Fda 30 Day Deadline?

Every day I scour Google News for new news articles about anything related to restricting e-cigarettes and I have probably read well over 300 articles in the past month... On a few articles (probably only 3 or so) they have spoken about a 30-day deadline for the FDA... But I cannot find any information on when that started and when it ends, if in fact it actually even exists. Does anyone have any information about this?

for example:
With the CDC no closer to identifying a sole culprit (or even culprits) behind the epidemic, and with the 30-day deadline for the FDA’s revision of its guidelines removing flavored e-cigarettes from the market rapidly approaching, here’s what we know so far about the three different tracks of the vaping health crisis, and what public health officials are doing to try to slow the trains down.
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There’s Not Just One Vape Crisis — There’s Three  

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First Decent Article Re Vape Crisis

Honestly, this USA Today is one of the first articles I've read where someone is actually talking to some of the people who have experienced first hand serious health issues from the underground and worthy of a read:

Vaping illnesses: Crisis mixes teens, black market THC, no regulation  

Trump Responds To One Vaping Crisis By Attacking Another

Finally an article that says it wasn't related to vaping nicotine

Trump responds to one vaping crisis by attacking another
A marijuana-related vaping disease outbreak gave the Trump administration the perfect opportunity to tackle another public health problem: teen e-cigarette use.

But the two aren’t directly related.  

Breaking: Trump Administration Plans To Ban Sale Of Flavored E-cigarette Products

And so it begins......

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration said Wednesday it plans to ban the sale of non-tobacco-flavored electronic cigarettes amid a vaping crisis.

“The Trump Administration is making it clear that we intend to clear the market of flavored e-cigarettes to reverse the deeply concerning epidemic of youth e-cigarette use that is impacting children, families, schools and communities,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a statement. “We will not stand idly by as these products become an on-ramp to combustible cigarettes or nicotine addiction for a generation of youth.”

Michigan became the first state to prohibit sales of most flavored e-cigarettes last week in a bold move to curb the underage vaping epidemic. The ban, which will take effect in a few weeks, will cover both online and in-store sales of all e-cigarette flavors except tobacco.

Trump administration plans to ban sale of flavored electronic cigarettes  

Deeming Regulations Have Been Released!!!!

You can download all 499 pages of the regulations he https://s3.amazonaws.com/public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2016-10685.pdf

We liveblogged the reaction: Deeming Live blog | vaping.com

Clive Bates on Stanton Glantz and the junk science which got us he Professor Glantz brings his anti-vaping crusade to Europe – I review his presentation

Here's the reaction from US vaping organisations:

VTA: (via Phil Busardo) - http://www.tasteyourjuice.com/wordpress/archives/12809
AVA: Not yet
TVECA: Not yet

And from ECITA, UK org: FDA ‘Deeming’ of e-cigs – designed to destroy? | ECITA - Electronic Cigarette Industry Trade Association

Individual commentors

Mike Siegel: The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: My Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal Points Out Folly of FDA E-Cigarette Deeming Regulations & The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: FDA E-Cigarette Deeming Regulations are a Disaster for Public Health

Carl Phillips: Ecig deeming regulation — nothing new to see here

Rich Lowry: http://nypost.com/2016/05/09/uncle-sams-crackdown-on-e-cigs-will-make-it-harder-to-quit-smoking/

Sally Satel: What the US should learn from the UK's wisdom on e-cigarettes - AEI

Consumer organisations:

CASAA: CASAA: FDA Deeming Regulations: Release and Next Steps

Various articles
Washington Post: Why the FDA’s new e-cigarette regulations are a gift to Big Tobacco (and could actually harm public health)

Economics21: FDA’s New E-Cig Regs Will Kill

US News: What the E-Cigarette Black Market Will Look Like if FDA Stomps Industry

Reason: Government Officials Are Determined to Turn Vapers Into Scofflaws

PBS interview with Mitch Zeller: Skyrocketing teen use of e-cigarettes leads to new regulations

Clarityse: When two tribes go to war

Stock Transcript: The government crackdown is he What the FDA regulations mean for e-cigarettes | Stock Transcript

Science Explorer: FDA Announces That E-Cigarette Products Will Now Be Regulated Like Regular Cigarettes

NYT Health: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/11/upshot/e-cigarettes-are-safer-but-not-exactly-safe.html

Weekly Standard: FDA Moves to Kill E-Cigarettes

Think Tanks:

FEE: How the FDA Is Helping Big Tobacco and Encouraging Teen Smoking | Jonathan H. Adler

See also Sally Satel at AEI above

Brent Stafford (regulator watch): NO MORE CASUALTIES - VAPING BECOMES COLLATERAL DAMAGE IN WAR ON SMOKING - REG WATCH (E28) from Brent Stafford on Vimeo  

New York To Ban Flavored E-cigarettes Immediately

New York Moves to Ban Flavored E-Cigarettes by Emergency Order

Under the plan outlined by Mr. Cuomo on Sunday, the state’s Public Health and Health Planning Council, a little-known regulatory body, would be convened by the health commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker. The council would then issue an emergency regulation to ban the sale of flavored e-cigarettes, rules that would take effect immediately.​

Some Signs Your Child May Be Vaping Include....

While I fully agree that those under 18 should not vape... Who in the world writes this stuff??? lmao
Some signs your child may be vaping include, but are not limited to:
Increased thirst Desire for flavor Nosebleeds Acne Cutting back on caffeine Pneumonia Unfamiliar USB drives, battery chargers or spare parts in their rooms, clothing, bags, school lockers and around the home
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OMG!!! My kid drank a full can of Pepsi! He likes the taste of barbecue chips!! He got a bloody nose during hockey practice!! He has a pimple! He won't have a second cup of coffee!! He caught a cold!! And he has a new Nintendo DS3 charger!! ALL OF THE SIGNS ARE THERE!!! HE MUST BE VAPING!!!

And are any of the symptoms mentioned even remotely related to vaping??  

Please Explain To Me: Those Who Died, What Were They Vaping?

I apologize in advance if this is a question that has been discussed a lot, but the problem is that what I’ve read doesn’t seem to make sense: We know from experience that vaping PG/VG based juices are safe to vape, so I don’t wanna talk about that. However, when I read (in articles as well as here in the forum) that they have been vaping THC , I have to say that this kind of stuff has been consumed in vaporized form for quite a while now, probably since before people started vaping PG/VG. So it doesn’t make sense to me that all of sudden, vaping THC is killing people.
Do we have an explanation for these cases that actually makes sense?  

I Have To Stop Reading The News

I really have to stop reading the news.
Every single day there is a new article bashing and smearing vaping as a viable, healthy alternative to smoking the 'stink sticks' (I coined that yesterday, patent pending).
Anyway, it absolutely infuriates me when I read these one-sided articles that is backed by little to no research. Not to mention that these articles are most likely written with some sort of bias. Whether it be BT, BP or the numerous anti-smoking groups, very seldom do they actually ask anyone who knows anything about vaping and the initiative of the hobby/lifestyle and they sure don't interview actual vapers or want to hear the numerous stories of how vaping has saved so many lives.
They say they don't want to 'normalize or glamorize' smoking because it will make it more attractive to kids.
Well, you know what? The more you tell kids NOT to do something, the more they WILL do it. I know, I have 2 of them.
As a former smoker and now around 6 months smoke free, I detest smoking cigarettes. But having said that, I would rather see a kid puffing on a vape than on a Stink Stick.
So, yes, I can see the need for regulations, but the vaping industry does a good job with self-regulation and reputable businesses do not sell to minors.
But, kids will be kids and they will find a way to get their hands on cigarettes just like they do with alcohol.
Let's discuss and vape on!  

Vaping Use Prompts Trump Administration To Weigh Flavored E-cigarettes Ban

Trump Administration Weighs Ban on Flavored E-Cigarettes

Sitting in the Oval Office with Alex M. Azar II, the secretary of Health and Human Services, and Dr. Ned Sharpless, the acting Food and Drug Administration commissioner, President Trump acknowledged that there was a vaping problem, and said, “We’re going to have to do something about it.”

Mr. Azar said that the F.D.A. would outline a plan within the coming weeks for removing most flavored e-cigarettes that are not tobacco products from the market.

Pressure also began to mount as Michael R. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, decided to step in by announcing a $160 million push to ban flavored e-cigarettes. Long an opponent of traditional smoking, the former mayor said his organization, Bloomberg Philanthropies, would seek prohibitions of flavored e-cigarettes in at least 20 cities and states.

From left, Dr. Norman Sharpless, the acting F.D.A. commissioner, Melania Trump, President Trump and Alex M. Azar II, the health and human services secretary, discussing flavored e-cigarettes in the Oval Office on Wednesday.  

Nonexistent 'epidemic' Of Adolescent Nicotine Addiction

Here's an interesting read... and their analysis of the data the FDA used makes sense.
In the new study, University College London health psychologist Martin Jarvis and his co-authors argue that a closer look at the survey data suggests the FDA exaggerated the threat posed by adolescent e-cigarette use.
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The FDA Plans To Ban Flavored E-Cigarettes Based on a Nonexistent 'Epidemic' of Adolescent Nicotine Addiction