Advice For Build

Hey forum folks. I got lucky enough to win beyond vape's monthly prize and chose the neptune V1 hybrid mech mod. It will be making its way to me soon but in the mean time I need to get all the various goodies to make use of it. I need some recommendations for battery, battery charger, and dual coil build for the 3post rda that is built into it as this is my first rda and mech mod.

Thanks in advance  

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Mech Mod Coil Build

Hi. I have just purchased the heavy hitter mech mod.
The coils I bought are wotofo .28 dual core fused claptons.
It is a asgard mini RDA, it will be a dual coil build , so resistance should be .14
Will a Samsung 40t battery be ok with this build.
In regards to saftey and amp draw.

Hybrid Mech Mods

Anyone know of any hybrid mech mods? (Direct atomizer to battery connection)  

I Think I’m Ready For Mech Mods!

Hey Guys,

I have been wanting to use a mech mod for quite some time now. But I didn’t want to rush into things, given that they can be dangerous if not used properly.

To prepare I have studied ohm’s law and have a pretty decent grasp on it. And have a calculator app on my phone.

I have checked out Mooch’s battery recommendations and have a good idea of what batteries to use and which to avoid.

I still do have a few questions I was hoping an experienced Mech user could help me answer:

- What would be the “sweet spot” as far as resistance and safety go for a dual coil set up? Obviously I want to go as low as possible and have a hard hitting vape. But I also want to be safe. I plan to use a dual 18650 Parallel mod (The Clutch X18). I would be most likely be using Sony Murata batteries as I cant find any Samsungs where i live. I’m thinking somewhere around 0.17-0.2? Or would it be safe to go lower than that? I will of course test my build on an ohm reader and regulated mod before throwing it on the mech to be safe.

- Are there any other general safety tips? Ive heard that you want to screw the Atty down all the way first, before inserting the batteries. And then insert the batteries. And when removing the batteries i heard you want to slightly unscrew the atty first, and then carefully remove the batteries? Can anyone please confirm if this is correct.

- Is its safe to chain vape on a dual 18650 parallel mod? When I say chain vape I mean like maybe taking 5-6 big hits back to back. Then waiting 3-5 minutes, dripping some juice and then doing another 5-6 hits.

- Is there anything I should be monitoring while I’m vaping? Like the heat of the batteries? From what I’ve read, the batteries drain quite fast on a mech. And after some experience you will just kind of know when they need charging because the vape experience changes. Is there anything I’m missing? Or something i should be looking out for?

- I can only vape in my kitchen. And sometimes there might be a little bit of water on the counter from someone’s drink sweating, or drops after someone washed their hands etc. Is this a risk? I will of course do my best to keep all surfaces dry. I’m not talking about large amounts of water or submerging or getting the mod really wet. But just what one might find on a kitchen counter.

- Any other tips you could throw my way would be great!

Thanks in advance!  

Nichrome Melting In Triple Series Use

So I built a twisted build out of nichrome 60 wire and tried it on a triple series 18650 mechanical box and it melted the coils why won't nichrome work with any series boxes 8.4 volt melted 12.6 volt melted but I can build a .06 nichrome build and run it on my mech tube mod and it handles it I can build .15 and run it at 150 watts on my Sigelei and it handles it but bump up the voltage and it melts don't get it. I ran a .30 nichrome build at 260 watts on a SMY 260 and had no failure of the coil so I'm puzzled why a series mech box desemates the coils?  

Mech Mode Problem With Ohms Law

hi all i have created a build dual coil with 27gauge wire 5 wraps, i dont have an ohm reader to read the ressistance , and i want to put it in a single 18650 mech mode. Do you think its ok to do it like that ?  

Hybrid Modification For An Rda

Hello All, I have a question regarding the modification of an rda adjustable positive pin to work (better & safely) with a hybrid connection top on a new mech I purchased. The mod is not a true hybrid since it has the flush sitting 510 threaded top cap without a pin inside, allowing the atty to make direct contact with the battery.
My question is, can you take out the adjustable positive pin and put a kind of insulating "washer" between the pin and the negative threads to ensure the outer threads do not make contact with the positive terminal on the battery? I would also like to put a better, wider pin in that will make a better connection and not indent the positive terminal on the batt. Anyone have any advice for this?  

Making Variable Voltage Battery Powered Supply For Silver Plating Small Parts Need Help

I am not sure where this should go but this was the best place I could see. Anyway I need a bit of help here it should not be too hard. I am look to build a dual 26650 variable voltage cordless power supply for electroplating small parts . I need to be able to vary the voltage from about a .5 volts to 3.5 volts if it possible average voltage about 2 volts I would like it to compensate as the battery runs down a bit don't have to perfect but just help it keep the voltage steady so it will need to have a volt meter I see those all over in the diy mech mods
So I want to use a dual 26650 battery sled
A 1 amp usb charger port
I need a project box big enough
digital volt meter
I would think a mosfet to vary the voltage with a potentiometer
resetting fuse
and I would guess A piece of that project board stuff with all the hole in it like a for building stiff like this on I can't for the life of me remember what they call that board I built small projects on this stuff when I was kid so that was some time ago LOL it just a board with lots a little hole in it it's a sort of a PCB

I have a basic idea for this thing but last time a built any kind a power supply it was in high school and I am 53 now so I am rusty as Hedouble toothpicks LOL. So I really use a bit of help from someone that is good with this stuff I am sure I can build it that not the problem is getting the right values and wiring diagram and finding sources for the parts I sure one I have a wiring diagram and the values I can google most of that stuff but tips pm someplace maybe you got stuff from that has good prices and don't take a 100 year to ship LOL

In the end this will be the power supply for a silver plating with I have hope to maybe add some little videos picture and stuff of it. this will be kinda fun and I want guys to see how easy and cheap it is to electroplate silver for your box mod so when I done with the power supply I will do a tutorial help fold out in return for help with this
I will be doing stuff like nickel silver platinum. even gold plating

Any help with this would be great if it works out maybe I can plate some small parts for you as a thanks  

Voltage Sag

An online vape shop here at Greece at the description for dotBox Dual Mech mod says"

"Switch to Parallel Mode for longer Vaping time and exceptional power from two 18650 batteries".

The dotbox dual mech has the option to select series or parallel connection via a switch.
I send them a email that this doesn't apply (for the same power output always),for example 0.1 ohm coil in parallel connection and 0.4 ohm coil in series connection.

Two batteries in series provide the same amount of watt hours a parallel connection does.

The vapeshop replied and told me that the description is copy and paste from

QUOTE from dotBox Dual Mech - dotmodretail
"Last Longer. Switch to Parallel Mode for longer Vaping time and exceptional power from two 18650 batteries".

The vape shop also said that the voltage sag at parallel connection is spread out over the two batteries in Parallel.Thus more vaping time than using a series connection.

Okey I made the calculations for voltage sag using for example two Sony VTC5A 18650 batteries with a DC Internal Resistance = 18.6mOhms (0.018 ohm).

I got the same voltage sag 0.378 V in both configurations (0.1 build in parallel-0.4 build in series).

Am i correct or am I missing something?(i'll send to the vape shop the link for this thread so they can read your opinions because i think they believe i'm talking bulls..t!  

My First Build

Just finished up my first build using 24 Guage kanthal with 9 wraps. It's a dual coil build that came out to .49 ohms. It's not the best looking build but for my first attempt I guess it's not too shabby. It was built on my mutation x v4. 40-45w was about as high as I could go before it got too hot for my liking. just wanted to share it.  

Someone Help Me.

Hello everyone. I have a problem. I'm gonna need some help to get through this, I may not even make it. Who knows?

I'm addicted. Not the good kind. The kind that costs money... The kind that makes my long hours at work perish with the swipe of my debit card... I'm addicted to.. Upgrading.

So I'm in need some some help from the best of the best with you guys. I'm looking to upgrade! I'm currently looking into going from my istick50w and Subtank Mini, to a mech mod and rda. I'm gonna start my way with single coil builds, and go up to dual. I am thinking I have about $100 I want to work with, so can someone make some recommendations?!

I already have some cotton and kanthal from my rba with the subtank. I'm just looking for a good starter mech and battery set up, with a pretty decent rda. Now, since this is my first, I'm not biased at all against clones. I welcome them! As long as they are decent quality and get the job done, so be it!

But here's one catch: I don't really like shiny stuff, oddly enough. I mean brass, or really shiny silver. I don't like scratches that stuff seem to get in my pocket. I love stuff to look perfect all the time!

So any help or recommendations are greatly appreciated! I have no idea about batteries or their chargers, but I'm more than willing to educate myself.