I Don’t Know What Level This Game Is Being Played At

there are a lot of partial truths flying around. Everyone wants everyone else to take action before the actual facts are in. There are a lot of players and a lot of lives and a lot of money. People seem very willing to trade the lives of others for money or power.

The problem is the lives being thrown around are mine and those of others on this site. I’m not real happy about it and I don’t know what to say or do.  

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Prizes! 15 Millionth Ecf Post...

A little over 18 months ago, we held a prize for the 10 millionth post on ECF…

Well, I’m very happy to say that we’ll soon be approaching the 15th million post and, exactly as we did last time, we’ll have prizes for this landmark.

Our registered suppliers have been extremely generous, and we've a whole host of prizes up for grabs. So, the way this will run is...

We will have one main winner and a number of runner ups. The main winner will be the post we deem to be the 15millionth, and the runner ups will be every (as yet undetermined) number of posts afterwards. The winner will get the first pick of the prizes on offer, and subsequent runner ups will get to choose in the order they come through. How does that sound?

I can’t tell you how much it means to me that this site I started on a whim 7 and a half years ago has become such an amazing living beast; a community that has been responsible for the increasingly global phenomenon that is vaping.

It’s worth thinking for a minute about these 15 million posts. Among them are some of the most important conversations in public health history. I don’t think this is an exaggeration; Conversations that have led to new products, conversations that led to lives changed, conversations that in aggregate have played a massive part in vaping entering the mainstream.

The future’s ahead, and the conversation continues, but I wanted to take this moment to say thank you!

Oh, and good luck!

The prize list can be found he Prize List for ECF's 15 millionth post! | E-Cigarette Forum  

Stunning Facts

I smoked for over 50 years and it got to the point where I could barely breathe. I knew I had to quit but I also knew I had no will power to do so. Then 6 years ago I tried vaping and it literally saved my life. I still got my nicotine fix and could finally breathe easier and I was not inhaling all those harmful chemicals. I know taking anything into your lungs is harmful but vaping really is the lesser of two evils. And speaking of evils look at these statistics:
Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year
68,557 people died in 2018 of an opioid overdose
in 2017, 39,773 people in the US lost their lives at the point of a gun
In 2016, 10,497 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes
30,000 deaths were the result of domestic abuse world wide in 2018.
There are 2,200 alcohol poisoning deaths in the US each year.
so in the last year 631,027 died of unnatural causes, extrapolated over six years that is 3,786,162 deaths
1978 to 1995 a total of 37 Americans were killed by falling vending machines
There have been six confirmed deaths connected to vaping across the US
of these two were from lithium batteries exploding and not the vaping itself
and two were from people experimenting by adding dangerous chemicals to their e-cigarettes.
So in reality only two people died due to vaping.
and you pick vaping as a just cause. Really? where are your values and priorities?
more people die each year from choking or acts of stupidity than vaping.
Of all these causes you could get behind why are you picking the least dangerous and offensive one? I think it's time people learned to pick their battles.
so, 480,000 deaths by cigarettes and why doesn't the government care? Here's why, because for every smoker that dies a new smoker starts. And tobacco is such a cash cow the government doesn't want it to disappear. In Canada the average taxes on a carton of cigarettes is 65%, in the US the taxes are around 45%. That's a lot of free cash. But, if people switch to vaping there are no taxes associated with it. There are no health concerns, it is purely greed.
Here is the thing about statistics: you can make up anything you want or manipulate the facts to get your point of view across. Why? Because they can't be verified. So all the government does is use scare tactics and people are gullible enough to believe it. They have no scientific proof to back up their claims, it is all BS.
Vaping is a much safer alternative to smoking, so why don't they shut down the tobacco industry? MONEY!! MONEY!! MONEY!!
I will defend vaping over cigarettes forever.  

How Much Do You Spend On Vaping In A Month?

Calculated I spent 104USD on average for this three month,it’s some money due to me buying all the necessary mod and pod plus juice.

If my mod did not gave up on me I would spend 55USD on average per month,while using drop in coil which I am very happy about it...How much did you spent on vaping stuff and how much on average would you spent if you didn’t had to chip in on devices.

I didn’t do rta/rda because I had many working hours and I tried one rta,it’s just a hassle changing the cotton or coil and I am a lousy builder hence I use sub ohm tank  

Topside Wattage Going Down

I caMe home from work and seen my topside single was lit up on my dresser.I hadn’t used it in a couple days so I picked it up only to see that the wattage is going down non stop and won’t fire and it’s as if the wattage down button is stuck. It’s not though. I can’t find anything small enough to take the panel off so I pretty mad. Only
I’ve had Mabye 40 refills with this mod and never been dropped . Just use it on the weekends when I drive mainly that’s it . This is why I hate regulated mods. Anyone else have this problem? I don’t know why it doesn’t even come with a Alan key to
Take it apart.  

Anyone Have A Favorite Device Of All Time?

Mine is easily the kayfun prime. I’ve tried so many different devices but I always come back to that one. Not sure about my favorite mod, I’ll have to think about that one. I’d like to hear from you guys, what’s the absolute best piece of vape gear?  

Washed The Coil?

Hey guys I’ve been enjoying vaping for a few months now and I’m loving it.
I’ve learnt how to fix some leaks and backspits so I am happy with that .
But I have washed one of my coil cleaning it under tap water and left it to air out for a week cuz I used another coil at this time.

I’m not getting much juice and the cotton in the coil is quite hard. So I’m sucking mostly Heat vape
But it’s not terrible or anything?

What should I do ?

Kind regards  

What’s In My Shopping Cart

Hey all. Merry Christmas!!

I’ve been doing some research lately trying to get back into the real vape game (and out of the Juul games smh).

Looking for some compact devices both mods and attys. So this is my list I’m considering buying:
(Attached is the link w prices)
OBS Cube 80w starter kit
Voopoo Drag Mini 117w
Freemax Twister 80w starter kit w/
Vandy Vape Kylin M 24mm Mesh RTA  

Why Buy From China?

There is a lot of stigma around buying products from China and most recently I have been asked by many vaping friends. How I get my products so cheap...simple buy direct. They didn’t quite understand as they thought the products were either fake or 2nd due to the price.

So I’ve been recommending CIGABUY company I’ve used for over a year. I really cannot falter their fast shipping to the UK ranges from 4-7days depending on local delivery etc. Some say but I need coils now! Plan ahead its much cheaper and in the long run it will save you money.

I ordered two sets of coils for £19 and when I went to a local shop they basically wanted £30, but had a back log from thier supplier, 2weeks wait! Im not trying to put custom off the local shops at all just sometimes if you cannot get hold of coils it maybe easier. And most I’ve been too have recommended wholesalers. It wont put them out of business over a couple of sets of coils as I know only 20% of people choose this option. But for the likes of people who cant afford the higher expense its a good option

Hope this helps

See link CigaBuy

And have a good look round for more options happy vaping  

Anyone Down To 0% Nicotine?

Hi All! Sorry if this is long. This place is a lifesaver. I was a 30 year PAD smoker. Tried all the recommendations to quit. Resigned to smoking forever. I heard of vaping in 2013 and found this site. The day my Ego arrived in the mail on April 15, 2013, I put down the cigs and haven’t had a puff since that day. (I still smoke in my dreams every night.) I started out at 18 mg, and went up to 24 for a while. I vaped way higher nicotine than my cigs had, and much more often. I even took my Ego pen to bed and put it under my pillow to use through the night. No matter how much Nicotine I inhaled, I still went through the same withdrawals that I did when quitting cold turkey, or the gum, or the patch, or setting a timer between smokes. It was obvious I wasn’t withdrawing from nicotine. It’s from whatever chemicals are in the cigarettes.

Over the last 7 years, I’ve gone down from 18mg, to 12, to 6, and now 3. Not by choice. I was happy at 18. I started getting lightheaded, so stepped down the nicotine in levels. Not because I wanted less nicotine, but because my body couldn’t handle it. I’m now at 3mg, and starting to getting lightheaded from it. Next step is 0mg. I’ve no problem going to no nicotine, but after so long, I can’t imagine not having the inhale/exhale/hand to mouth repetition.

Has anyone gotten to 0mg and still vapes, or have you broken the habit?  

Premixed Vape Juice Shipping

With everything going on in the vaping world I was wondering if we’ll still be able to buy PG/VG premixed.
I buy premix PG/VG with nicotine already added so I’m wondering if I should buy 4 or 5 gallons to make sure I can get it.
Also I was told that if I buy a few gallons that I should freeze it or refrigerate it,is that right?
I sell mods and tanks so I have plenty to last years because I use to sell them on ebay until they ban selling them on the site.
I’m on private sights but don’t know what’s going to happen after April.
I live in New York so we already are have a juice ban so I mail it to a friend in another state and they forward it to me.
Now I’m buying premix so I can just flavor my own juice but I’m worried they might stop shipping premix PG/VG and then what will we do?
So any information on what’s ahead I’d appreciate your information. I’m new so I’m trying to learn how to find information on here.
Thank You