E Cig Gear Future Availability

Due to the flavor ban that might eventually affect the whole country and the upcoming pmta deadline that will make it a challenge for companies to release any products at all, is it possible that vape gear will disappear. There is the diy option for juice so im more concerned about hardware. Any thoughts?  

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Spouse Driving Me Nuts!

My spouse says he doesn't need anything fancy and is happy to vape with the tank and battery he has.... Great! He doesn't want to research anything, but will listen to me when I talk about gear and tanks and whatever.

Every time I upgrade, he gets jealous of my better flavor/vapor, look of gear or whatever has changed. No big deal, he gets all my old gear when I get new....

Except that gear he was once coveting is no longer what he wants because he is now coveting my NEW gear!

Problem is, he has already called me from the road (in the middle of the night) to trouble shoot his Nautilus/Vamo set up, is always getting me to fix his stuff and when I try to show him how to do it he just kind of wanders off.

There is no way I am giving him an RBA!!! I can see me now building all his coils and getting frantic calls when he is on the road!!!

Anyone else have this problem with their SO? If so how do you deal with it? I get soooo frustrated! The man would run out of juice and never have a charged battery if he had to take care of it himself. Maybe I should just let him flounder for a while?  

How Are You Preparing For The Vapocalypse?

Here in Oregon we have several bills that, if passed, would more or less make vaping illegal in its current form, and I know this isn't just happening here. I have to wonder how far they will be able to go with the bans and regulations, how "effective" they will be and how best to prepare for them. I think it's likely they will make high concentration nicotine solutions impossible to obtain for consumers, so at the least, it's probably a good call to stock up on unflavored nicotine, especially considering that whatever ejuice they do allow will no doubt be taxed to the point of being unaffordable.

The rest of their proposed bans would, in my mind (hopefully) be ineffectual in the long term. They want to ban flavored ejuice, but if the juice is zero nicotine, I don't see how they could get away with that since of course they can't ban PG, VG, or flavors, they just couldn't get away with that, yet, and the same goes for things like kanthal and cotton/rayon, too many uses outside of vaping.

They want to ban online sales from vape companies to our state which we all know would be a devastating blow to vapers. As for mechanical/regulated mods and other gear, what's to stop companies from selling them with a disclaimer that they are intended only for ornamental purposes, or for zero nic juice. What's to stop a vape shop from renaming itself "Functional Mechanical and Electronic Galleries" who operate on the assumption that people only use their products to vape zero nic juice.

It's insane to me that in a country that glorifies alcohol abuse, and has finally started to see the light on decriminalizing ........., that all this hysteria comes up about vaping, which is possibly the most benign chemical someone could enjoy (probably better for you than caffeine) and has given millions a way of breaking free from a habit that is far worse... you think the world is getting somewhere, but then something new comes out and the same old ignorance and fear rears its ugly head all over again, which is in turn milked by our politicians and backed by big tobacco, it all seems to be coming together for a perfect storm and it's not looking good in Oregon.

Your thoughts, what are you doing to prepare? What do you think is necessary?  

Which Popular E-cigarette Manufacturers Submit Application To Fda?

Vaping companies are required by the FDA to provide a Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA), which will include scientific data to show a product is appropriate for public consumption. Manufacturers have until Sept. 9 to submit their application, failing which their products will be pulled from the market. Once an application is submitted, companies can keep selling their products for a year from the date of deadline, without official approval, or until a negative action is taken by the FDA.

It seems juul has applied, any other brands?  

Let Us Now Praise Sturdy Gear

How often we hear in this forum of pricey gear that stopped working after it was dropped. Sounds to me like planned obsolescence. Let's use this thread to recommend gear that has proven to be sturdy.

Steer clear of mentioning yet again the gear that didn't make it. B-o-r-i-n-g! This is a good-news blog.

My own example: the no-brand-name ego-style clones I got in a starter kit at EasyVapors.com--with two vapes, etc.--which cost me $26 (now down to $22). I've replaced worn-out batteries ($7) and gotten extra clearomizers ($2-$2.50) for different flavors, but I've dropped that vape just about every day. No problems!  

Gear Beast Shipping\turn Around Time

So I just placed an order for some vape gear on Gear Beast. Been eye balling their site for a few weeks now.... kinda seems like the new fasttech in a way. I've ordered from fasttech many times. Their shipping was actually quite fast when they first started selling vape gear, but that went down hill quick as they got more popular.

So I'm wondering what kinda time line I'm looking at for a west coast USD delivery of my purchase. I figured you guys could help me out as I'm assuming a few people seeing this post will have ordered from them before.  

Will The New Postal Ban Effect Liquid Nicotine On Its Own?

I have been mixing my own Juice for the last 1-2 years since my state (NJ) banned all flavored E-juice sales. None of my favorite sellers would ship to me anymore.

I did not stock up. I did not know this postal ban was a thing until 2 hours ago when I noticed the wholesaler I purchase from removed most of its products. Even if I did, the stuff will only last me about 2 years. With the way things are, these kinds of laws rarely get reversed once enacted. I thought the 21 age for buying tobacco products would never catch on and be repealed, but look where we are now. No matter how many angry letters you send or how many signatures you get, nothing will happen.

And so, I am left thinking about what I can and can not get in the future. VG and PG will always be around in bulk as it is not only used for vape juice. The flavoring is the same flavoring used for brewing and baking, so no issue there. The liquid nicotine, specifically the extract and not the salt, is where I question the future availability (the salt is almost definitely out of the question).

Are there any other uses for liquid nicotine or is this it for DYI?

Edit: Apparently VG and PG will also be banned, at least by UPS (link below). I guess nicotine solution is also out of the question there.

UPS: Shipping Tobacco - United States.  

Still Cool To Not Sub-ohm?

Whenever i go out for a drink on the town with the lady, I'll see vapsters here and there with their sub-ohm setups. And here i am with my Nautilus Mini and whatever low-wattage mod I decided to pair it with.

Honestly, each day I seem to enjoy using these low wattage devices, such as the VV4 and a Nautilus Mini, more and more as opposed to my sub-ohm gear.

With my Nautilus, the flavor and throat hit is always spot on, and the vapor is nice too for what it is. I seem to be using this setup more and more lately... And when subbing, it's rare for me to get that satisfying hit, i just find myself vaping more and more to feel satisfied thus burn through a ton of juice. With a Nautilus, I get that satisfying hit right away and vape here and there.

With my sub-ohm gear, juices can be a hit or miss at times in terms of flavor and hit. But i can always count on my Nautilus Mini to give me exactly what I want each and every time.

I even bought a MVP20 at a killer price to perfectly compliment the Nautilus Mini. I wouldnt be burning through nearly as much juice, thus saving me money in the long run.

It's nice to blow crazy big clouds in public, but im starting to fall back on mimicking a standard cigarette with vaping rather than chase clouds.

Am i crazy for shying away from sub-ohming? Maybe it will be fun again after i take a break from it?  

Can I Bring Vape Gear To Mexico?

I know y'all are the experts.

My husband and I are planning a trip to Cancun this fall. We're flying Delta. I know that Delta allows vape gear in carry on luggage.

However, I do not know if we are allowed to have our gear once we arrive at the airport in Mexico and/or return home from Mexico. I cannot find a definitive answer online.

Do any forum members know the answer? Has anyone traveled to Mexico recently, and what was your experience?

Btw: Preemptively stressing about this. My husband and I have been cigarette free for many years now, but we have never gone without vaping for any period of time.

Thank you!  

Looking For Advice On First Set-up

Hello ECF,

I've been creeping for a few weeks now, but finally decided to take the plunge and make an account. After countless hours (days...weeks??!!) of research, hopefully I am at the point where I form some sentences together about what I'm looking for in a set-up and ACTUALLY make sense. I came here asking for help, so please feel free to tell me if you think I made a wrong decision on anything below.

So, here is my story...(cut to end to see the quick and dirty version)

First and foremost, what I WANT out of the build is excellent flavor. Not quite as important but still important is large clouds and a "cool" factor. I'm leaning way towards DTL over MTL, as I never smoked a cig in my life and have no nicotine addiction. This is something that will be used with friends or when I'm bored, so maybe 1-2x/week. I wouldn't say there isn't a budget, but let's say I have no prob paying for the best quality/functioning gear.

For the majority of my research, I was pretty set on going sub-ohm. But more and more I was reading how if you really want flavor, RDA's can't be beat. Then I start thinking about squonking more and more, and now I think that might be the best of both worlds. I get the convenience of the "tank" (not having to drip, which is what I was most concerned with), and all the flavor benefits. Any learning curve with the squeeze and determining the quantity (if you can squeeze too much) should be minimal. I really think it's a good option for me. I'm really curious what the pros think.

Now, surely you'd all make fun of me behind my back if I didn't acknowledge the elephant in the room: the atomizer. I need to learn a lot here, still. Any and all help would be appreciated. Single coil vs. double coil? Mesh? RDA? What I DOOOOO know is I have no problem paying for pre-builts out of convenience, assuming they aren't impossible to find in stock most of the time.

Equal in both importance and the level of my ignorance on the subject is (are?) batteries! I don't want to die, folks. So any recommendations on 1 vs 2 batteries, battery size, is also needed.

Once the battery thing is figured out, I can look at mods. I don't mind paying a pretty penny for a mod, but what I want is function and reliability first. As mentioned previously, I want "cool", but to a point. For reference, what I have been trying to figure out how to buy is something from BMM. So far, all attempts to get into said facebook group have come up short. But I like the challenge of the hunt, and am willing to see what it takes to get. I've looked at numerous other brands, but am willing to hear what you recommend! And regulated?

There doesn't seem to be any shortage of juice on the market. They all sound soooooo good! Lots of opinions out there, too. I looked all over the place for higher-end juice and ordered way too many already (around 1,000 mL). They range in VG from 50 (I fell for 5 pawns)-90ish. Can I smoke that range out of the same coil?

I'm sure I forgot something, but that is plenty to start!! Thanks so much for anyone who took time to read that and for any assistance they can provide.

Quick summary version:

This will be my first vape set up. I know little about the technical side, but have used vapes often over the past few years. I don't smoke (cigs). I think I want a regulated squonk w/ RDA (don't think the learning curve will be that bad), and plan to buy pre-built stuff instead of build my own if that's a thing. I need to find out what battery size and how many to use. Box mod is up in the air, and probably of least importance. Juice ranges from 50-90 VG currently. In the future, I will probably stay closer to 70. Don't let budget prevent a recommendation.  

Pmta Enforcement..

Ok so let’s say it’s Thursday morning September 10, 2020. What type of enforcement do you think we will see across the country to our local vape shops and online retailers? Will there be vehicles with FDA printed on the side speed into their parking lots ,screeching their breaks, and men in black suits running into them with large trash bags shoving products in them?

Well I know it won’t be that extreme. I’m just curious how it will all be enforced. Will the shop owners who have no idea what pmta is still operate until the fda sends them a letter to stop? How do you guys think the enforcement part of things will play out?