Im On Vacation Overseas And People Are Giving Me The Evil Eye

Im currently on vacation in a European country where it is illegal to sell ejuice containing nicotine.

I of course have my vape gear and my own ejuice with me, as that is not illegal.

The current anti-vape hysteria and fake news is not just contained to the US, as I have been reading about it and seeing it on the news here also.

With the way its being reported about in the news, youd think there was some huge epidemic happening, and vaping is the worst thing to come along since ebola or aids.

Ive gotten mutiple evil eyes from people here because I continue to vape like I always have, and I also make sure to blow extra super sized clouds whenever I encounter anybody who is giving me a disapproving look or stare, while I am smiling back at them and vaping.

As for the current fake news hysteria and propaganda, it is my understanding that the cases involve a substance that is not allowed to be mentioned on this forum.

I happen to know a lot about that substance and I also know that there is an awful lot of counterfeit and homemade carts which are on the market, and yes, some of them can definitely be dangerous, as all sorts of suspicious and dangerous ingredients can be included. Nobody has any idea what is inside those counterfeit carts

That however has nothing at all to do with vaping, or with people who vape and use regular ejuice.

If somebody drinks gasoline, then yeah, they might feel unwell.

As for me, Ill continue to laugh at fake news and the people who believe in it, and Ill continue to vape just like I always have.  

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Creating Good Fake News

I was just thinking of all the bad press vaping has received and how the news always reports the doom and gloom and most of it is not accurate. It would be sort of funny to reverse engineer fake news.

Did you hear about the blind vaper who regained his eyesight? Did you hear about the wheelchair bound man who could walk again after he started vaping? Did you know vaping regrows hair in balding men?. Did you know vaping reduces wrinkles?


How Are You Preparing For The Vapocalypse?

Here in Oregon we have several bills that, if passed, would more or less make vaping illegal in its current form, and I know this isn't just happening here. I have to wonder how far they will be able to go with the bans and regulations, how "effective" they will be and how best to prepare for them. I think it's likely they will make high concentration nicotine solutions impossible to obtain for consumers, so at the least, it's probably a good call to stock up on unflavored nicotine, especially considering that whatever ejuice they do allow will no doubt be taxed to the point of being unaffordable.

The rest of their proposed bans would, in my mind (hopefully) be ineffectual in the long term. They want to ban flavored ejuice, but if the juice is zero nicotine, I don't see how they could get away with that since of course they can't ban PG, VG, or flavors, they just couldn't get away with that, yet, and the same goes for things like kanthal and cotton/rayon, too many uses outside of vaping.

They want to ban online sales from vape companies to our state which we all know would be a devastating blow to vapers. As for mechanical/regulated mods and other gear, what's to stop companies from selling them with a disclaimer that they are intended only for ornamental purposes, or for zero nic juice. What's to stop a vape shop from renaming itself "Functional Mechanical and Electronic Galleries" who operate on the assumption that people only use their products to vape zero nic juice.

It's insane to me that in a country that glorifies alcohol abuse, and has finally started to see the light on decriminalizing ........., that all this hysteria comes up about vaping, which is possibly the most benign chemical someone could enjoy (probably better for you than caffeine) and has given millions a way of breaking free from a habit that is far worse... you think the world is getting somewhere, but then something new comes out and the same old ignorance and fear rears its ugly head all over again, which is in turn milked by our politicians and backed by big tobacco, it all seems to be coming together for a perfect storm and it's not looking good in Oregon.

Your thoughts, what are you doing to prepare? What do you think is necessary?  

Usa Leads The Planet In Vaping By Far

I was surprised by this chart that I recently came across.

It shows that the USA is the biggest market by far for vape products.

There are still over a billion, old fashioned tobacco smokers in the world. Vaping has been around for many years already, yet there are only slightly over 40 million vapers in the world, of which I am proud to call myself a part of that wise group.

With all of the anti-vape propaganda and nonsense taking place, it seems that there is a movement out there to keep those billion+ cig smokers hooked on their cigs and also to deny the 40+ million vapers out there the freedom and the choice to remain cig free.

I guess it's better that millions of people die from cancer, because vaping is just pure evil and the work of satan, or something like that. Oh, and think about the kids. Nevermind the kids who would previously just start smoking plain old regular cigarettes before vaping ever existed. That was never a big deal.

Here is the chart I found showing the top vape markets in the world.

And notice how there are no third world countries on the list? Isn't vaping banned in India? That's insane. That country has a huge population. How stupid of them. Their actions are contributing to the deaths and diseases of an awful lot of people.

And here is a link to the article which the chart came from:

How many people vape?  

Flavor Ban?

Hey friends,

So I was just reading some news on my phone and I'm seeing several articles about BANNING FLAVORED EJUICE within 30 days....?

If this happens will none of us have access to flavored EJUICE in stores or online? Will it only be banning flavored ecigs (like juul) ?

Anyone with any info on this topic please let me know.. in my opinion, the tobacco industries lost WAY to much money due to vaping.. and this is their way to get it back. I feel a lot of people would go back to cancer sticks.. we know for sure smoking causes cancer, so why gave they yet to ban cigarettes?

I'm worried for the whole vaping community but I'm still not sure of the accurate details.


Kids Are Not My Problem, Who Will Think Of The Adults?

If people under a certain age are not allowed to purchase vape items, then what's the issue?

Just don't sell to any minors, and handle it like alcohol and tobacco. Go after any stores or vendors that break these rules and that sells to any minor and hit them with hefty fines or prosecution. Problem solved.

I reject the idiotic, false and unscientific argument that certain types of flavors are only suitable for kids. An adult is not allowed to like fruit flavors or desert flavors or any other type of flavor?

Do adults suddenly lose their sense of taste when they age, and they'll be content vaping poor tobacco imitation flavors and menthol for the rest of their lives?

I'm an adult, and my favorite flavors are custard type flavors. Just because I used to smoke, that doesn't mean that I should have to vape and like tobacco flavors. You don't ban all sorts of flavors and deny adults who are ex-smokers the opportunity to continue to be smoke free, just because they were lucky enough to have found and switched to vaping.

Sorry if I sound cynical, but so what if a handful of people have reportedly died because they were foolish enough to use blackmarket counterfeit items? Items that have zero to do with nic based vaping I should add.

How many millions of people die from tobacco related diseases?

Millions is a lot more than a handful last I checked, and the only thing that banning vaping and vaping related items will accomplish is to ensure that many more people will be added to the list of the dead as many will return to cigs and many current cig smokers will never make the switch to vaping, as the politicians seek to deny people the opportunity to stay off of cigs.

If they ever find a cure for cancer, I wouldn't be surprised if they ban that too, because 7 people happened to get some ill side effects from it.  

Fui; No Online Sales After

tomorrow in Massachusetts I was told by Gary at MVS during the 4 month ban of vape gear while investigating why people in the US have gotten very sick or died from vaping NON VAPING related marijuana oil products.

So find your friends out of state or get online tonight to order your coils and juices.

Maybe the investigation should be why people in other countries haven’t been getting sick and why this is JUST happening now after a couple of decades of people vaping e juice. Could be something to do with the government and politicians trading in a multi billion dollar industry and let’s not forget the lobbyists errr donors.

And yes I emailed and called my knee jerk reacting guv Baker to express my embarrassment that one of the states with the highest quality Universities aren’t asking for FACTS.

Big Tobacco (and Pharm) and the governments reason of losing $7 billion dollars to people switching from known carcinogenic cigarettes to less harmful vaping products.

As more bans get put into place and more people get sick or die from contaminated black market ejuice and THC products.

Just as planned so they can point their fingers and scream - we told you it was dangerous!!  

More Media Madness!

Fox News (I already hated this news guy for other reasons) Notice at the end, right when the person defending vaping mentions THC, the news guy says "I'm out of time" Cut him off... just like that! Basically kept interrupting him the whole time (and giving him the classic "yes or no?" line)
Vaping trade association executive defends e-cigarettes  

A Tribute To Those Who Care

I want to say thank you to some of the ECF members that work to help keep the rest of us vapers here up to date on what is happening in the vaping world.

Thank you for what you do, it means alot. Whether you post studies, articles in the news, or videos, the information you provide has helped to educate and keep me up to date on the state of vaping. I think I'm not the only one that feels this way.

So here's to you, vape on, and thanks for what you do people.

@Puff2K @Baditude @iVapeDIY @zoiDman @bombastinator @Vapntime @classwife

If anyone has more people they would like to link to that would be great, I know I'm forgetting a bunch  

Quit Vaping For 2 Month, Made A Less Happier Person

I "successfully" quit vaping for 2 month. It actually wasn't that bad, I was able to fill the void with music/gum/walks. Right now I have 0 physical temptation to vape.

But there has been many stressful situations and I feel without the vape it made everything harder. To me, it's not that I had to have it, but it was something enjoyed. And taking it away made life a little less fun. It's like saying you can never eat candy or drink coffee again.

The only reason I quit was for the health benefits. I heard vaping can cause COPD but then I also hear it's a lot less harmful than smoking. But here's the thing that really demotivates one from quitting vaping:

We are not sure how harmful is it (if at all)

There are many other things bad for us in life, like air pollution, asbestos, etc. Is it worth giving up something that you enjoy for a marginal health benefit? I vape at a low wattage so I don't think I'm getting lots of formaldehydes.
I'm really thinking about going back to vaping. I think I'll vape a few more years and if news comes out by then that vaping is truly really bad, then I'll quit...

I don't know... it's not like we are going to live forever even if we don't vape/smoke/do anything unhealthy...  

I Have To Stop Reading The News

I really have to stop reading the news.
Every single day there is a new article bashing and smearing vaping as a viable, healthy alternative to smoking the 'stink sticks' (I coined that yesterday, patent pending).
Anyway, it absolutely infuriates me when I read these one-sided articles that is backed by little to no research. Not to mention that these articles are most likely written with some sort of bias. Whether it be BT, BP or the numerous anti-smoking groups, very seldom do they actually ask anyone who knows anything about vaping and the initiative of the hobby/lifestyle and they sure don't interview actual vapers or want to hear the numerous stories of how vaping has saved so many lives.
They say they don't want to 'normalize or glamorize' smoking because it will make it more attractive to kids.
Well, you know what? The more you tell kids NOT to do something, the more they WILL do it. I know, I have 2 of them.
As a former smoker and now around 6 months smoke free, I detest smoking cigarettes. But having said that, I would rather see a kid puffing on a vape than on a Stink Stick.
So, yes, I can see the need for regulations, but the vaping industry does a good job with self-regulation and reputable businesses do not sell to minors.
But, kids will be kids and they will find a way to get their hands on cigarettes just like they do with alcohol.
Let's discuss and vape on!