Contacting Joyetech For Customer Service?

Has anyone had any luck contacting Joyetech's customer service?

I have this atty from the eGo1 kit that leaks like crazy and I'd really like to see about getting it fixed and/or replaced.
I've emailed them twice now with NO response!  

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A big thankyou to Jamie at

The 50ml glass bottle of dragon punch that I had ordered arrived on Wednesday and disaster the bottle was smashed to bits

Emailed them late on Wednesday afternoon and got an almost instant response, new bottle posted out and was received today (Friday)

This was around the fifth order I have placed with them and the first time anything has been damaged, really impressed with their fast response and excellent customer service

What is their juice like? Well dragon punch my Mrs is absolutely addicted to the stuff and with my latest order tried another of their juices black ninja and yes she loves that one as well!

These guys and there juice are quality, give them a try you won't be disappointed.  

Council Of Vapers "aris"

so i have a COV ARIS atty that i bought about a year ago. i took it apart to try to increase the airflow, but got sidetracked on that project and put it on the back burner. Fast forward 6 months and i go to start the project again but i had lost the insulator to seperate the center post from the atty body. i tried contacting COV with no luck. Anyone have any ideas on where i could get an insulator for this? or if i could possibly make one?
thanks in advance

Pissed. - My Turtleship V3 Firing Pin Broke And The Store Wont Find A Replacement. Please Help

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I am so irritated at the customer service there. I have spent well over a couple grand on crap from them over the years and they basically told me "oh well, that sucks, buy a new one"

Im hoping that someone on here can either help point me in the right direction of someone to talk to that makes the Turtleship V3 Mod, or someone that might have a replacement part. It cant be more than a couple bucks for the little piece. I would of expected them to contact the manufacturer and just give me the replacement pin for free.

Once I have the money I am going to buy something like a hexohm or similar 100w box mod, but until then, I need to fix this, and plus I want to have it as a back up for if my boxmod goes out and needs to be fixed. Given that, I have a seperate question on who you guys think has the best customer service and warranty for box mods? What are the "flagship" devices on the market with all the bells and whistles and most reliable / durable build design?

Thanks a lot for any help you guys can offer as far as being able to get my mech mod fixed. Id have to just throw 200 bux in the trash.

Help! :/  

Lucky Ruckus Vape Shop

I just wanted to say that I am very pleased with the customer service from this company. I ordered a pinoy mod from them (Scud mod) last week and I actually received a phone call the next day to let me know that they received my order and that it will be shipped right away. The owner was very pleasant to talk to and seemed interested in what I had to say about vaping. I have been vaping since 2009 and good customer service is very important to me. Once the device arrived at my mailbox I realized they added two 30ml bottles of eliquid free with my purchase. I have to say I am very pleased. The product came wrapped very well with no chance of it being damaged. I will order from them again. The prices are also very good. I just wanted to put this out there.  

Coronavirus And Ordering From China

I was going to order some stuff from fasttech and saw this on the website.

"Service alert: the ongoing coronavirus spread is placing China under defecto lockdown.
Local labor policy currently prevents staffs from returning to work as scheduled.
Customer service is available with limited capacity at this time as we work from home.
Shipping is now expected to resume normal service on February 10, 2020. More details to follow"

Is anyone worried about ordering from China?  

Where Are The Joyetech Aio D22s?

Hello Everyone,
Been looking for my favorite vape the Joyetech AIO D22 pen. All the sites say they are either out of stock or discontinued. Does anyone knows why and if they are coming back? After all these years would hate to have to find a new vaping device.
Enjoy PaulCincy.  

Joyetech Ego One Setup

Just as a toy I ordered the Joyetech eGo one 1100mah battery and the clearomizer. The performance of this thing is awesome. Im using the .5 head and the battery is full charged and it is putting out crazy vape. Assembled it is about the size of my ipv v2 by itself. This thing is tiny. I loaded The Gentleman's Reserve and the flavor is great. Finally a nice little poket setup for me.

Fully charged this is putting out 35w

Where I ordered it:
Electronic Cigarette | E Cigarette | myvaporstore  

Google Ban Vape Product Search ?

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