battery? Because the tank holds liquid that contains nicotine? What if the tank does not contain nicotine? Is it still an E-Cig?

These are my burning questions for tonight while watching Modern Marvels on H2 (History Channel 2)

That and I really need to know what exactly constitutes an E-cig. I've been tobacco free, smoke free for almost two years. Vaping exclusively. I'm close to zero nicotine now. Will I still be an E-cig user when I go to zero? Obviously yes, but why ?

I really dig vaping a million times more then I dug smoking. I hated smoking. Just did it for 40 years 'cause I couldn't get off the stinkies til I discovered E-cig (24 mg/ml when I first quit smoking) almost two years ago. Still can't believe I've been smoke free for so long.

Hope you weigh in on the subject of "What constitutes an E-Cig ?"  

Casaa's Call To Action

Received this email this morning...

On Monday, November 4, or early in the week, we are anticipating an announcement from the Trump Administration regarding FDA guidance about sales of flavored vapor products. According to recent reports, this guidance is expected to go as far as banning every flavor other than tobacco and menthol. In spite of years of communications from consumers and meetings with industry stakeholders, it is clear that officials remain unknowledgeable about how the vapor industry functions and what customers need.

Two flavors will not sustain independent vapor retailers and
will unnecessarily make vaping less attractive
to people who want to switch away from smoking.

The White House needs to hear from adult vapers and anyone who loves a vaper! A flavor ban won’t protect our children, but it will kill their parents.

We need to
Light Up The Switchboard
At The White House!
Ph: 202-456-1111
(Comment Line)

On your call:

The operator will likely ask where they can direct your call Simply tell them that flavored vapor products saved your life, Tobacco and Menthol aren't enough to save small businesses or help people quit smoking; and, tell them “We Vape, We Vote. Be polite, be brief, and say thank you.
On hold? Here's something to do while you wait: Send a Message! Share this Call to Action with your friends, family, and on social media!  

Vapor Goes Down, Cig Smoke Goes Up

I still smoke one cigarette a day and I noticed that upon exhale, cigarette smoke drifts up, whereas the vapor from vaping drifts down, like dry ice. Anyone else notice that, or know why it might be?