Do You Have A Special Place To Vape?

Hey everyone!
I was just wondering if you had any places that you like to vape at or that's just been really awesome!
I personally like vaping when I'm outside a lot more than when I'm inside.
I thought it would be cool to start this thread because I haven't found one yet and I bet you guys have vaped in some pretty cool spots!
Vape on and have a great day!  

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Question For All Those "only Vape Where I Can Smoke" People.

So this is a hypothetical Question... And I by no means wanna start a flame war.... or anything like that.

I just have a hypothetical for you guys who I have seen claiming they only Vape where they could smoke people. ( I am not taking sides here, as I usually only vape where I can smoke, but make some exceptions that I wont get in to here, as, Again, Not posting to cause trouble.)

I know a lot of users are Western world people but, there are some users that are international as well, such as me.

Lets say you really want a Vape, and your in, (Most common) An international Airport or something on your ridiculously long daytime layover, Or you ended up in the airport really early... or.. we could also say your in an amusement park or something.
Your options.
Vape in places where you cant smoke, such as inside the airport, or in a random place in the amusement park...(Maybe by stealth vaping)
Or go in to the often crowded 1x3 meter (If that), poorly ventalated Smokers room where all the others are smoking, and endure the noxious smell of various types of cigarettes stick to you, as you breath in air that is more toxic than car exhaust.

Not all people have the same conditions. a lot of places have rules that you are not allowed to smoke outside.
Do you still only vape where you can smoke, Thereby nullifying some of the health benefits of Vaping? Or does health play a more important role than the rules and perception.

Again, I am not trying to play a side here, or start a flaming war (Ill probably just ask the thread be deleted if it turns to that)
I am just wondering if your mind would be changed if you lived in a different situation and why?  

Vaper's Lip?

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Anybody else ever do this? Anybody willing to admit it or anything like it?  

Your Favorite Place(s) To Vape

Starting this thread with main intention for people to post where it is you enjoy vaping the most. Post that as a response and I, as OP, will be satisfied. If a particular situation matches that place, then feel free to note that.

As I enjoy vaping in multiple places and vaping everywhere, with respect, here would be my top places:

1 - vaping in my car while driving - at times I think this is the best place to vape, especially when I am driving alone. Feel a lot of freedom when vaping here.
2 - vaping at home while doing one of three things: a) watching sports on TV, b) playing a video game or c) how can I not mention vaping while visiting ECF
3 - vaping in public - in a hospital (makes the hospital experience a little better, and is one of the easiest places to vape indoors, with respect to others). Or vaping in any public place where I know I have full permission to do so. A bar would likely be prime example here, but I do not frequent bars, so not sure really and is why this is last on the list.

And you?  

Please Help Me!

Hi guys, I'm back!

I'm still vaping away, and happy as ever to be doing it. You guys might remember me, it's been a while. My mom died from lung cancer and I haven't smoked a cigarette since. But I'm humbly asking for help from the experts, because I'm at a loss.

I vape on a Vandy Vape Berserker MTL vape pen, and I buy the coils from or I vape salts, 24mg. This works BEAUTIFULLY for me. I'm satisfied, it's easy, I have zero interest in building things or using tiny screwdrivers or any of that. Maybe once all the little people in the house can use the bathroom without my assistance I'll have time to devote to coil building, but I digress....

So onto my issue... No one is selling the coils for this vape pen! It's out of stock everywhere and I am freaking out. I don't want to use pod systems, I live way out in BFE and don't want to constantly be waiting on shipments.

Can anyone tell me SPECIFIC devices to buy that 1. work with salts and 2. have coils that don't need to be built. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?!?! And dumb it down, talk slowly, I don't know all the lingo of the cool kids.

Thank you guys in advance. You all were very kind to me while my mom was dying, and I appreciate it so much.  

What Do You 'crave' The Most About Vaping?

Most people justify vaping to smoking because it's healthier, and to some, cheaper, but what is it that you enjoy most out of vaping? The nic fix, the shiny mech mods, the high powered box mods, the clouds?

Personally, I love the flavor of vaping the most, along with my house and vehicles not smelling like an ashtray. I'm sure a lot of other people can attest to this too, but having a big collection of gear is pretty cool, too. I figured there would come a time when I'd cut back on spending, but it seems like with the selection of vape stuff out there today, just makes me want more. It's like it never ends.

Whats your favourite part of vaping?  

Top Of The Pops Hitlist For E Juice

I had this thought yesterday. I'm pretty sure that the mechanics for such an idea is not currently in place, but it would be cool if there was a weekly or monthly Hitlist chart for e juice, just like there is for music, movies and other things.

The chart would track the top online retailers and also some brick & mortars that participate. That would cover most places where people buy e juice I believe.

Wouldn't it be cool to see what the #1 selling e juice in the USA is for this week? Wouldn't it be cool to notice if an unknown, brand new flavor made its way in to the chart for a certain week?

Everybody has different tastes in juice, and some juices that people boast about is the same exact juice that other people hate. Reviews are 100% subjective, but this chart wouldn't be, because it would be based on sales data and nothing else. It wouldn't tell somebody how juices taste, but it would tell somebody how much juices are selling compared to other juices, based on their chart position.

I would be more likely to test a juice that was high on the charts, instead of relying on somebody else's subjective review. Either way, I just think that it would be cool to see such a chart, and to have it updated every week or every month, just for the sake of curiousity and entertainment. It would also be a good thing for juice manufacturers in my opinion, because it could help to drive more sales for popular juices.  

How To Reduce Vape Consumption

Hey guys so I need help, I saw a post that some people vape around 2-4 ml a day but I definitely go through like 20-25ml a day, I pretty much just vape all day at 3 nic especially when home at computer I'll just sit there n vape away, how can I reduce using so much juice in a day? Obv the answer is dont vape so much but like how can I do that, maybe up the nic?  

Vape B2b

Sorry, do t know where to post this. Has anyone ordered from vape b2b before? They are out of China. Thoughts?

Sent from a cool but overpriced phone on TapaCrack at yo mama's house.  

Good Shop!

Mods - I assume we're allowed to mention good places to go because this is where I heard about The Grab Bag (Gainesville). If not, and I'm breaking some rule I don't know about, I apologize.

Queen's Vape on U.S. 19 and County Line Rd in Hudson. Anybody nearby, go check em out! Knowledgeable staff, cool environment and they have their own line of juice which is pretty good and priced fair  

Creating Coil Wire, Or Find What I Need.

Okay so my target is to get .12 ohms consistently, doesn't fall apart, 3mm diameter, 4 loops. Fralien has one I find is best for my needs. However, the cool down time is too long and its still cooking that wicking, because the size of the coil outside diameter.

I've tried a few coils, like this wire mesh stuff, 4 loops, 3mm etc, .14 ohms. This to me is very uneasy and just inky dinky.

Main goal is for quick .13 ohm 85 to 90 watts, 3.8 volts fire up and possibility of much less cool down time in case I want to chain vape. No I do not get hot spots or dry hits, but I do taste how the cotton life is, pure and hybrid with canna.