Vape B2b

Sorry, do t know where to post this. Has anyone ordered from vape b2b before? They are out of China. Thoughts?

Sent from a cool but overpriced phone on TapaCrack at yo mama's house.  

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Triton Mod

Hey everyone. I got my triton today. Going to load up 2 geysers on it, as it is a dual atty, parallel battery mod. My question is this, does this setup draw individual powers from a dedicated battery to the atty atop it, or is the parallel power running both attys, in which case what should I know about building my rdas for this setup? Can I have 2 different resistences, 1 for each rda? I did see this in a video and thought why would anyone do that? Also, does this change the allowable resistence? I'm using 35A batteries (mxjo) so the math suggests .12 as the lowest safest res single battery. (I rarely dip below .3). And no i don't want to start a discussion on whether or not those are actually LG's lol. I'm aware of all that hubub. Thanks!

Sent from a cool but overpriced phone on TapaCrack at yo mama's house.  

My Mod Has Been Held Up By Customs

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Do You Have A Special Place To Vape?

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I was just wondering if you had any places that you like to vape at or that's just been really awesome!
I personally like vaping when I'm outside a lot more than when I'm inside.
I thought it would be cool to start this thread because I haven't found one yet and I bet you guys have vaped in some pretty cool spots!
Vape on and have a great day!  

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Please Help Me!

Hi guys, I'm back!

I'm still vaping away, and happy as ever to be doing it. You guys might remember me, it's been a while. My mom died from lung cancer and I haven't smoked a cigarette since. But I'm humbly asking for help from the experts, because I'm at a loss.

I vape on a Vandy Vape Berserker MTL vape pen, and I buy the coils from or I vape salts, 24mg. This works BEAUTIFULLY for me. I'm satisfied, it's easy, I have zero interest in building things or using tiny screwdrivers or any of that. Maybe once all the little people in the house can use the bathroom without my assistance I'll have time to devote to coil building, but I digress....

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Thank you guys in advance. You all were very kind to me while my mom was dying, and I appreciate it so much.  

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Journey Of A Tainted Vape Cartridge: From China’s Labs To Your Lungs

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Journey of a Tainted Vape Cartridge: From China’s Labs to Your Lungs  

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Let's see yours  

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Journey Of A Tainted Vape Cartridge

Journey of a Tainted Vape Cartridge: From China's Labs to Your Lungs

I thought this was an eye-opening read, especially the part dealing with the Bao'An District of Shenzhen, China and a region near LA's Skid Row known as the Toy District. Also a nice breakdown on the THC distillates like Honey Cut, etc.

As you know, we legal nicotine vapers are really paying the price for the sins of others and the whole "kids and flavors" thing is just icing on a camel dung cake.
