So Attached To Vaping... After The Ban Is In Effect... I Dunno

So I heard that the ban in New York will take effect even after the small delay. I'm wondering how I will be able to cope soon. Vaping for me does great things as it keeps me off cigarettes. But one major thing it also does for me is that it lowers my stress level and it relaxes me. Being that I have vaping I have no need to try other things that can be complicated. Someone once told me that my vape is like my pacifier because I always have it in my mouth and I turn to it whenever I am stressed and have anxiety. Truthfully it's terrible that I will be forced to use my pods because Juul couldn't keep their products out of corner stores and leave them for vape shops. When these kids have health issues they blame it on vaping when their parents ask them how it happened and they wanted a high out of school. Even though there is something called deep breathing and vaping isn't done that way I know it cools me off. Many times I was stressed and sweating because, I started to vape and it had it that I was finally able to feel the temperature of the air outside. People need to understand that going with this ban is All Or Nothing thinking, things one is told in therapy to avoid. Now that "it affected a minority" people take it away completely from those who are benefiting from it. Those who are banning - please use common sense - vaping is a lot safer than cigarettes and people are constantly dying from smoke. Vaping was the best thing that has possibly happened in a really long time. Tobbaco plants had a misconception that it was supposed to be smoked until technology introduced a safe method. If it was vaped from the beginning of time people would have lived much longer lives and more people would be born. Those who are cracking down please take this into account.  

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Vapers Are Fed Up

So, I think there has been a lot of back and forth as to whether vaping is really safer than cigarettes. We as Vapers know that it is safer because we have done the research. But I think in the eyes of smokers and non-smokers, they really don't know if it is safer. Sometimes it even has me questioning whether vaping is healthier. But then my sanity takes over.

This post was sparked by watching a video from Grimm Green just now. The first person I've ever seen to finally say that vaping is 95% safer than smoking. And quit with all the Bull Shi it, listening to anyone who tells you otherwise.

It's a shame that only vapers know it's safer. Everyone else can't be bothered to do the research. They just listen to all the mainstream BS! "Yea, vaping is just as bad, people are dying cause of vaping." "Yea, they're banning vape mail because it's the same thing as tobacco."  

Vaping Documentary Anyone...

Someone needs to produce a detailed documentary about the documented research about how safe vaping is. Hopefully that will give the general public as well as potential new vapers some education about what is safe and what isn't.

The contaminated products that are circulating on the black market are what's killing people.

Something of this magnitude needs to be put out in the media otherwise I'm afraid that this industry will die out and a lot of shops will go out of business. It's time to take action, the media has demonized vaping. It's come to a point where most folks can't vape in public in peace.

What are your thoughts on how to combat this issue? It's terrible what has happened to everyone that has been sickened or died as a result of vaping bad products. The CDC and FDA can't seem to get a handle on what's really the culprit and the media isn't giving us any details.

I feel perfectly fine as I've been vaping for almost 10 years now and I feel great in fact never better since I quit smoking cigarettes. Now I'm a bit paranoid and wonder if I should just give up vaping. This whole this is getting to me and I can't even vape around my family in peace now.  

4 Vape Shops Within Walking Distance Of Me

I live on the East Coast USA.

Walking down the street, it's hard to notice that vaping is taking off in any meaningful way, because most people that I see still smoke analogs, that includes both young people and older people too. I'm not going to judge them, because it wasn't that long ago that I was still puffing on an analog, and I had failed to see the awesomeness of vaping.

Besides myself, I don't really see too many people vaping outside on sidewalks. I vape outside in the same way that I'd smoke analogs before, so that means practically all of the time, and especially when I'm walking outside. I'm using a thin e-cig, so I don't usually get too many strange looks. I can imagine what kind of looks somebody walking down the sidewalk must get if they're using one of those big, fancy and shiny looking mods to vape with.

Just 6 months ago, there were no vape shops at all in the immediate local area where I live, and now there are 4 that have opened up, all within a very short walking distance of me (10 minutes or less). I'm pretty sure that a lot of non vapers who live here are walking past those stores every day and wondering, what the hell kind of store is that and why are so many of them opening up in this neighborhood?

One of those four stores will probably fail though, because their sign says tobacco/vape store, while the other 3 are dedicated to vaping only. A store can't be both in my opinion. That's a bit of a contradiction and a stupid combination to put it bluntly.

I've been to a couple of the vape stores so far, and in the short time that I was in those stores there were always new customers there who were smokers who were looking to start vaping.

So while I might not notice how popular vaping is by walking on the sidewalks, I think that it's safe to say that vaping is taking off big time with so many small vape shops opening up, and the amount of people vaping will only increase, because there's still a lot of smelly smokers out there who haven't yet given up on their cancer sticks.

And if this is happening where I live, then I bet that similar things are happening all across the country. Every small town should have at least one dedicated vape shop! I like the quick and easy access to all sorts of liquids and brands.

Just today, I was reading online about some premium liquids, and instead of ordering it online (I didn't want to wait), I had acquired a bottle of that exact liquid five minutes later, after sampling it quickly, and I was already at home and vaping it 10 minutes later.  

The Invisible Vaping Community

With so many debates about public vaping raging here, I started to wonder how many people around us are stealthy vapers?

People who vape at home and in their cars, but not out in public.
People that vape with a stealthy setup indoors - around the corner, in the rest room.
People that go outside and vape with the smokers.
People that use small devices with less vapor.

It was common to see posts here about people never having seen another vaper out and about only a short time ago. Now that vaping is much more mainstream and available, I wonder how many people around us are stealth vapers, getting their nic fix right under our noses? Thousands of ego and evod setups are being sold every day, yet very rarely do I see another vaper, unless I'm in a vape shop.

My guess is that stealthy vapers make up more than 75% of all vapers. They just go unnoticed. They might be standing right next to you.

The Invisible Majority?  

A General Rant To Clear My Frustration... ( The Ban)

I know this is useless for most of you and if the mods want to delete it please do but I am so frustrated with the media and the politicians and I have no outlet for this, so here we are.

I actually have never smoked or vaped (aside from a trial puff here and there), but my wife and mother both have smoked and do vape. I'm on here because I'm the research and order guy.

They switched from smoking to vaping in 2007 almost at the same time, so it's been 12 years for them.

My mom was a smoker for 50ish years, and as a waitress, she was at about 2 packs a day. She's always had fairly good health because she worked on it, but as she got older you could hear the "smoker's cough" develop and just see the symptoms of aging and the early signs of lung issues. One of her sisters has COPD and another died of lung cancer. She swapped to e-cigs and never had a relapse to cigarettes. Within a year the cough was gone. She is 75 and most people think she is in her 50s. She is active and in great health with only mild diabetes (controlled with diet and I think the minimum dose of a pill, no insulin). She has had chest x-rays and a few other exams and they doubt her when she tells them she is an ex-smoker.

My wife has a similar story. Lighter smoker for a shorter time, but same results. Better health, lungs fully healed from smoking. No side effects from vaping.

Oh and my wife's father was a huge smoker and used e-cigs to completely quit smoking/vaping altogether when the pills/patches/gum wouldn't work at all.

Now, they both utilize products from that resemble cigarettes and use the "light or ultralight" (I wanna say 1.8% or 1.1%... something like that) equivalent nicotine level. They don't have the giant boxes the "kids" use that produce a room full of vape smoke to be edgy and cool. They vape pretty much the same times they'd take a smoke break though I think less often really... I think they take fewer puffs maybe a little more often? I dunno, it's hard to remember since they haven't smoked in 12 years. My wife will hold hers casually hidden in her hand and get a couple puffs during movies and slowly let the vapor escape and NOBODY knows. Not even me sitting next to her.

Their health is so much better. My mom uses a plain nicotine flavor that tastes like her Winston lights did and my wife has a Menthol that tastes close to her Salem Slim Light 100s. Neither were fond of the fun flavors. I got some 0 nicotine grape the first year and puffed on it once in a while and it was neat (not really inhaling, more like a cigar or a pipe) and that was that.

I am so pissed off at the Trumps and the media for their generalized reporting and the banning of products. I'm pissed at the people/kids who use vaping like its a toy and fun hipster trend and got it banned from airplanes and restaurants. I look at my mom who most likely would have died of lung cancer or be on oxygen by now if not for vaping and I just want to punch these people in the face. How can single digit deaths, which I understand was using sketchy products anyway, trigger fear and a ban when the cigarette companies kill MILLIONS and cause cancer (to smokers and people who are adjacent to smokers via 2nd hand smoke) just have to put a warning label on their product?

Anyway, I'm rambling. I don't know where this goes. Maybe it'll spark discussion. Maybe it'll be deleted and I'll be told I'm an idiot. Maybe someone who isn't sure if vaping will help them quit smoking will see three success stories and take a step in the right direction. I dunno...

Fight the good fight people.  

"is That One Of Those Fake Things?"

Is there anything more annoying than when people ask you if you're "smoking one of those fake things?"

I had 2 people today talking about the fakeness of vaping and how it's worse than smoking blah blah. I told them that the only real thing about cigarettes, is cancer. I also told them they smell like .....

End rant.  

Kids Are Not My Problem, Who Will Think Of The Adults?

If people under a certain age are not allowed to purchase vape items, then what's the issue?

Just don't sell to any minors, and handle it like alcohol and tobacco. Go after any stores or vendors that break these rules and that sells to any minor and hit them with hefty fines or prosecution. Problem solved.

I reject the idiotic, false and unscientific argument that certain types of flavors are only suitable for kids. An adult is not allowed to like fruit flavors or desert flavors or any other type of flavor?

Do adults suddenly lose their sense of taste when they age, and they'll be content vaping poor tobacco imitation flavors and menthol for the rest of their lives?

I'm an adult, and my favorite flavors are custard type flavors. Just because I used to smoke, that doesn't mean that I should have to vape and like tobacco flavors. You don't ban all sorts of flavors and deny adults who are ex-smokers the opportunity to continue to be smoke free, just because they were lucky enough to have found and switched to vaping.

Sorry if I sound cynical, but so what if a handful of people have reportedly died because they were foolish enough to use blackmarket counterfeit items? Items that have zero to do with nic based vaping I should add.

How many millions of people die from tobacco related diseases?

Millions is a lot more than a handful last I checked, and the only thing that banning vaping and vaping related items will accomplish is to ensure that many more people will be added to the list of the dead as many will return to cigs and many current cig smokers will never make the switch to vaping, as the politicians seek to deny people the opportunity to stay off of cigs.

If they ever find a cure for cancer, I wouldn't be surprised if they ban that too, because 7 people happened to get some ill side effects from it.  

We Need Nation-wide Protests Against The Flavor Ban!!!

The news of a looming flavor ban is sickening! As an adult former smoker who used ecigs to liberate myself from cigarettes, I am appalled!

It is not my fault that kids are vaping flavors and nicotine intended for adults.
It is not my fault that people are vaping dangerous chemicals in THC mixes.
It is not my fault that people who lack knowledge about vaping consider it on par with smoking.

Parents need to own up to monitoring their own kids! These teens would be smoking cigarettes if they weren't vaping- just as they were doing before vaping came along. Teen smoking numbers are down because of vaping. It is this teenage generation's alternative to cigarettes. This should be part of our national conjecture on the topic!!!

We (legitimate adult users of vaping supplies) need to stand up for ourselves!!! There are millions of us.

Let us be heard!

We need to stand together and protest around our country on the same days/times to have our voices heard.

I say we all go to our local city halls and/or right outside of our workplaces near smoking areas on the same day/time with signs of protest to demand that our opinions be heard.

I also say that we compile lists of pro-vaping and anti-vaping elected representatives so that we may be able to vote our haters out of office!!!  

Question For All Those "only Vape Where I Can Smoke" People.

So this is a hypothetical Question... And I by no means wanna start a flame war.... or anything like that.

I just have a hypothetical for you guys who I have seen claiming they only Vape where they could smoke people. ( I am not taking sides here, as I usually only vape where I can smoke, but make some exceptions that I wont get in to here, as, Again, Not posting to cause trouble.)

I know a lot of users are Western world people but, there are some users that are international as well, such as me.

Lets say you really want a Vape, and your in, (Most common) An international Airport or something on your ridiculously long daytime layover, Or you ended up in the airport really early... or.. we could also say your in an amusement park or something.
Your options.
Vape in places where you cant smoke, such as inside the airport, or in a random place in the amusement park...(Maybe by stealth vaping)
Or go in to the often crowded 1x3 meter (If that), poorly ventalated Smokers room where all the others are smoking, and endure the noxious smell of various types of cigarettes stick to you, as you breath in air that is more toxic than car exhaust.

Not all people have the same conditions. a lot of places have rules that you are not allowed to smoke outside.
Do you still only vape where you can smoke, Thereby nullifying some of the health benefits of Vaping? Or does health play a more important role than the rules and perception.

Again, I am not trying to play a side here, or start a flaming war (Ill probably just ask the thread be deleted if it turns to that)
I am just wondering if your mind would be changed if you lived in a different situation and why?  

Pmta Question

Does anyone know if this sept 9th pmta thing will effect diy and if it does will the liquid nicotine cost go up? I'm thinking I should buy the nic now n worry about rest of diy kit later as many questions surround this new regulation ..Anyone know will it effect diy? Cause my emails are loaded with pmta blowout sales from major online vape shops..if there wasn't a ban here in NY I'd stock up! NY not only has flav ban but nearly all out vape ban! The shops I used to get juice at won't even sell me coils anymore! And their actually allowed to sell me vaping hardware but find it easier to just write "we no longer ship to NY" So some shops will n some shops won't..I've really had to dig around to get coils etc..that's why I'm starting diy but this by ban effected that too! River supply won't sell me 1 thing,Liquid nicotine wholesalers aren't sure n keeps saying they,ll get back to me n never do,liquid barn seems like they will,Delosi will n nude nicotine will..oh n bull city will but they don't have the nic I need.I'm pretty set on river supply smooth salt nic,LNW doesn't mention smooth or hit,Delosi just emailed me and said they never heard of that and nude nic has armor salt smooth but a lot more expensive than river supply or LNW. I've researched a lot about it because if gonna be making 25-50 mg salt nic I wanna make sure its top quality,clear n not peppery at higher MG's.I've ordered EJUICE salt many times n can notice a difference in the quality n even the buzz I get from diff eliquids. So should I play it safe n get the nic now ( somehow) or do you guys think it might not effect future costs?? Big tobacco really has us over a barrel with VAPING as akot of politicians have stocks in tobacco n Bg tobacco is very powerful n seems to have alotta sway over the government, meanwhile they all know its much safer n literally a life saving product and is the most affective way to quit smoking while still feeling like your still smoking but with a million times better flavor,evaporation or lingering odors..its all about $$ as it always is.I've never smoked but lost nearly entire family to lung cancer from smoking so I have a very strong n passionate feeling about vaping..I enjoy it and its not the nic that causes these deadly respiratory conditions- its the tar n poisons left in the wake of combustible tobacco. But we all know this but they continue selling ciggs everywhere with lil to no hastle,alcohol too and their using teen vaping crisis as their reasons n flavors! It already has adult regulations,especially ordering online you need a credit card and most vaping adult items don't apply to teens nor do they even know how to use these apparatus. Get rid of the 10$ disposables packed with high mg salt nic n sugar..Boom prob solved, now leave us adults be n let us vape if we want cause teens are gonna do what they want anyway.. I'd rather they not vape but compared to drinking,smoking n drugs( which seems lately easier to get) I'd much rather they vape but their not 21 so who's at fault for that? So ban the entire vaping industry kills 2 birds 1 Stone (no more teens vaping n no more worthy adversary to smoking) I'm sick of the control system and its all coming to a head especially in the US- I won't get into politics but that "IS" what this is all about.Send our damn second stimulus checks n leave us adults to decide for ourselves to vape or not weather its on a 15$ pod or a 150$ mod or a 35$ pod mod..There's so much to choose from but might not have any juice to put in them if we keep going in this direction.There's enough people unemployed now without going after vaping too!!! It relieves my stress to vape just like ciggs do for many people n right now I'm pretty damn stressed! Thank u for any advice or helpful comments about decent nic salt purchase guys..sorry to rant