Lost My Vape, Had A Smoke, Was Surprised

I lost my sigelei 150 watt at the airport in taiwan before security.
Noticed it was missing after security (early morning flight, hadnt slept, was on the phone, doing too much at once i suppose)
Anyways, tried to figure out how to get it back by going back out through security.... But apparently, that was impossible, and no one spoke english, so I got super ...agitated... and before I blew up at the next person, I went in to the smoke room and bummed a smoke off some dude. (Cuz i was seriously agitated at this point). Dont get me wrong, i had had a few puffs post vape, but this is the first real full smoke I had. I am not posting this because ive worked myself up in to some guilt trip because I failed myself, I dont really care in that respect...I dont regret having one, because I might have ended up ... doing something bad at a foreign airport out of sheer annoyance and frustration.
Anyways, I remember, when I first started vaping, there was always ...something missing. Something...no there that was there with cigarettes.
Now, The cigarette, Burning my eyes and tasting terrible, and leaving a smell on my fingers that lasted for hours ...all that aside... There is now something missing with cigarettes.
If I had to name something... I would say that the wattage in the cigarette seems too low... or the ohms too high.... Or both, Kinda kidding, but its like that feeling... That coupled with the fact that the airflow is not enough and unfortunately, its not adjustable.... And... I kept trying to draw like i do with my vape, long and slow.... and no... i could only manage short pulls.
The point... Is I just find it weird that I definitely felt something was missing when I started vaping... Something wasnt there, but now, when I went back to smoking, Its like... everything is missing.

Needless to say, the remaining 12 hours of my journey home and to my house from the airport, I didnt crave a cigarette at all.

BUT MAN, when I got home... DID I EVER CHAIN VAPE!

On the upside, I already rebought the Sigelei, This time in Red, And stuck on Mechs till it gets here.  

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Subohming Vs Low Wattage, Got Me Thinking. What Would You Reccomend To A Newbie?

I remember when I started vaping 3 years ago, the transition was hard and I had many relapses. I started with stick style batteries which were far and different than smoking a cigarette. It was like sucking through a straw for 7+ seconds, with little vapor and throat hit/satisfaction at the end. It worked for a while then I relapsed back to cigarettes. I tried Ego-Batteries with 1.0-1.5ohm cartos/tanks, it came close but so many dry hits, and it still wasnt much like a cigarette so I relapsed again, then towards the end of last year, I picked up a vaporshark and started vaping <1.0ohm coils in tanks/RDA's and it got me hooked, it was very much like smoking a cigarette. 2-4second drags, throat hit, and nicotine delivery.

which comes to my second question, I know there is this whole thing of 'cloud chasers' and 'tootle puffers', but what kept you on vaping and didnt make you relapse? For the cloud chasers, was it the visual aspect? The hobby of vaping, the want to get more and bigger visuals out of clouds, or more throat hit and similarity to smoking with clouds just as a side effect? And for the tootle puffers, did you just get used to taking longer drags compared to smoking, have you tried subohming at high wattage and just found longer less direct throathit was more satisfying to you when compared to smoking?

it makes me wonder how people come to their desired vaping setups, if they came by them by trying to find something similar to smoking, or just fell into something completely new that they enjoy even more.

when I think of how I ended up at subohming on mechs, from starting on egos/30-40w devices. I believe it has to do with me chasing that way i used to smoke, 2-4second drags on newports. For those of you that subohm or low watt vape, what type of cigarettes did you use to smoke before you switched? this could be helpful information for people reccomending setups to those who want to make the switch to vaping.  

Question For All Those "only Vape Where I Can Smoke" People.

So this is a hypothetical Question... And I by no means wanna start a flame war.... or anything like that.

I just have a hypothetical for you guys who I have seen claiming they only Vape where they could smoke people. ( I am not taking sides here, as I usually only vape where I can smoke, but make some exceptions that I wont get in to here, as, Again, Not posting to cause trouble.)

I know a lot of users are Western world people but, there are some users that are international as well, such as me.

Lets say you really want a Vape, and your in, (Most common) An international Airport or something on your ridiculously long daytime layover, Or you ended up in the airport really early... or.. we could also say your in an amusement park or something.
Your options.
Vape in places where you cant smoke, such as inside the airport, or in a random place in the amusement park...(Maybe by stealth vaping)
Or go in to the often crowded 1x3 meter (If that), poorly ventalated Smokers room where all the others are smoking, and endure the noxious smell of various types of cigarettes stick to you, as you breath in air that is more toxic than car exhaust.

Not all people have the same conditions. a lot of places have rules that you are not allowed to smoke outside.
Do you still only vape where you can smoke, Thereby nullifying some of the health benefits of Vaping? Or does health play a more important role than the rules and perception.

Again, I am not trying to play a side here, or start a flaming war (Ill probably just ask the thread be deleted if it turns to that)
I am just wondering if your mind would be changed if you lived in a different situation and why?  

Five Years Smoke-free!

This past week marks 5 years since I smoked a cigarette. It honestly doesn't seem that long, it seems like yesterday I was huddled out in the cold at work with the smokers. I had been a smoker for 28 years.

Unlike many I see posting here, I cannot say vaping helped me quit. I quit cold turkey, and never tried an ecig until about a year after I quit smoking. At that point I was still doing well as a non-smoker, I didn't physically crave smoking, but I missed the 28 year habit of lighting up, having something to fiddle with, and just the relaxing feeling of the inhale/exhale. I had been eating a lot more to make up for the void, and having been underweight all my life I started packing on pounds (too many!). I sorely needed a non-food substitute for the comfort I was missing, but wasn't about to go back to smoking.

I tried a junky convenience store ecig after that first year, and thought "if this was what they were like than forget it". I continued on not smoking, but still missing the habit. About two years after that I began seeing the new advanced products coming out, and did a lot of research. I bought my first starter kit in 2013, and slowly advanced up to bigger and better gear.

People ask why would start vaping after I had already kicked the cigarette habit, and I say, "Why not?". Other than nicotine I'm not getting any of the negative things I got with cigarettes. And in my opinion, there's really nothing wrong with a little nicotine. Nicotine is not what was killing me, it was the smoke that was delivering the nicotine that was killing me.

So I'm 5 years smoke free, I no longer hack in the mornings, my chest never hurts and my clothes, car and hair don't stink anymore.
I have no intentions on giving up vaping, as it has no negative impact on my life, and i enjoy it, so why stop?

I have since gotten my son, my step-son, and his wife to all trade vaping for smoking, so bonus points for saving all their lives too!  

6mg Sub Ohm 0.2 @ 70w Too Much?

Hey guys,

I’m new to vaping. I have been a heavy 2 pack a day Marlboro light smoker for 20 years. I recently got into vaping and so far it has been an amazing journey!

I started with a small pod device (Caliburn) with 16MG nic salt. I found that I was still not able to quit smoking. I went back to my local Vape shop and got some 20mg nic salt juice, and that was too strong! It made me dizzy and confused and I just felt unwell. Even though @20mg I was getting a lot of nicotine I still wanted to smoke a cigarette.

On a whim I decided to give sub ohm vaping a try. I got myself a Lost Vape Thelema DNA 250c + a Freemax Mesh Pro 2 tank. I opted with 6MG freebase juice at 70/30. And sure enough it worked! I was able to quit smoking and have been smoke free for a week now!

My question though, is 6MG freebase nic @0.2 ohms (dual mesh), 70-80 watts too much? I feel fine for the most part and my cravings for cigarettes are under control. However from what I’ve read (and what the guy at my local Vape shop says) is that for sub ohm vaping you generally should stick to about 3mg of nicotine.

I know everyone is different, and you should do what works for you. But I’m just worried that with the large amount of Vapor I’m producing 6MG might just be a little risky.

I Vape quite a lot (200-250 puffs a day) and probably somewhere around 15-20ml of juice a day (at 0.2 ohms @ 70w the juice burns pretty quick). As mentioned above I generally feel fine. However sometimes I do feel a bit out of breath and like my chest is heavy. This could be gas (perhaps from inhaling so much air?). Or it could just be me adjusting from cigarettes to vaping. I don’t feel nauseous or have headaches.

Please let me know your opinions. Would really appreciate some advice from more experienced vapers!


Help Becoming Tobacco Free

So here's the issue. After about 5 or 6 years of bouncing back and forth between vaping and smoking, something has to give.

Now I don't need advice on thich gear to buy or which juice to buy because I have all that and and am usually equipped with my DNA mods, various RDA's and Breeze disposables. But my problem is that I live with and am i. A relationship with a smoker who has no desire to quit.

I usually do fine when I'm at work and can manage not to smoke with my vaping products. But when I come home and sit with her when she's chain smoking, I need a cigarette. I'll start by taking a smoke or two from her to buying my own pack sometimes and not vapimg again until the next day. Has anyone experienced this or have any tips to break the cycle? I definitely smoke a lot less than I used to but need to be done with the cigarettes for good.

Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk  

Can You Share Your Whole Tobacco Alkaloid Success Stories?

Hey everyone. Ignore my "days without a cigarette" ticker if it's still there; I haven't been back here in a while, and I'm going to reset it. Edit, 11/2/14: I reset it starting today. I vaped most of yesterday, but had a few cigarettes in the morning so I'm not counting it.

Long post ahead; if you want me to get to the point, scroll down to TL; DR: at the bottom.

I joined the forums almost a year ago, when I first got back into vaping, after the technology improved from my earliest attempt.

Without getting into too many details, I was gung ho, but failed at becoming a full-time vaper. I had a few periods of just vaping, the longest being a month, but mostly I've been a dual user or just plain smoker.

I had high hopes; I upgraded from my Evod kits to a Provari 2.5 with Nautilus tanks as a gift to myself as my quit date approached. I spontaneously decided that when I got the Provari and the tanks at the same time that I'd quit on the spot. I had plenty of juices that I liked the flavor of.

...But it didn't take. A low-level sense of panic-almost like a feeling of drowning which I felt in the back of my throat- would creep over me at certain points, and I knew that the only thing that would make it go away was an analog. With a limited budget, I started spending more and more of it on cigarettes.

I had heard of WTA, but I couldn't risk the money on something else that might go to waste. I couldn't risk sacrificing my budget and not having something to satisfy my demon- and for the longest time that meant a real cigarette. Withdrawal is utter Hell for me, a 2 PAD smoker. I can't concentrate, I'm irritable, and I don't even like myself. That's kind of a digression, though.

Fast forward to now. I had planned to go to a Native American reservation in my old home state to buy about 6 months worth of cigarettes (they're $2 a pack there). The trip would have cost about $600 all told. We had some unexpected expenses the day before my trip, and suddenly I was faced with a budget of $230- which meant I could either afford gas to get there, or some of the cigarettes at that price (if I could learn to teleport). The trip was off. There's no way to make my budget stretch as long as it needs to buying locally, even though premium cigarette prices are lower here than they are where I came from.

My lizard brain was going crazy at the prospect of the pain to come, until I remembered WTAs. I did some research, and things started looking better. Ultimately, I want to be a full time vaper, and if something can give me the missing link, I have to take the chance. I decided to go for it.

I ordered some flavorless DIY WTA, G.I. Joe, and Sahara from Aroma E-liquid, along with 2 more Nautilus tanks and a bunch of coils.

I really, really hope this works. I have no other prospects.

TL; DR: Sorry for the long explanation, but can any of you post your success stories of WTA, and how they finally helped you stop craving analogs, or made you enjoy vaping more? Feel free to really exaggerate. ;D I want to get as psyched as possible as I wait for my vape mail. Thanks in advance.  

Time To Go On Offense

Got approached by security guard today at work who directed me to the smoking area. Company just moved to a new office complex. I've always went out walking to vape in non-traffic areas. At this new place, security guard must of been alerted or something, must of followed me waiting for me to take a vape. Another fellow vapor in the smoking area said he was scolded too.

This is getting out of hand, not sure I can do the smoking area, smell of cigarettes just gets to me now. Thinking about trying the side walk, thinking side walk should be public right a way, should be safe there or not.

Seems like we need some offensive. Defense is getting us no where, regulations getting enacted without question. The standard is vaping allowed only in designated smoking areas.

I mean is this stuff bad for you or not!! And, if not, if they have no proof that second hand vapor is harmful to the general public, then what right do they have to make me inhale second hand cigarette smoke.

Heck, they should be thanking me for not polluting the corner of the parking garage they call the smoking area with butts and smoke.

End of rant.  

32 Days And No Traditional Cigs--not Seeing People Smoke Might Be Helping

hey All,

I joined here several months ago. Posted that I had done e-cigs for march to about June and then switched back to traditional and came back here for support and knowledge which I have received in spades here.thanks.

32 days ago I came down with low grade fever, 100.5 at most slights aches and fatigue..nothing major but certainly not ordinary. At the time I was back to 10-15 traditional cigs per day. But with the fever and fatigue I immediately stopped tradtional cigs--as I thought it could be Covid and honestly had no desire.

Turns out it was NOT Covid and in the 32 days I have had a total of 3 puffs from an e-cig in my desk drawer. I'm otherwise back to normal and only slightly crave a hit of e-cig and I know can use it I need it but the cravings only are short.

I think one part of this is with Covid and being in NYC--I'm not on the streets as much and I never see hardly anyone smoke or even vape. I do go to an office 4 days a week and the walk to the office is 12 minutes. And like a normal city--pre covid you'd always see people outside having a smoke or a vape and enjoying themselves and for me that's what kind of drove the cravings and addiction. now when I come home from work, I don't have a craving need.

After 32 days without a traditional cig and only 3 puffs of an e-cig --does that happen to people? In my head I have committed that I will be a non traditional cig smoker and if I need the e-cigs I'm fine with that. There is a slight concern that if we ever get back to normal and I " see" people smoke that might bring it back..who knows? Hopefully I am far along enough now that it wont' effect me. In fact I saw a bke messenger smoking at a stop light yesterday and just looking at the traditional cig kind of grossed me out. so maybe that's a good sign?

The benefits so far a my apartment and clothes smell normal. I have more energy and can breath better.

Maybe for me (and others) the visual appeal or or just seeing others enjoy a cigarette was part of the addiction?  

Vaping In Flights & Airports √

For a 25 yrs strong cigarette smoker it had always been my motive to fly only thru airports which had a designated smoking room / lounge. This is since the ICAO ruling came about “no on-board smoking” internationally somewhere in 1999 (smoking in domestic flights was banned in 1988, with all flights becoming smoke free by 1990 in the US).

I also took to avoid long-haul journeys and invariably chose flights with a stopover. Basically got down midway to smoke! Upon switching over to ‘vaping’ things were no different. I still took stopover flights ~ to run to the nearest smoking room and vape!

However, with changing times - and worldwide acceptance / awareness to vaping - things have started to look promising for us vapers! Most folks now seem to understand that vaping is not ‘smoking’. So, as long as you don’t blow arrogant clouds you might be able to get away vaping at most airports today, even while comfortably sitting anywhere, not specifically in the ‘smoking zones’.

Things you should consider (while vaping at airports):

I am a frequent traveller. Fly around the globe - and have successfully vaped in every airport, even where smoking areas are not available. There is however a caveat: we should not be arrogant. We should remember that even today many folks consider vaping akin to an act of smoking. Thus, if anyone asks you to stop, stop you should, without going into discussions about 'how it is different - and how it is not harming them’. That discourse could cost you your connecting flight if nothing else!

Packing your vape gear/s right:

Accepting the fact that you should not 'blow clouds’ it’d be wise for us to leave our RDAs and Mech Mods behind and pack just an Ego with a Clearo instead. 99% of airports have no issues with e-Cigarettes in our hand baggage, unless off course they look like something else (does Innokin Coolfire II ring a bell?).

A cigalike is our safest bet (remember there’s never a ban on carrying cigarettes on board!), will thus pass thru without a/ny questions asked. An Ego or a 14500 mod (looks like a cigar!) is fine too ~ but so is also a box mod. B’coz a box mod could be construed as an “External Power Bank”, for our cellphone and the like/s.

Packing our e-liquid/s:

ICAO regulations specify that liquids in 100ml containers (max) could be carried on board. And they need to be carried inside ‘see thru’ plastic packets of size 1L (max), which is a standard sized ziplock bag. So, this is the packet where our e-juices should go. A 10ml bottle, or two, should suffice the ‘in flight’ urges, right? The filled clearo could remain attached to our Ego, no problems there, and could remain inside the backpack / laptop bag.

Don’t carry expensive gears:

For the simple fact that many nations, especially in the Middle East, ban use of e-cigs in their countries, thus their Immigration Officials might confiscate your gear upon arrival (tho I had no problems carrying my vape stuff thru United Arab Emirates’ airports). So, an Ego lost would always be better than handing over my WAE-II (Wizards Apprentice Evolved) or Provari, right? Let them thus be safe in our "checked-in" baggage!

Vaping inside the flight:

If you’re lucky you might find the seat beside you vacant. In which case vape along! The trick is in going super stealthy. Don’t blow much vapour out. A cigalike works out the best. Even for an Ego / Clearo combo try and inhale slowly ~ keep most of it within yourself ~ and gradually exhale the rest inconspicuously.

Myth: Vaping triggers the on-board Smoke Alarm! ~UNTRUE!

Have you noticed the flight crew spraying Aerosol inside the cabin just before landing? Happens with most flights - thru most airports. If that didn’t trigger the alarms how could our vapour do?

I thus took it upon myself to check. Vaped inside the on-board bathroom (many times) midway thru my flight. And bingo! No alarms. I didn’t even try concealing my exhaled vapour - didn’t mellow it down - and blew straight out. No problems!

Yes, it’s worthwhile to note that I didn’t use a RDA with a mod. Thus the vapour exhaled was not as thick as it’d be under regular practice. But I wouldn’t be carrying them on-board anyway, would I?

Airport Vaping Zone/s:

Things are definitely looking brighter, for us vapers! Heathrow airport (London) has recently installed (2014) a “vaping zone”. The first, and only one, of its kind. It’s a pretty nifty feat considering that Heathrow has a “no smoking” policy inside the airport. It might just be a matter of time before others follow suite. NJoy are you there? Hint, hint



So yes, vaping in the airports and within the flight is possible. We need to just remember that courtesies play a big role in it. Vape for your nix-fix, but not for sporting clouds! Leave that extravagance for your vape meets and cloud comps or at home. Avoid being a nuisance and respect the choice/s of a non-smoker beside you ~ the same way as you’d like him to leave you alone with your vaping escapade.

It's wise nonetheless to find a quiet corner and vape without drawing much attention. I have done it - and even with some travellers noticing me - none objected! Btw, I've noticed a few more vapers in the airports - and had a conversation with them too. O' yes, most of them are on ECF as well, if not on their local vape forums!

Folks, pls post your flight pics and stories too  

How Much Nicotine Am I Getting Per Vape Hit?

Okay, so I Vape in very “precise” ways but I cannot figure out how to calculate (do the proper math) on how much I nicotine I am consuming. Can someone help? I have been vaping the exact same way daily for a long time, but still don’t know how much nicotine I get (just an estimate) per session because I suck at math...

1.) I vape 3mg (3mg of nicotine, per ml of juice) of nicotine using a “Smok Nfix” that holds a 3ml pod of nicotine juice. So that’s 9mg of nicotine, per pod.

2.) I set the wattage to exactly 22W on the vape, always, and it is a MTL pod device.

3.) I take EXACTLY 5 puffs over a period of 5-10 mins. Every puff is EXACTLY 5 seconds. Sometimes only 4 seconds, but just say 5 to make it easier. I use my watch or phone’s timer to make certain the timing is exact. I inhale the same way every time. So 5 puffs X 5 seconds, per puff, equals 25 seconds total for each vape session. After those 5 puffs, I don’t vape again (at all) for 1-3 hours, just depending.

....But how do I figure out how much nicotine I am getting in those 5 puffs? I know that in my Nfix pod there is 9mg of nicotine, in each pod.

I also believe 1 full pod (3ML) gives approximately 325 seconds worth of puffs, with each puff being only 1 SECOND. I only tested this one time so I am not certain, but it’s an estimate.

Can anyone help me do the right math here?
I also still smoke ultra light Marlboro cigarettes (from what I read on multiple sources you only absorb about 0.5mg to 0.7mg of nicotine per cig on the ultra lights) but only 1-3 cigarettes per day.
But I am wondering if my 5 puffs on the vape (5 puffs @ 5 second each) is even remotely close to being equal to an ultra light cigarette that has about 0.5mg nicotine per cig?
Thanks, I suck at math so if anyone can help lol