A Bit Off Topic...but...

I know this sounds strange, but I just cleaned my computer (air dusted, took apart keyboard and cleaned, etc) and it seems a bit of cleaning sped up my computer.... webpages open much faster, the computer's more silent...overall a much needed thing. the only thing I can think of, is maybe the dust was causing the processor to overheat a bit and throttle down.

Relating to vaping.... It's much easier to clean a computer that has not been smoked around. This is the first time I've cleaned my computer since I smoked, and it was a whole lot easier. Many people don't realize how much the tar gets built up inside the computer, inside the heat sink on the processor. How much the dust clings to everything, the wires, etc. If you smoke around a computer, the tar gets sticky, and when dust gets around the inside of the smoker's computer, it's like a magnet for dust.

Come to think of it, I haven't had a bearing go bad in any of the fans in this computer since I've been vaping.

took it outside, used my air compressor and blew it off... it all came off and it now looks clean as a whistle. besides wiping the outside of the case, nothing needed to be de-tarred or wiped off.

The keyboard on the other hand... well.. I have a now 7 year old.. enough said.  

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